
WHINE is served

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      I’m so sorry Eleu! That’s horrible 🙁

      ‘n lol Wampus! Either that or put pink lights on it and when people ask it’s a Valentines tree, and look at them like they’re weird for not knowing what a Valentines tree is XD

      The tree is not up but the red, pink and white lights are up on the porch and in the house! (lights ALWAYS make me feel good…)

      twindragonsmum 😉

      You’re my hero 😀


        *giggles* Thanks kaytana :bigsmile:

        twindragonsmum :bigsmile:



          And that’s why I hate telling you things mom. You always blow up about things.

          I’m sorry that I ended up getting pregnant before we got married. True it’s sooner than we planned/wanted, but I’m not getting any younger.


            And that’s why I hate telling you things mom. You always blow up about things.

            I’m sorry that I ended up getting pregnant before we got married. True it’s sooner than we planned/wanted, but I’m not getting any younger.

            Wait…what?? CONGRATS, PEGASI!! If it makes you feel any better, I think that’s wonderful news!!


              Yeah, that’s what I thought I saw too.

              Congrats Jana!!!!


                Thanks. I’ve know about three weeks, but I haven’t said anything yet because I was waiting to tell my parents first.

                My dad said we might want to move the wedding ASAP. Mom said she was crushed and she thought she had raised two adults (referring to me and my brother – I have no idea why she brought him up). She said she didn’t know who she was more mad at: him for not using protection or me for going off my birth control.

                I knew she was going to take it badly considering how she took news of our getting engaged badly. She has a different picture of my how my life should be and I keep doing things that don’t fit that picture.


                  Thank you for the kind words about Lily everyone. It was very hard for me to take. Lily did her job though, her owners Laurie and Craig always loved animals, but Craig never wanted to deal with a cat because of the litter box. The day Lily passed, it was Craig that said to Laurie they needed to go to the shelter and bring Thomas home. (They volunteer at the shelter every week and know the animals). Lily would be proud to know that now two cats have been adopted because of her. I got to meet Rhayne and Thomas on Monday, it’s obvious how loved they are, and how much Lily is missed.


                    Congratulations Pegasi! 🙂


                      My Whine of the Month:
                      I’ve been missing having an aquarium. They relax me like you wouldn’t believe! So, about a month ago I bought a new one and set it up on a table near my bed. At night I unwind with a book in bed while watching fishies swim around.
                      When the tank was ready to sustain life my hubby and I went to Petco and got 4 female guppies and 4 males. One of the females was very pregnant and three days later I had a little nursery of 32 adorable little tadpole-looking babies! SQUEE! About a week later I notice a white spot on one of the adults. The next day many white spots. So I simply treat their water with Ick medicine which usually clears that right up. Several days later they ALL are covered in spots, even my precious little baby fish. The medicine is not working!! Then they start dying one by one and I notice that their big fancy tails are gone. I’ve been treating them for Ick and it is NOT Ick. So I bought a small tank and transferred the babies and have been treating them with the correct medicine, but out of 40 total fish, I have just 8 babies left (for now, sadly) and one adult (who I call Typhoid Molly). I’m really steamed at Petco. :angry: I spent a small fortune on what was supposed to be a relaxing hobby just to spend hours a night changing fish water and watching 2 dozen fry die in an expensive habitat that is now contaminated with parasites. Some relaxing hobby. I has an angry.


                        I’m going to be 53. :p

                        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                        (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
                        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                          Congratulations Pegasi! 🙂

                          Happy Birthday Bodine! :party:


                            Skeeterdee, I’m really sorry to hear that, would Petco refund you/replace the casualties? I know that it doesn’t take away the trouble that it’s given you, but it would be a new start…


                              Sorry to hear about your fishies Skeeterdee. For all of the dedicated and truly animal-oriented people that work at Petco, there are lots of employees that simply have no idea of what they’re doing. A friend of mine used to work there part time, because he loved reptiles and bugs and kept many himself. He ended up being the only one on staff (including the managers) who would even touch them, so he was the only one that fed them or cleaned their tanks. He ended up coming in on days where he wasn’t scheduled to make sure they were well cared for. He ended up working in the fish section too – only to be told he wasn’t allowed to use store stock medication to treat the store’s sick fish!

                              He was also appalled at the people that came in wanting to buy animals but having no idea how to care for them, and unwilling to purchase the proper habitats/vitamins/etc. He had one customer who was very bent out of shape that he essentially refused to sell her a turtle – when she wanted to put it in an aquarium full of water as she believed turtles had no respiratory system and didn’t need to breathe air!

                              Not to whine too much; I’m glad you and all of the other forum members I see talking about their pets here do everything to take care of their critters. Best of luck with the fish that survived through this ordeal, I hope they bring you many relaxing views through the tank!

                              Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                                Does anyone here know how to clean a tank out after a parasite infestation? I’ve never dealt with an illness worse than Ick, so I’m not sure what to do from here. I don’t want to just drain it and rinse it, I’m afraid it might harm new fish. I have live plants and driftwood in it and I’m not sure how to uncontaminate it all. Anyone have advice? I’d love to start over with just a couple guppies (from a different pet store location, just in case). Should I call Petco and tell them that one of their tanks has a harmful disease? I got the impression that the employees who got my fish for me didn’t know much about aquariums, they were surprised to find that the water was warm!


                                53 is a great age Bo. Right in your Prime!!

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