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      Ack! I hope it gets better soon!!!


        Ouch!!! Stitches in the footie – been there, done that, have GREAT empathy and sympathy for you! Heal quick!

        twindragonsmum 🙂



          Snow storms heading this way . Don’t need it . But it looks pretty.


            Monday . Not my faverite day . Ugh .


            Monday . Not my faverite day . Ugh .

            Totally seconded. Getting up for my 5am shift this morning was particularly BRUTAL.

            But I actually hated Friday more… it was a Murhpy’s Law Day.


              Had 30 hours of work a week added to my already 37 hours a week schedule.

              Not sure how to keep all the balls in the air! Whee!


                I gotta run to the bank to cash a check in the icky cold and snow!! *whimperwhines* I don’t wanna go out in that stuff! but if I don’t I can’t pay my phone bill o.o stupid responsibilities!

                Edit whine: And because of this over abundant snow, I might not be able to go out dancing tonight or tomorrow night with the bf!! I haven’t been dancing with him in *too long!* I think once this year? … we usually go every weekend I’m at his place but life has gotten in the way. I miss my dancefloor!!


                  So sad today. Some of you may remember my posting about the little kitten who’d been in my engine and was lost when she ran out. Then I’d found out later a neighbor had adopted her and given her a loving home the very day she’d been lost. Little Lily who was found in the lily bushes was put to sleep today. She had been sick and was taken to the vet, after doing tests they decided to do an exploratory surgery and found inoperable tumors surrounding her intestines. She was only about 8/9 months old. She was well loved with her family for the 7 months they had her, and she was the first cat for a dog loving family. Her mom assures me that Lily’s gentle ways have convinced her they will always need a cat in their lives. They adopted Rhayne shortly after finding Lily so they would each have a friend, now little Rhayne is alone. I’ve been crying all afternoon.


                    So sad today. Some of you may remember my posting about the little kitten who’d been in my engine and was lost when she ran out. Then I’d found out later a neighbor had adopted her and given her a loving home the very day she’d been lost. Little Lily who was found in the lily bushes was put to sleep today. She had been sick and was taken to the vet, after doing tests they decided to do an exploratory surgery and found inoperable tumors surrounding her intestines. She was only about 8/9 months old. She was well loved with her family for the 7 months they had her, and she was the first cat for a dog loving family. Her mom assures me that Lily’s gentle ways have convinced her they will always need a cat in their lives. They adopted Rhayne shortly after finding Lily so they would each have a friend, now little Rhayne is alone. I’ve been crying all afternoon.

                    oooh I’m so sorry! that’s always hard 🙁 Hugs*


                      So sad today. Some of you may remember my posting about the little kitten who’d been in my engine and was lost when she ran out. Then I’d found out later a neighbor had adopted her and given her a loving home the very day she’d been lost. Little Lily who was found in the lily bushes was put to sleep today. She had been sick and was taken to the vet, after doing tests they decided to do an exploratory surgery and found inoperable tumors surrounding her intestines. She was only about 8/9 months old. She was well loved with her family for the 7 months they had her, and she was the first cat for a dog loving family. Her mom assures me that Lily’s gentle ways have convinced her they will always need a cat in their lives. They adopted Rhayne shortly after finding Lily so they would each have a friend, now little Rhayne is alone. I’ve been crying all afternoon.

                      oooh I’m so sorry! that’s always hard 🙁 Hugs*

                      🙁 Many more hugs 🙁 I’m so sorry

                      twindragonsmum 🙁



                        So sad to lose a little kitten . I lost a cat who only lived for over a year . She was so sweet . I know I’ll see her again . I knew she wouldn’t live long too . But she pasted away in a loving home .


                          Oh Eleu…That is such a rags to riches story. In rescue we know exactly what happens to unloved kitties. At least Lily was loved from the word go, she had what most cats dream of…a warm home, plenty of food, fresh water, and a butt scratch here and there…I’m sorry for your loss, and your friends’ loss. At least she taught them to love cats, and that is her immortality…her lasting love through changing their lives. I hope time heals your heart…big hugs to you tonight…

                          Wampus Dragon

                            Note to self:

                            Take down the Christmas tree this week. The neighbors are probably confused by now.


                              I’m so sorry Eleu! That’s horrible 🙁

                              ‘n lol Wampus! Either that or put pink lights on it and when people ask it’s a Valentines tree, and look at them like they’re weird for not knowing what a Valentines tree is XD


                                I’m so sorry Eleu! That’s horrible 🙁

                                ‘n lol Wampus! Either that or put pink lights on it and when people ask it’s a Valentines tree, and look at them like they’re weird for not knowing what a Valentines tree is XD

                                The tree is not up but the red, pink and white lights are up on the porch and in the house! (lights ALWAYS make me feel good…)

                                twindragonsmum 😉


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