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      I’m so sorry, Pam, but that is truly *snerk-worthy*

      *SNERK!!!!* Does that make you a gram’ma?

      twindragonsmum :bigsmile:



        Pam – That sounds disturbingly like a Twilight novel…:D


          Update: so, yeah, it’s his gallbladder. Apparently a side effect of the gastric bypass we didn;t know about, since there were no gallstones on the 1st ultrasound in January. And it’s inflamed and has to come out ASAP, because if one of the stones migrates into the bile ducts, the surgery goes fromeasy to difficult. So yeah…there’s like 5k I don;t have. sigh. Why does all the bad crap seem to happen in december, when all the money is gone to holidays, insurance deductible just rolled, and FSa account doesn;t roll for another month?

          God, I had my gallbladder removed in like 10th grade. Out of the blue, I had the worst attacks ever, it felt like intense heat burning up and down my chest plus back pain so bad it was like someone was stabbing me. It was the worse pain I’ve ever felt. And it took the doctors forever to figure out what was up, so I had like 6 months of painful attacks before I had surgery. But I learned something, perhaps this will be helpful to your husband. The bile stored in the gallbladder is primarily used for breaking down fats. I started watching what I ate (STOPPED going to IHOP and fast food entirely!) and avoided fatty foods, and I still had some attacks, one or two a week, but it wasn’t every frickin night and I could back to school. If he has to wait awhile for surgery like I did, this might be a good idea.


            Lost out on a thing I wanted so badly , so achingly badly . I stupidly thought I had it , that it was mine and now I know what a fool I was . This has destoried my Christmas . I hate bidding wars .


              Update: so, yeah, it’s his gallbladder. Apparently a side effect of the gastric bypass we didn;t know about, since there were no gallstones on the 1st ultrasound in January. And it’s inflamed and has to come out ASAP, because if one of the stones migrates into the bile ducts, the surgery goes fromeasy to difficult. So yeah…there’s like 5k I don;t have. sigh. Why does all the bad crap seem to happen in december, when all the money is gone to holidays, insurance deductible just rolled, and FSa account doesn;t roll for another month?

              Murphy’s law. I know what you mean. This year has just been full of pain and suffering, and right when I think it’s over, nope. It’s back. Hope your hubby is doing okay.

              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                was given the link to this store where I bought an Gold Old Warrior:


                well they said that UPS would send me a link when it ships to track it….well that was Friday, it’s still sitting as pending on the website…

                so I called the number on the site, it isn’t in service anymore but tells me to call another…this number gives me a guy who says that business has been gone since March(the place was in a mall)…tried again, got a bitchy lady who told me they were gone and hung up when I asked for more info…I contacted Aggie’s through the contact link then and I’m waiting to hear from them…

                so now I’m at a loss of what to do, whine whine…sure I can just wait it out and see what happens, perhaps they still do business through the site but I’m all worried….

                4 things I'm looking for:
                1. Mother Meerkat
                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                  Aggie’s was in the mall near where I live. They went out of business earlier this year, and when they did they sold all their windstone stuff…so yeah, not sure why they still have an online store, cause they sold all their merchandise. sorry that’s no help.

                  Keeper of the Fledgings


                    So, just an update, Hubby is much better after his surgery. Still tired, and a little weak. He keeps trying to say it wasn’t major surgery, but whenever they take an ORGAN out, yeah, it is. Stubborn man. but just to top the whole miserable cake off of 2011, I got a terrible cold complete with laryngitis, and couldn’t talk for like 3 days, and my son has his 1st ear infecntion! Yay! What a fun year! Sigh….

                    Keeper of the Fledgings


                      *hands chocolate* It’s almost over.

                      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                      Sun Dragon Koi #3


                        My 8-year-old Christmas tree has an infection that gets worse each year…blown bulbs. I’ve already changed 40 this year and there is still a band across the middle of the tree where the lights are out. It almost looks like the string is unplugged or a bulb is out of the socket, but nope.

                        It all started when I decided to use a timer to turn the tree lights on and off one year. That year took out an easy 100 bulbs. The next year I used the timer again and lost about 150 bulbs, but I figured out the connection. I don’t know how many lights went out last year because the ex-husband had the tree and I doubt he changed a single bulb. This year it’s looking like another 150.

                        The sad thing is I have spent more on replacing bulbs that I did when I first bought the tree. The tree was a little more than $100. Each pack of 10 bulbs is $1. You do the math.

                        I will still keep the artificial tree though. I’ve already kept 8 trees from being chopped down just to be a decoration for a season.


                          *little whine*

                          I don’t wanna go to work today and deal with the last minute angry gift shoppers!

                          “WHY are you OUT of THIS product that is on SALE?! It’s IN your SALES FLIER!!”

                          “um….because it’s been on SALE ALL WEEK and it’s the LAST day of the sale on the LAST day to buy presents for Christmas?”

                          I hear this one all the time on Saturdays, not just during Christmas.


                            *little whine*

                            I don’t wanna go to work today and deal with the last minute angry gift shoppers!

                            I don’t want to go to work today either but for the exact opposite reason! Since it’s xmas eve, NO ONE WILL BE THERE (except homeless). Why is the library even open on xmas eve? It’s going to be sooooo boring with nothing to do!


                              Talk to one of the homeless people. That can actually be extremely interesting. Do be mindful though. Not all, but many, people who live on the streets have some personal problems. So be aware of your boundaries and personal space. I have had some amazing conversations with homeless men and women. Their stories are usually as fascinating as they are sad.

                              I have a weeny whine.

                              Been very mindful of being “PC” and wishing people a Happy Holidays this season. Every single person I’ve said “Happy Holidays!” to has responded with “Merry Christmas to you too!” And after all the rants I’ve been reading online about how people don’t CARE what other people say, I was just starting to think it was silly.

                              So I went to pick up an art print from a local artist as a gift for my mom, and as I thanked her for meeting up with me, I just went “ah fuggit” in my head and told her to “have a Merry Christmas!”

                              Her response?

                              “Thanks, and Happy Holidays to you too.” (emphasis hers)



                                Last week my hot water tank died, today my beloved computer. So I run out to the only store that’s open- Walmart -to get something, ANYTHING to connect me to the interwebs. What is the only thing they have in stock on Christmas eve?? A neon blue netbook. I can’t live without my daily LOLcats.


                                  My turn for a little whingeing and grembling… Me boyohs are growing up to fast. Tomorrow they go take their drivers license tests. To be honest, I feel very left out of a lot of things family wise. It feels like a “good ole boys club” with Roddy and said boyohs and there are days they just up and dissapear without letting me know where they are going or even THAT their going somewhere. Meh.



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