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      My dad passed away 3 years ago and it would have been his 54th birthday today. There’s an air of sadness today and I’m on “auto-pilot, just walking around in a daze. Miss him!


        I’m ao sorry, Briteblades… Many hugs to you.

        twindragonsmum 🙁



          So this year continues to give…bad luck. My dog lost her eye, my other dog died, my cat needed a very expensive dental and teeth extraction, my aunt died, I had to help clean her house *shudders* it could have been on Hoarders and yes it was that bad, maybe worse, I’ve had technology issues all semester at work, my internet has been out at home for 3 weeks total in the last month, I lost power and water for 2 days, and now…my car may be dead. 🙁 It is my very first car, and I love it. For 16 years, I got to drive the car of my dreams, a Chevy Beretta, and now her electrical system might be failing. I’ll learn more tomorrow.

          I can hardly wait for this year to end. It’s just been one giant stink fest.

          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
          Sun Dragon Koi #3


            🙁 I sure hope 2012 is the complete opposite for you, setsunawolf!


              Whine about losing out on 3 oriental dragons this month . Heartbroken . I some how doubt I’ll ever get one .
              Yeah I’m feeling sorry for myself . Darn it . LOL


                So, have had a really bad couple weeks. Between family troubles, and the first holiday season without my father in law who died in April, I had to take my son 3years old, to the ER 2weeks ago for tummy pain. He was crying hysterically from when the pain started at 2am, until we left the hospital at 9 am, only to find out he was constipated. Oh yeah, to the tune of a couple grand. Now at the ER again right now, this time hubby is having severe abdominal pains. It,s 4am now. And since he had gastric bypass earlier this year, they’re worried it’s some complication as a result of that. Sigh. So if I start selling off wind stones again, youll know why.

                Keeper of the Fledgings


                  So, have had a really bad couple weeks. Between family troubles, and the first holiday season without my father in law who died in April, I had to take my son 3years old, to the ER 2weeks ago for tummy pain. He was crying hysterically from when the pain started at 2am, until we left the hospital at 9 am, only to find out he was constipated. Oh yeah, to the tune of a couple grand. Now at the ER again right now, this time hubby is having severe abdominal pains. It,s 4am now. And since he had gastric bypass earlier this year, they’re worried it’s some complication as a result of that. Sigh. So if I start selling off wind stones again, youll know why.

                  Keeper of the Fledgings


                    Update: so, yeah, it’s his gallbladder. Apparently a side effect of the gastric bypass we didn;t know about, since there were no gallstones on the 1st ultrasound in January. And it’s inflamed and has to come out ASAP, because if one of the stones migrates into the bile ducts, the surgery goes fromeasy to difficult. So yeah…there’s like 5k I don;t have. sigh. Why does all the bad crap seem to happen in december, when all the money is gone to holidays, insurance deductible just rolled, and FSa account doesn;t roll for another month?

                    Keeper of the Fledgings


                      Sorry to hear that life is beating you up! 🙁


                        Well, he had the surgery, and at least it went well, so he’s okay. One good thing, right?

                        Keeper of the Fledgings


                          Just got the holiday blues . Very depressed . Can’t wait for the holidays to be over .


                            I totally hear you about the bad stuff always happening in December. This week the bottom rusted out of out hot water tank. Last night I washed my hair in a bucket of water that I heated on the stove. :tired: The good news is that my father in law bought us a new one for Christmas and it will be here in an hour!


                            I can relate people, we just had the electric fence charger for the horses decide to die, can’t get a new one until the end of the week, meanwhile that means we have to go string up barbed wire, which I hate & was trying to avoid using. However, since Twilight & Red both went walk about last night & were out all night due to it being impossible to see a black & sorrel horse in the pitch black of the countryside. We have to do something, since Twilight is a sneaky little brat & tests the electric fence so she can make her escapes, taking the other horse with her.

                            We also are out of hay, & wood & have to spend the day getting both. The kids want the Xmas tree up, so I gotta clear out a space for that & go get it out of the cellar…never gonna get to go have fun today, & our friends Mike & Karan have asked us out to dinner…can I skip all the rest of this stuff & go play??



                              It is so easy to get overwhelmed this time of year .
                              Find a funny movie to watch on the dvd player . A little laughter helps and it gives you time to relax too .


                                I have a termite-sized whine.

                                I live in an apartment so we have those apartment style mailboxes outside. Each one is a little compartment with a little locked door on the front, and the postmen access it by opening a larger door on the backend that gives them access to everyone’s little mailbox compartments at once. What the mailmen seem to forget sometimes is that if a package is able to be forced into the mailbox from the backend, even though it still technically fits into the mailbox, it will not be able I come out through the front end. There is an inward-facing metal lip around the opening of each mailbox compartment, so packages have to be smaller than that to get out. My package wasn’t. And it was a nice heavy-duty cardboard box. I had to “chew” my way into the exposed end of the box with a razor to extract it’s contents, and then had to literally shred the leftover empty box to get it all out. But I am happy to report that there were no other complications, and my mailbox is now the proud mother of a healthy little plastic dinosaur.

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