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      Ugh, I can’t stand touching dead things; I’d have ‘danced’ as well! 🙁

      In Florida I shook out a giant flying cockroach from my shoe. I jumped on the bed, ‘danced’ and screamed. It ran to the balcony and flew off.

      I was exploring my back yard with a flashlight at night. Luckily I was exploring slowly because I almost walked into a giant (from the clothesline down) spiderweb complete with giant spider. I got the heebie jeebies and did a ‘dance’ and thanked my lucky stars I stopped just short.

      May the wind lift your wings." ~Stasher


        I once put my foot in my shoe only to find… a LIVE mouse. Much worse than a dead one. It was hiding from my very evil cat child Yuki. For a mostly white cat he has a very dark soul.

        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
        Sun Dragon Koi #3


          Oh oh! I have a fun gross dead mouse story.

          Our cat killed a mouse and left it on the porch. Me and a friend were playing in the backyard (we were 13 or 14) and raced each other back in. I stepped in what I thought was poop of some sort, trying to figure out what it was. My foot had all this red stuff and chunky white bits on it. The mouse was totally gone too! Splattered into oblivion.




            Had to clean a putrefied mouse corpse out of a wasp trap when I was about 15. First nervous breakdown!


              Shudders. You just reminded me of the putrefied squirrel corpse I had to clean put of my grandma’s gutters. It had died sometime in the fall, frozen for the winter, and I got to clean it up in the spring. Blah.

              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW

                Thawed-out Squirrelcicle…. [barf]


                  my long deceased male used to leave mice heads around the yard, not sure why he wouldn’t eat them but ah well….

                  I did find a really weird thing many years after my outside cats had passed….went out to water the plants for my mother while she and dad were away….well I noticed what looked to be a bird that had bonked into my mother’s windowed sliding door…well I got a bag to pick it up and beneath it was another bird, this one with an obvious hit the window broken neck…I think the first one hit and died and the mate stayed with him/her until it died too…

                  4 things I'm looking for:
                  1. Mother Meerkat
                  2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                  3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                  4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                    This day has sucked and then sucked some more. And when I thought is could suck anymore guess what more suckage! Thank god I’m home.

                    Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                    Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                    Sun Dragon Koi #3


                      I have three cats of my own, all rescues and 100% indoor cats. I take care of three to five strays outside, three who stay around all the time. I feed them, do flea treatments for them in the spring/summer/fall and built an off-the ground thermal cat shelter for the cold months. Luckily, I’ve not had the issue of needing to get vet care for any of them in the three to four years I’ve been taking care of them.

                      So yesterday, I notice one of my stray boys has a swollen face, I poke at it, see no wound (I was worried some neighbor brat shot him with a BB gun), made sure he eats so I cant tell it isn’t his mouth or a tooth problem, and give his scruff a good squeeze to make sure he isn’t dehydrated.

                      I come tonight from work and he is dripping pus and blood. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Everywhere does not even come close to descibing it. Half his face looked like it was covered in bloody applesauce. So I catch him, bring him to the spare bathroom inside, set up the room with food and litter, and use a cleanser to flush out his wound. He has a tiny little puncture, probably from a cat fight, it is so tiny, but it probably put out a half cup of blood and pus when I finished flushing it. Covered half his poor kitty face in neuosporin, and now I get to make a nice, expensive appointment with the vet =P At the very least he will need antibiotics. But the plus side is when I was feeling around his face, I couldn’t find anything hard like a BB. And the poor little dear purred the whole time, probably did feel nice to get the swelling down. I hope my regular vet will cut me a break since I bring my actual pets, three cats and two dogs, there.

                      Most of these strays came from the neighbor next door, who left his house to his ex wife with everything and everyone in it. So she opens the garage door and lets all his dozen plus cats out and never even gave it a second thought. I adopted one for my own, found two younger ones homes, and feed the ones who are still around. But everytime I see that b*tch I want to smack her.


                        OMG that poor kitty! Makes me want to cry! So thankful someone like you cares enough to take care of him, I can’t imagine the pain the poor boy was in 🙁


                          sounds like an abscess. my boy cat had one on the base of his tale…koko and i drained it….it was horrifically gross, I gagged a bit.


                            Definetly sounds like an abcess. Have had at least three kitties turn up with the same issue. It’s nasty!

                            And the desicated mouse wasn’t even the worst “dead critter” issue I’ve had….lots of cats over the years means lots of dead things…or not quite dead. Last spring they brought a live mole into the house. The dog started playing with it in my kitchen! And then we realized it wasn’t dead yet! Yech!
                            And rabbits…and snakes under the bed…dead rats on the bed…a live flying squirrel once….boy I’ve certainly seen a lot…you’d think I’d be less squeamish about the dead ones!

                            Keeper of the Fledgings


                              Snerk. Try getting a squirrel carcase away from 2 huskies. My boys hunted and killed it. One was playing w/ it’s head like the head was a ball while the other was smacking the tail against the house. I had to wash the house after I removed the remain.

                              I seem to have a lot of squirrel stories….hadn’t ever though about it until this conversation. 🙂

                              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                              Sun Dragon Koi #3


                                When our rotties were still around the female evidently ate a rabbit…because when I let her in the house she erked up it’s head on the carpet :barf: I was about 8 months pregnant at the time, and cleaning it up was not the most pleasant of chores!


                                  My stray panther cat is fine 128 bucks later =P He also had worms, so I got that taken care of. It’s cold weather now, so I usually don’t bother with flea treatments, but I don’t want my other strays picking up tape worms, so everyone gets flea treatment again, yay :p At least he was well behaved, I think the vet thought I was bringing in a feral. Everyone kept saying he was such a sweetie. He is one of the nicest strays, I know I won’t have a problem making him take his antibiotics. They charged me almot 40 bucks for cleaning the wound, and crap, I did that part already else I wouldn’t have had to drain out buckets of pus :sick: They hardly had to deal with any pus, and certainly not $40 worth!

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