
WHINE is served

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      I have to vent some….my divorce was signed by the judge on Sept. 9. The whole settlement was around he and I staying in OR and cooperating to raise our son. Not the greatest deal in the world but I had found a job and was going to school so thought we could make it work. Well after 3 weeks he comes up with “I am moving to Seattle”. WTF!!! Now he’s saying I should move up there. Note: I’m not against this. There are definite benefits to the move BUT if he was planning on moving anyway why the hell did we spend thousands of dollars to come up with a settlement that he is breaking anyway? SO initially he said he would help me with the move and pay for 6months of rent until I could get myself settled back into a groove. Now he’s backpedaling. He still wants me to accommodate the parenting schedule he wants but is now saying that he won’t be able to help me with the move and rent. It looks like if we cannot come to some sort of agreement then we are going to have to go to trial for custody. I’m really getting worn out with this BS. I thought it was over with the signing of the less than ideal settlement and now I’m still dealing with the same crap. 🙁


        There is a ground mole in my house! I saw it waddle across the floor a couple days ago and went “EEK! A Mouse!!”, but then I realized it’s a mole. He’s actually really pretty, his fur looks like black velvet but what is he doing in my house??!! We’ve been trying to catch him in a box so we can take him back outside, but that chubby little thing is FAST!
        I did some research last night and it says that they RARELY come above ground and will NEVER come indoors, then why is he in my house?? It also said that they’re nocturnal, then why is he waddling around my house in the early afternoon?? It said that they only like to be in tunnels under ground, I keep my house very clean for my kids, there’s nothing to tunnel in on my floors, why is he walking around out in the open?? The internet says this NEVER happens, so it doesn’t give any advice.
        Does anyone know anything about ground moles????

        do you have cats? it could have been caught and brought in. anyways moles are voracious bug eaters so he’s probably starving and disoriented. I hope you catch him and get him outside. if you offer him a worm I bet he’d devour it in a second :D.


          do you have cats? it could have been caught and brought in. anyways moles are voracious bug eaters so he’s probably starving and disoriented. I hope you catch him and get him outside. if you offer him a worm I bet he’d devour it in a second :D.

          Our kitty past away a few months ago, if she was still around he wouldn’t still be in the house. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, maybe I can find an earthworm and put it in the box to catch him! My hubby saw it sniffing around the garbage can in the kitchen this weekend, he thinks it must be REALLY hungry if it’s sniffing for people food.

          That really doesn’t sound good, because it could have rabies or be sick.

          I was thinking that, too. It’s a scary thought because I have two little boys who wouldn’t hesitate to try to pet it! It runs when we get near it which I think is a good sign. If it had rabies I don’t think it would run away (although all I know about rabies I learned from watching Cujo!).


            Ground moles aren’t something that is known for having rabies. Chances are excellent it’s probably starving and doesn’t know what to make of being in a “house” there’s nowhere for it to dig to escape. He’s probably just running away because he’s utterly lost and terrified. I’d try a have a heart trap with peanut butter, works great for catching mice ^_^ If he’s so hungry he is poking about the trash he just might go for it.

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              I have to vent some….my divorce was signed by the judge on Sept. 9. The whole settlement was around he and I staying in OR and cooperating to raise our son. Not the greatest deal in the world but I had found a job and was going to school so thought we could make it work. Well after 3 weeks he comes up with “I am moving to Seattle”. WTF!!! Now he’s saying I should move up there. Note: I’m not against this. There are definite benefits to the move BUT if he was planning on moving anyway why the hell did we spend thousands of dollars to come up with a settlement that he is breaking anyway? SO initially he said he would help me with the move and pay for 6months of rent until I could get myself settled back into a groove. Now he’s backpedaling. He still wants me to accommodate the parenting schedule he wants but is now saying that he won’t be able to help me with the move and rent. It looks like if we cannot come to some sort of agreement then we are going to have to go to trial for custody. I’m really getting worn out with this BS. I thought it was over with the signing of the less than ideal settlement and now I’m still dealing with the same crap. 🙁

              That sucks 🙁

              Although you should have a good case since he’s breaking the settlement.


                Speaking of critters getting inside houses….

                A couple of days ago, I was in my Studio working. I had my newly adopted dog with me; it had gotten dark, and I heard this scratching, rustling sound…So did the dog. I opened the door to find a big grey squirrel inside the middle part of our house. I was startled, and the dog exploded after the squirrel. The chase careened throughout the entire middle level, I held close the studio door. If the chase got trapped in there, all my beautiful arts, and collectibles would have been smashed!

                This continued for over an hour because my husband and I could not catch either the dog, or the squirrel. OMG…What a mess! X( Grey Squirrels get Big here in New England. It had to be three feet from whisker to tail tip.

                Here is the Whine part….

                Now The dog will not leave alone anything furry and smaller than herself, including our two senior cats. She is terrorizing them! We may have to surrender her to the nearest rescue. I’m so sad. 🙁

                Oh, I hope the new dog settles down. I’m so sorry that things aren’t going well. Your first fur babies must come first, though. Hang in there.


                  I have to vent some….my divorce was signed by the judge on Sept. 9. The whole settlement was around he and I staying in OR and cooperating to raise our son. Not the greatest deal in the world but I had found a job and was going to school so thought we could make it work. Well after 3 weeks he comes up with “I am moving to Seattle”. WTF!!! Now he’s saying I should move up there. Note: I’m not against this. There are definite benefits to the move BUT if he was planning on moving anyway why the hell did we spend thousands of dollars to come up with a settlement that he is breaking anyway? SO initially he said he would help me with the move and pay for 6months of rent until I could get myself settled back into a groove. Now he’s backpedaling. He still wants me to accommodate the parenting schedule he wants but is now saying that he won’t be able to help me with the move and rent. It looks like if we cannot come to some sort of agreement then we are going to have to go to trial for custody. I’m really getting worn out with this BS. I thought it was over with the signing of the less than ideal settlement and now I’m still dealing with the same crap. 🙁

                  That sucks 🙁

                  Although you should have a good case since he’s breaking the settlement.

                  I agree. He’s the one breaking the settlement. I would demand that if you agree to move, he WILL pay moving expenses and 6 months rent. Get it in a legal document. He’s yanking you around.


                    I have to vent some….my divorce was signed by the judge on Sept. 9. The whole settlement was around he and I staying in OR and cooperating to raise our son. Not the greatest deal in the world but I had found a job and was going to school so thought we could make it work. Well after 3 weeks he comes up with “I am moving to Seattle”. WTF!!! Now he’s saying I should move up there. Note: I’m not against this. There are definite benefits to the move BUT if he was planning on moving anyway why the hell did we spend thousands of dollars to come up with a settlement that he is breaking anyway? SO initially he said he would help me with the move and pay for 6months of rent until I could get myself settled back into a groove. Now he’s backpedaling. He still wants me to accommodate the parenting schedule he wants but is now saying that he won’t be able to help me with the move and rent. It looks like if we cannot come to some sort of agreement then we are going to have to go to trial for custody. I’m really getting worn out with this BS. I thought it was over with the signing of the less than ideal settlement and now I’m still dealing with the same crap. 🙁

                    That sucks 🙁

                    Although you should have a good case since he’s breaking the settlement.

                    I agree. He’s the one breaking the settlement. I would demand that if you agree to move, he WILL pay moving expenses and 6 months rent. Get it in a legal document. He’s yanking you around.

                    Talk to your lawyer. He’s screwing around with a legal settlement and it sounds like he’s trying to get around things by going to you.


                      I have to vent some….my divorce was signed by the judge on Sept. 9. The whole settlement was around he and I staying in OR and cooperating to raise our son. Not the greatest deal in the world but I had found a job and was going to school so thought we could make it work. Well after 3 weeks he comes up with “I am moving to Seattle”. WTF!!! Now he’s saying I should move up there. Note: I’m not against this. There are definite benefits to the move BUT if he was planning on moving anyway why the hell did we spend thousands of dollars to come up with a settlement that he is breaking anyway? SO initially he said he would help me with the move and pay for 6months of rent until I could get myself settled back into a groove. Now he’s backpedaling. He still wants me to accommodate the parenting schedule he wants but is now saying that he won’t be able to help me with the move and rent. It looks like if we cannot come to some sort of agreement then we are going to have to go to trial for custody. I’m really getting worn out with this BS. I thought it was over with the signing of the less than ideal settlement and now I’m still dealing with the same crap. 🙁

                      That sucks 🙁

                      Although you should have a good case since he’s breaking the settlement.

                      I agree. He’s the one breaking the settlement. I would demand that if you agree to move, he WILL pay moving expenses and 6 months rent. Get it in a legal document. He’s yanking you around.

                      Talk to your lawyer. He’s screwing around with a legal settlement and it sounds like he’s trying to get around things by going to you.

                      I am going through my lawyer but I must say that I’m not at all impressed by the Oregon laws at this point. I’m a nice person and don’t want to start trouble but I’m to the point of saying Everett’s (my boy) staying with me and you can whine to the judge. We’ll see what he says to my proposal of “I’ll move but I need $6000 in certified funds prior to the move”. >)


                        ok, I have some old clay jugs from the 17 and 1800’s in my house, gifts from my parents. One of them is really pretty, has a narrow opening, and a round belly, so you can’t see in side. Now, I don’t know why I decided to do this, but I picked the jug up and shook it yesterday. There was something inside! Figuring my 3 year old son had dropped something in, I turn the jug upside down. A magnetic letter, and my husband’s missing pocketknife fall out…should’ve stopped there…shook it again. Something’s stuck inside! Reached into the mouth of the opening, and pulled out…a mummified mouse corpse! AAAHHH! Now normally, i’m pretty level headed about gross things, but this time I jumped about yelling until my roomate came in, and he picked the mouse up and threw it out. Yuck! And then I started to feel bad about the poor mouse, who must’ve fallen in there, and died with no way out…sigh.

                        Keeper of the Fledgings


                          Ugh, I can’t stand touching dead things; I’d have ‘danced’ as well! 🙁


                            got a dragon off ebay, was happy to get about $10 dollars off the retail price but when it got here today, so not happy….she came to me in only her original box, no double boxing AND with rubbed off paint on pretty much every top surface of her….so now I’m working on my refund and I ordered a completely new girl from the store so I don’t get this bs again….

                            4 things I'm looking for:
                            1. Mother Meerkat
                            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                              My son broke two bones in his wrist and has to have a full arm cast!

                              Curse you, monkey bars!


                                got a dragon off ebay, was happy to get about $10 dollars off the retail price but when it got here today, so not happy….she came to me in only her original box, no double boxing AND with rubbed off paint on pretty much every top surface of her….so now I’m working on my refund and I ordered a completely new girl from the store so I don’t get this bs again….

                                refund is going fine, perhaps it all rubbed during shipping but seems unlikely, seller is being uber nice about it though so all is well….

                                4 things I'm looking for:
                                1. Mother Meerkat
                                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                                  I HATE MY DIGITAL CAMERA! 🙄 Every time I go to take photos, it either randomly shuts down, or freezes!…BTW, this is the second one I had. The first got returned for the same problem! :scratch: I didn’t choose this dern thing, it was given to me by my Father for my birthday. I am pretty sure it is a defective battery design. The suckiest thing is: I am poor, and cannot afford to buy a proper camera. 🙁 So until I can, I have to deal with taking snapshots when my camera is being agreeable. Which means in tiny spurts of 5-10 minutes.

                                  This is a frustrating issue because my Career depends upon taking GOOD images of all my stuffage that I sell on Etsy, and Artfire! 😡

                                  Make sure that the batteries you are using are spitting out the right voltage. For instance, my camera takes AA batteries that give out 1.5 V of juice. Many rechargeable AA batteries give out only 1.25 V, causing my camera to shut off in the middle of turning on. So, I need batteries that can keep up with my camera.

                                  May the wind lift your wings." ~Stasher

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