
WHINE is served

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      As a minor whine/update the boyfriend and I are still trying to work things out but I think I got like 10 new grey hairs lastnight as he called me in the middle of the night from work, waking me up in a frazzle about how I HAVE to deposit 2 dollars into his Paypal account for some fee or he was going to overdraft again because of some new fee on the Paypal Cards they are accessing. *vein pulse, eye twitch*

      After the stupd Black Friday weekend I had to deal with this in retail… when I FINALLY get to have some sleep… needless to say I was beyond annoyed. I have to get out of bed, go to the cold computer room, turn on the laptop and transfer 2 flipping dollars! THEN he was angry at me I was upset and said I was embarrassing him in front of his trainee who was with him when he called me! DUDE REALLY? I find it more embarassing a grown man has to get his girlfriend out of bed because he doesn’t have enough money in his bank acount to cover a 2 dollar charge… I’m so tired of dating a child.

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        Not a great night.

        Sorry to hear that drag0n :~

        I hope things settle down for your soon, one way or the other.


          We’re having a windstorm today winds of 65km/hr(40mph) gusting to 95km/hr(60mph), though its been gusting pretty steadily for the last several hours…
          Part of the neighbors tree broke off (actually been waiting for this to happen) and took out the power lines so had to call the power company and while the guy is here, almost done, another larger part of the same tree breaks off and he has to redo everything.
          We’ve spoken to the neighbor about the tree a couple of times now but he won’t do anything and the power company can’t take down the tree because it’s on private property, though the guy from the power comapny said that since the tree is now a documented danger, they can charge him for any future calls >)

          The wind also blew the greenhouse off its foundation…. :O


            Thanks LIH… to just add insult to injury I have been listening to Christmas music for the past 9 hours at work *again, eye twitch* Another month of this crap >_< Oh god! I can't take it!

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              I hate UPS, they always charge more than anyone else. For example, I can send a 13lb 16x16x16 inch box to Calif from here for under $20, the same box with UPS? $48. Yet the guy was trying to convince me that UPS prices were better than FedEx…so far…not impressed.

              I use UPS a lot, they are sometimes a little more than USPS, but not usually that much more! I actually prefer them over the post office, because their rates are almost always better for heavy/large packages and insurance is included.

              BUT, when you go to estimate a shipping cost on their site, they always give you the more expensive option first, and you have to scroll down more for their regular parcel/ground rate. Is it possible that happened? They aren’t always cheaper/the same price as USPS, but they are often very comparable.


                Thanks LIH… to just add insult to injury I have been listening to Christmas music for the past 9 hours at work *again, eye twitch* Another month of this crap >_< Oh god! I can't take it!

                Irritating Christmas music and beau troubles… Poor Drag0n!

                Sorry you are feeling more like a mother than a partner. Been there. 🙁 Ended up having to break it off, which was best in the long run, but a tough decision. It’s good to lean on your partner, but if one does all the leaning and the other does all the support, that imbalance causes tension eventually. Sounds as if things have been out of balance. I hope you’re able find clarity on what you need, and the best resolution for you two specifically.


                  I hate UPS, they always charge more than anyone else. For example, I can send a 13lb 16x16x16 inch box to Calif from here for under $20, the same box with UPS? $48. Yet the guy was trying to convince me that UPS prices were better than FedEx…so far…not impressed.

                  I use UPS a lot, they are sometimes a little more than USPS, but not usually that much more! I actually prefer them over the post office, because their rates are almost always better for heavy/large packages and insurance is included.

                  BUT, when you go to estimate a shipping cost on their site, they always give you the more expensive option first, and you have to scroll down more for their regular parcel/ground rate. Is it possible that happened? They aren’t always cheaper/the same price as USPS, but they are often very comparable.

                  The issue with UPS I find is shipping normal things! Like a letter. I don’t know about USPS but UPS’s prices are cheaper than canada post for the same services. You can ship stuff canada post slow and with no tracking for cheaper, yeah, but big expedited boxes or Xpresspost is more expensive than UPS.


                    I’m getting a bearded dragon for Christmas. I’ve owned some before, and they were rescues, and my last one passed away a few months ago. 🙁
                    I wanted to get a ‘special’ one online, it’s a very light citrus/hypo pastel female baby. She’s adorable!
                    Only thing is that I can’t get her for awhile. It’s been SO cold here, that it’s too cold for the breeder to ship her. This is the coldest it’s been here since 70 years ago! While I know this is for the best interest of the dragon and I am all for that IT IS SO HARD TO WAIT. I have her enclosure all set up just need her to complete it!

                    Wampus Dragon

                      Briteblades, we have beardies. We lost one recently ourselves(only two years old), but I think something was wrong with this one from the start. She never really thrived like the others and always seemed to come down with some ailment or another. We have a chris allen red, a hypo trans italian leatherback, a tiger sand fire, a silkie, a normal sandfire and a regular ol’ beardie.

                      Where are you getting yours?


                        There is a ground mole in my house! I saw it waddle across the floor a couple days ago and went “EEK! A Mouse!!”, but then I realized it’s a mole. He’s actually really pretty, his fur looks like black velvet but what is he doing in my house??!! We’ve been trying to catch him in a box so we can take him back outside, but that chubby little thing is FAST!
                        I did some research last night and it says that they RARELY come above ground and will NEVER come indoors, then why is he in my house?? It also said that they’re nocturnal, then why is he waddling around my house in the early afternoon?? It said that they only like to be in tunnels under ground, I keep my house very clean for my kids, there’s nothing to tunnel in on my floors, why is he walking around out in the open?? The internet says this NEVER happens, so it doesn’t give any advice.
                        Does anyone know anything about ground moles????


                        Speaking of critters getting inside houses….

                        A couple of days ago, I was in my Studio working. I had my newly adopted dog with me; it had gotten dark, and I heard this scratching, rustling sound…So did the dog. I opened the door to find a big grey squirrel inside the middle part of our house. I was startled, and the dog exploded after the squirrel. The chase careened throughout the entire middle level, I held close the studio door. If the chase got trapped in there, all my beautiful arts, and collectibles would have been smashed!

                        This continued for over an hour because my husband and I could not catch either the dog, or the squirrel. OMG…What a mess! X( Grey Squirrels get Big here in New England. It had to be three feet from whisker to tail tip.

                        Here is the Whine part….

                        Now The dog will not leave alone anything furry and smaller than herself, including our two senior cats. She is terrorizing them! We may have to surrender her to the nearest rescue. I’m so sad. 🙁


                          There is a ground mole in my house! I saw it waddle across the floor a couple days ago and went “EEK! A Mouse!!”, but then I realized it’s a mole. He’s actually really pretty, his fur looks like black velvet but what is he doing in my house??!! We’ve been trying to catch him in a box so we can take him back outside, but that chubby little thing is FAST!
                          I did some research last night and it says that they RARELY come above ground and will NEVER come indoors, then why is he in my house?? It also said that they’re nocturnal, then why is he waddling around my house in the early afternoon?? It said that they only like to be in tunnels under ground, I keep my house very clean for my kids, there’s nothing to tunnel in on my floors, why is he walking around out in the open?? The internet says this NEVER happens, so it doesn’t give any advice.
                          Does anyone know anything about ground moles????

                          That really doesn’t sound good, because it could have rabies or be sick. 🙁


                            That really is a bummer about the rescue dog, Dreaming Tree Studio. I hope he didn’t do much damage to the rest of your place during that crazy chase. 🙁


                              There is a ground mole in my house! I saw it waddle across the floor a couple days ago and went “EEK! A Mouse!!”, but then I realized it’s a mole. He’s actually really pretty, his fur looks like black velvet but what is he doing in my house??!! We’ve been trying to catch him in a box so we can take him back outside, but that chubby little thing is FAST!
                              I did some research last night and it says that they RARELY come above ground and will NEVER come indoors, then why is he in my house?? It also said that they’re nocturnal, then why is he waddling around my house in the early afternoon?? It said that they only like to be in tunnels under ground, I keep my house very clean for my kids, there’s nothing to tunnel in on my floors, why is he walking around out in the open?? The internet says this NEVER happens, so it doesn’t give any advice.
                              Does anyone know anything about ground moles????

                              Crazy! I caught a mole in our garage once when I was a kid. If you catch it, you have to touch it. 😉 They have the softest fur I have EVER felt. It’s insane. As far as why he is there, beats me!


                                Sorry about your loss. I had one like that as well, broke my heart. They have such little personalities!
                                Got her from http://www.fireandicedragons.com/, ever since I was into beardies I drooled over their dragons. I’ll post pics when she arrives!

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