
WHINE is served

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      Poor LupusLunae… *pats on head* First papers, then Zelda. Tough, I know, but you can do it, I faith in you!


      I’ve got a fire lit under my butt. I’m almost done now with the papers due on the 30th and the 2nd, still have to start the one due the last day of the semester. Man, Zelda is one hell of a carrot! I’m chugging the coffee tonight and not stopping until this @#%$!&^ literature review is DONE!


        hehe, I know how you feel. I have two assignments I have to finish this weekend. Of course, the weekend of Thanksgiving when I’m going out of town, the teacher gives a ton of work. The last two weeks we’ve had NO assignments due.

        Not to mention, this course is WAAAY to technical for a beginner (like me) and is way to simple for someone experienced (50% of my class). All of us agree it’s about as useful as a used tissue. Excellent way to spend $1795. Whoo!

        BUT – this is the last graded course I have to take for my MS, so that’s something. Three non-graded classes and my Capstone to go!


          Sometimes I wonder if I can have a “good day”. Today my stupid phone disappeared. No idea where. I’ve called everywhere I went all day, checked both cars, and tried the “Find my phone” app. No luck. *sigh* This has just not been my day/week/month/year…


            So I get back from work today and park my car on the street, because I don’t have a driveway, and go up to the appartment to get my dog for her walk. When I get back outside I see the neighbour shoveling the snow from his driveway right underneath my back bumper. So I go up to him and ask:

            Me: What are you doing? Don’t shovel your snow there, you’re going to block me in!

            Him: You’ll be fine, besides I can’t put it anywhere else.

            Me: (Pointing to his front yard 6 feet away) Yes, you can! You can put it right there in your own front yard!

            Him: I can’t shovel it all the way there!

            Me: Yes, you can! It’s a little more trouble, but you do have the space!

            Him: (repeats) I can’t shovel it all the way there!

            Me: What you mean is you’re too lazy to do it! Well if I can’t move my car tomorrow, I promise you I’m ringing your doorbell at 6:30 AM!

            Him: If you’re not happy just park elsewhere!

            Me: You’re lucky enough to have a driveway, try to be more respectful of those who don’t.

            Him: You’re not gonna tell me what to do!

            Me: Fine, but if I have to shovel my way out tomorrow, not only am I ringing your doorbell, but I’m putting all this snow back in your driveway!

            And I walk off. Strangely enough, when I came back from my walk, he had pushed the snow from behind my car into the middle of the street instead. It really woudn’t have been any more trouble to just push it into his front yard.

            Anyway, great start to the Winter!!!


              Yeah, well regardless I thought the way you handled it was pretty genius. XD



                I was fairly satisfied with how I handled it, but angry at the whole idiotic situation and seriously disheartened that anyone could possibly feel that it would be okay to behave like that.


                  I think you handled it well!

                  My family tends to handle situations like that… not nearly as nicely as you did let’s say. At least he moved the snow 😛


                    Thanks! 😉

                    Now if I lived in Hawaii this type of issue would never come up! LOL!


                      That was awesome. LOL Nicely done! 🙂

                      … I almost wish he’d left the snow though… is that bad?


                        having a bad day, going to climb the walls, my husband is so miserable (he has a good reason–thanksgiving day he had to light stove at club where he works and it went up in his face. thank god he will be okay, spent thanksgiving nite in hospital. burned his face, nose, hair, and right arm. I know he is in pain and it just kills me not to do anything. I don’t know where to put myself. thanks for letting me vent!
                        just remembered my silver male will be delivered tomorrow…..he will be home, this is not good.


                          I’m sorry to hear that about your husband! That’s terrible! It’s hard to watch a loved one in pain and you can’t really do anything but be there for that person.
                          I’m sure you’re a wonderful caretaker though and he appreciated you! 🙂

                          Does your husband get mad when you order packages? Mine does. “What did you order THIS time?” Haha. But I always say it’s easier to ask forgiveness then it is for permission!

                          Wampus Dragon

                            But I always say it’s easier to ask forgiveness then it is for permission!

                            Ain’t it the truth?


                              … I almost wish he’d left the snow though… is that bad?

                              Yes it is, but so did I! LOL!


                              Went to ship out a bunch of stuff that I needed to send out. Here it is, 2pm on a Saturday at the start of the holiday season & frigging FedEx is closed! UPS is open til 8pm & even on Sunday, but FedEx closed at 1pm. Insane!

                              I hate UPS, they always charge more than anyone else. For example, I can send a 13lb 16x16x16 inch box to Calif from here for under $20, the same box with UPS? $48. Yet the guy was trying to convince me that UPS prices were better than FedEx…so far…not impressed.

                              Anyway, my car is still full of boxes, can’t send anything anywhere until Monday, if then…depending on when I get off work. Not a happy camper.



                                But I always say it’s easier to ask forgiveness then it is for permission!

                                Ain’t it the truth?

                                yep yep!

                                4 things I'm looking for:
                                1. Mother Meerkat
                                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

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