WHINE is served

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      bayoudragon wrote:

      I is sick. T.T *groan* I’m going grab the sea salt out of the kitchen and soak in some salty steamy water… should help the sinuses.

      I got out of my homeowners association meeting though! tee hee hee 😆I hope it helps . No one likes to be sick . Get some rest .


        foxfeather wrote:

        I’m exhausted, sore, stressed out and panicking on the inside. :shout: :shout: :shout:
        After 4 days of 14+ hrs a day, we have yet to run through Act 2 with all the tech (lights, sound, set, etc) And Titanic: The Musical opens TONIGHT!!! 😮 :shout: 🙄 😈
        Icebergs Ahoy! 😈 😈

        The Iceberg was a doosey. The set broke during the opening number of act 2 (broken caster). Not a total loss, we now just have it in one position for act 1 and one for act 2 since it takes 8 people to move each piece rather than the 4 per peice it did originally.
        Then on my supposed days off I lost my internet and computer (noooooo! 😮 ) because my place was getting painted and it took 5 blinkin days to do it!


          My brother has a psycho wife and now he is in jail for supposably threatening to kill her boyfriend. Not likely, but no telling. His hearing or whatever is tomorrow…my family rarely asks for anything but if he needs, I hope he asks me to post bail. Right now his wife and her boyfriend are gathering everything of value in the house and planning to pawn it while he’s incarcerated. :negative:


            skigod377 wrote:

            My brother has a psycho wife and now he is in jail for supposably threatening to kill her boyfriend. Not likely, but no telling. His hearing or whatever is tomorrow…my family rarely asks for anything but if he needs, I hope he asks me to post bail. Right now his wife and her boyfriend are gathering everything of value in the house and planning to pawn it while he’s incarcerated. :negative:

            Eek! Good luck to your brother and I hope he’s able to get bail. Is he still married to her? If she’s seeing someone else, kick her out (drop all her stuff on the front lawn if need be – I know someone who did that to her hubby when he got too rough with their child and didn’t consult her on punishment). I’d at least make sure anything of value or meaning for him that is his and not jointly owned is locked up in a secure place elsewhere at the very least!


            Me and my car are going to go hibernate until this f@*$%ng snow is gone. 😡 🙄


              So I’m working a call center right? We’re taking the contract over from another call center and we go live on next Monday/Tuesday. Before we can go “live” we have to get “certified” on the phones by the people our contract is with.

              Originally, they were supposed to do the calls yesterday. Shortly before lunch we were finally told, “Oh they canceled today. They will do certification on Thursday.” Would have been nice to know something sooner, rather than later since we had in house folk suddenly doing practice calls with no warning.

              Well this afternoon around 1 p.m. the phones start ringing. At first glance we think it’s the people that are supposed to be certifying us calling early. It wasn’t.

              Someone goofed somewhere and flipped a switch they weren’t supposed to and we were getting live phone calls. We answered the first ones and tried to process them like we are supposed to. Then my supervisor came by and said to tell the people, “You’re call has been directed to the wrong call center. If you can call back in 20 to 30 minutes you should be connected with the right one.”

              Fortunately, everyone I spoke to seemed understanding and I only had one grumpy person, but he understood that it was outside my control.

              We took calls for about 45 minutes before things were redirected to the correct call center. In that time we had a total of 236 calls spread among the ~20 people there today. I myself fielded 22 calls.

              If that’s the volume of calls we’ll be dealing with everyday this might be a bit more than I truly expected.


                Jana, you’ll be fine. It was the first of the calls AND you weren’t expecting them. You’ll do just fine once you get into the routine. :yes: 😉


                  It certainly seemed to get easier the more calls I took. It was just so unnerving to all of a sudden have 20 phones start ringing off the hook. 😮 Talk about being “baptized by fire”. 😀


                    And now it’s mandatory for me (and everyone else working in my part of the call center) to go in and work on Saturday to ensure “everyone is on the same page” when the call center opens Monday/Tuesday. 🙄 At least it’s overtime. 👿


                      I left my hubby home to babysit while I ran to the craft store today. When I got home, my two-year-old thought he would surprise me with new Sharpie drawings on the covers of 8 of my books! 😮 WHINE! Then when I sat down to work on my craft project I realized I had forgotten to get the one thing that I went to the store for in the first place 😆 DOUBLE WHINE


                        I got an email from Gavin’s teacher about wanting to schedule a conference with me. I asked her what it was about and she said: I am having some behavior issues that are affecting him academically that I would like for us to talk about. Maybe some ways we could work together to help him be more successful in school. I have been trying many different things here but just keep having the same problems.

                        I’ve noticed he’s been a bit irritable lately, but I put it down to him being tired from getting back into the routine of going to school and then going to daycare afterward. Now I see it must be something else.

                        Before I found out what the conference was to be about I scheduled it for Friday before work. Now I’m wishing I had scheduled it for earlier in the week next week.


                        The starter died in my car. $350 I didn’t have to fix it 🙄


                          OMG… what’s with this crazy weather!! I’m practically spitting distance from the Gulf and it’s raining ice here! It should be in the 60’s right now… at least in the 60s! I don’t know how you people deal with this cold weather crap up North. THIS SUCKS! 😈

                          The poor anoles are having such as hard time. We’ve been finding them inside the nature center building, and we just don’t have the heart to throw them outside. Poor things. 😳


                            I just need to vent/whine a little….I still haven’t found a job 🙄 and found out that my car needs engine work done, and my insurance is due next month which I can’t afford…hell i may not even have my apartment next month….. 🙄 🙄 🙄 I need a drink…. 😈


                              So, apparently I’ve received a ‘Final Warning’ for using an excessive amount of sick/personal time. I used 68 hours of sick time this year and 1 personal day when my dad was in the hospital. Apparently, the company average (which is not stated in the employee handbook), is only like 21 hours. If you get close to 40 hours, you hit HR’s radar. When meeting with them today for my appeal, pretty much they stated they don’t put it in the employee manual each year because the average changes each year, so they don’t want to change it each year and don’t feel it’s necessary to address unless someone goes over. Oh, and you can’t take unpaid sick time or used saved time (we don’t get paid overtime… we are either supposed to just work it and ‘take it for the team’ or if we get approved a head of time, we earn that extra time to take at a later date. Can’t make the time up on another day either or using earned saved time because then, that would be like making your own schedule and swing shifts aren’t allowed. Some people have taken more than 2 weeks of sick time and get told nothing. Guess they just apply their rules where they want and to whom they want and people are just resources that aren’t allowed to be sick. I was also told that they’d never heard of companies having average sick days allowed being 5-8 (excluding sales where you just don’t get paid on days you don’t come in). So I guess all the companies I’ve worked for previously and all of my family (including extended that I talk to regularly) all worked for anomalies then. I was also told that they moved me back to off-shift because they were ‘trying to help me’ with not needing on call, except that on call for everyone ended at that point (I was honestly moved because the guy who was moved onto off-shift where I left couldn’t handle the work or more than one ticket at a time).

                              At this point, I’m definitely looking elsewhere (which they frown upon as well). So pretty much, the gist was, don’t get sick. If I get sick, I’m just going to have my dad drive me in and I’ll wear a face mask and just be a warm body then.

                              I never dealt with this much crap even when I worked retail for years! Note: I’m a Unix Systems Administrator working on contract for a Fortune 10 company (not that I make that much for what I do *sigh*). My sister-in-law works for that company I’m contracted to (not my employer) directly and she thinks this is all insane.

                              So, basically, I’m supposed to ’embrace this final warning’ and their support (because they really are doing me a favor… these are their words). It was just a bunch of sugar coated Bull$hit. Seriously. They tried to say that I can take family leave act for intermittent days for being sick (they say they can arrange that with certain documentation). Basically, I’m just going to come in coughing and hacking any time I’m that sick. They really only see people as resources that don’t ever run down or get tired I guess because paper doesn’t burn out.

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