
WHINE is served

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      Dragon87 wrote:

      I haven’t received one yet either, but I suspect it’s just a little late. 🙂 Won’t get bummed till there’s reason to.

      *whine* Even though I just saved my company probably around $25000 today (according to one of the managers), it still cost me lots of hours at the plant. And I have a bum knee from slipping out of the production manager’s truck in Brooks last Wednesday, which was in pain to the point of almost crying multiple times. And I just don’t cry from pain. I don’t. 🙄

      You hear what Vulcan is planning?

      Maybe a move is Imminent?


      Trekkie burgers huh?

      I don’t think it’s my company, at least… so I know they aren’t trying to make me go there! 😆

      I’m still amused. LOL


        WolfenMachine wrote:

        Drag0n-want to trade? It was 79 degrees here yesterday. Blah. And probably 72 or in the upper 60’s today. Its been unusually warm this year. We are still running our A/C at night. Every day I get up and touch the windows to see if its super cold yet (30’s and 40’s) but alas, none such luck. I got this amazing new coat this year and Ive only gotten to wear it a few times-and even then everyone kept asking me “…are you cold?” “NO I GOT A NEW COAT! :P”

        Yep, winter in Texas is just weird. Sometimes it takes place in the spring. I think it was in 2008 when we had a lot of snow, for Texas at least, in March. We are lucky if we get to see snow at least once a year.


          My Mom’s Home.
          so there are currently 10-Dozen cookies of 5 different varieties hiding in my House, & 5 more being made today…
          So much for getting back down to 200lbs.(Still 30lbs to go)

          & I got a vicious cold.


            This really isn’t a whine, but there isn’t a thread for “moments of the heebie jeebies” 😆 I live in the middle of the woods in western PA, I just took my dog outside and as clear as a bell I hear Calliope music coming from the woods **shiver, shiver** There’s nothing in the woods except deer, raccoons, and foxes even a couple wolves, but no carousel horses that I’m aware of! :scratch: It really gave me the willies!!


              hhhmmm. do I see a new thread topic? XD


                skeeterdeee wrote:

                This really isn’t a whine, but there isn’t a thread for “moments of the heebie jeebies” 😆 I live in the middle of the woods in western PA, I just took my dog outside and as clear as a bell I hear Calliope music coming from the woods **shiver, shiver** There’s nothing in the woods except deer, raccoons, and foxes even a couple wolves, but no carousel horses that I’m aware of! :scratch: It really gave me the willies!!

                😮 eeeeeeeeh that would have me back stepping and then jogging back to the house…


                  That is indeed creepy. I wouldn’t be jogging. I would be running at max speed. I don’t like scary situations.


                    skeeterdeee wrote:

                    This really isn’t a whine, but there isn’t a thread for “moments of the heebie jeebies” 😆 I live in the middle of the woods in western PA, I just took my dog outside and as clear as a bell I hear Calliope music coming from the woods **shiver, shiver** There’s nothing in the woods except deer, raccoons, and foxes even a couple wolves, but no carousel horses that I’m aware of! :scratch: It really gave me the willies!!

                    I would have had to check it out. With a big stick or a gun, mind you. But I’d have to check it out.


                      WolfenMachine wrote:

                      Oh no, Ski! I hope its not a long plane ride…of course with a kid, every plane ride is a long one hehe

                      Drag0n-want to trade? It was 79 degrees here yesterday. Blah. And probably 72 or in the upper 60’s today. Its been unusually warm this year. We are still running our A/C at night. Every day I get up and touch the windows to see if its super cold yet (30’s and 40’s) but alas, none such luck. I got this amazing new coat this year and Ive only gotten to wear it a few times-and even then everyone kept asking me “…are you cold?” “NO I GOT A NEW COAT! :P”

                      I am not amused *shivers in the snow* 🙄

                      On another note, I’m REALLY FREAKING ANNOYED RIGHT NOW!

                      It’s X-mas eve, I’m at work. My manager, AND the designer are both off. Both other people who were scheduled with me were offered to leave early and then THAT manager who let them leave is ALSO walking out the door right now after telling me. Oh no, we can’t cut anymore hours now. THEN 4 more people just skated out the door early! WTF!!! I AM THE ONLY PERSON in SEVEN departments today!!! Are you ^$*@^(@ KIDDING ME?!?!

                      Got a busted Windstone?
                      *OPEN for repairs*

                      *SEEKING GRAILS*
                      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                      Siphlophis Male Dragon
                      Calypso Hatching Empress
                      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                      Tattoo Mother Kirin
                      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                        The Fridge died. 😡 👿 😡 😥 😡

                        Though we are hoping *cross fingers* that it may have just been that the door didn’t get closed properly because Mum put way to much stuff in there
                        Everything we can salvage is outside on the back step because it’s below zero here (though that may change if the Chinook they are predicting blows in 😥 )


                          foxfeather wrote:

                          The Fridge died. 😡 👿 😡 😥 😡

                          Though we are hoping *cross fingers* that it may have just been that the door didn’t get closed properly because Mum put way to much stuff in there
                          Everything we can salvage is outside on the back step because it’s below zero here (though that may change if the Chinook they are predicting blows in 😥 )
                          Not all the Christmas food!!!! NOOOO!! If you need help eating it all before it spoils I’m here to help!! :yum:


                            We’re getting a blizzard today!

                            Got a busted Windstone?
                            *OPEN for repairs*

                            *SEEKING GRAILS*
                            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                            Siphlophis Male Dragon
                            Calypso Hatching Empress
                            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                            Tattoo Mother Kirin
                            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                              Been bad over the holidays so I’m watching what I eat now! Damn so hard when I still have chocolates and such lying around! Soooo–should I eat them now and start the diet after New Year’s or continue to get fatter? Decisions! Decisions! 🙄 😈 :shrug:


                                I got rearended a few nights back. Whine for my poor truck, but heck yeah that nobody was hurt. and that I wasn’t at fault, couldn’t afford a ticket or insurance hike Now to do battle with the recalcitrant insurance companies to get the truck fixed…. heck yeah also that the other guy had a jacked up truck so that it caught me on the tailgate and totaled that instead of the bumper and totaled the frame.

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