WHINE is served

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      Thanks for your feedback everyone, hopefully it will all get resolved soon!

      I hear you skeeterdeee, sometimes it seems like you will never get away from neighbors like that no matter where you move. 😈


        Melody wrote:

        Ok, one BIG reason I wanted to move to Oregon was because they had very lenient laws about owning exotic animals, unlike California. I just heard that there will be no more permits issued in Oregon for exotic animals. Not that I planned to get many exotic animals, but there go my dreams of someday owning a pied crow! Whine!

        Oh no! Are you guys in the city limits? Or do you mean they won’t allow them outside of the city limits either?



        I am so broke and I hate my job. When I talked to my manager over the phone from California he said he could give me part time hours around 25-30 hours a week. I’m here, I’m working, but I am getting NOWHERE near those hours, even with the freaking holiday season. My original availability was 4pm to 10pm on weekdays and any time on weekends (which he KNEW before hand because I told him over the phone) After a few weeks of only getting 3 days a week with less than 6 hour days, he said if I changed my availability to 10:30pm weekdays, I would get more night shifts, because we close at 10 and clean until 10:30. Fine, so I changed my availability…AND I’M STILL ONLY GETTING 3 DAYS A WEEK!! AND THIS WEEK I GOT TWO FREAKING DAYS!! W.T.F…and to top it off, he has hired 2 new people within the last two weeks! I WILL TAKE THOSE HOURS…HELLO?! So my savings is almost gone because I’ve been dipping into it to pay rent. I’ve applied at other places, but so far I haven’t had any call backs. I broke my cell phone too, I can text and get voicemail, but I can’t get calls. No money to buy a new one either. I’ve been meaning to call the places I’ve applied at, but by the time my bf gets home for me to borrow his phone, I forget I need to call them and I forget on the weekends because I work the weekends. Christmas is kicking my ass this year too….

        On top of that issue, I had an “argument” with one of my supervisors. Not really an argument though. So, my supervisors never get their work done on time for us to leave at 10:30. It’s always “OH! One more thing and we can leave!” which means we get out of the store at like 10:40. It IRRITATES me because I’m only staying until 10:30 because I was told I’d be getting more hours, which I’m not. So I’m bitter. A company comes in a couple nights ago and starts cleaning our floors, yay! But they came in at like 9:40pm and it usually takes them an hour to clean everything…..damn it. So my supervisor flippantly says to me (knowing I hate staying late and that my boyfriend will be sitting out in his car waiting to pick me up from work) “Oh crap, I guess we’ll be staying late tonight.” So I didn’t get mad at him or anything, I’m good at not getting mad…..but I told him I had to leave at 10:30, I can’t stay super late tonight. This dude blows up on me, starts badgering me about how I can’t stay “an extra five minutes” (yeah right, more like 30) and how HIS job isn’t getting done because I can’t stay an extra 5 minutes and how he knows I need more hours during the week so he’s going to tell the manager that his job didn’t get done because I refused to stay an extra 5 minutes and he’s going to MAKE SURE I don’t get more hours and tell the manager and blah blah blah, and he’s working himself up into a tizzy. I was quiet the whole time because I was pissed and didn’t want to say something I’d regret and I also didn’t know WHAT to say because the guy had lost is freaking mind. I finally said “You need to stop, you’re starting to irritate me, I can’t stay because my boyfriend picks me up and he has to get up at 4:30am tomorrow” and he blows up again (I know, the wrong thing to say, but damn it I was sooooo mad inside and I didn’t know what to say, he knows about my situation inside and out) so he starts on his tirade even more telling me that he doesn’t get ANY sleep because his girl just had a baby and that if he can function on no sleep then my bf can function on a little less sleep and is like “Do you have a baby at home, do you get up every 2 hours to feed the baby? Do you have to deal with the baby and the crazy girlfriend on top of going to work and paying the bills and blah blah blah” (like it’s my freaking fault you got your crazy girlfriend pregnant you asshole) and finally ends with “AND YOU KNOW WHAT, SINCE I KNOW YOU CAN’T STAY, YOU CAN JUST LEAVE AT 10 PM INSTEAD AND I’LL TELL THE MANAGER YOU HAD TO LEAVE” and he walks off towards the pharmacy (probably to go complain to the pharmacist). Thankfully we didn’t have any customers show up because it was late (or not so much, maybe he would have shut up if a customer had walked in) So of course, I didn’t leave at 10pm, though I wanted to just to fuck him up more. We stayed until 10:35 (he must have told the cleaners they had to leave) This guy used to be awesome to work with, was my favorite supervisor, now he’s distant and ignores me when he can. I had to close again with him the next night and he told me some little things to get done and ignored me the rest of the night. I doubt he actually told the manager about any of it, because I’m sure the manager would have pulled me to the office to either ask my side or reprimand me.
        Target needs to freaking call me back about my application damn it.
        And that’s my whine. Thanks. *takes a couple deep breaths and goes on with life*


          Awe Leigha…. 🙁

          I’m sorry things are so tough for you right now. *big hugs* I wish I could do something to help. Your boss sounds like a total douche! Reminds me of mine actually… I so wish you lived closer! I could hook you up with a job easy!

          (PS – I have been wondering where you’ve been. I was getting worried)

          Got a busted Windstone?
          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          thanks Drag0n <3 I luffs you!

          I’m on the forum pretty often since I’m home so much, there just hasn’t been much I want to post on. Too many pretties in the flea market that I can’t buy >.< same with eBay. It kills me when things are "within price range" but still out of my current price range >.< I'm like "DAMN IT IF I WAS STILL AT MY PARENTS I COULD BUY THAT EBAY PIECE" ...know what I mean?

          I applied to Lowes 😆 yay competitor! I even applied to Walgreens which is my current job’s competitor lol


            It’s been a crappy day.
            Been trying to find a new family doctor for awhile and had an appointment to meet one today and lets say I was less than impressed and am back to my search. 😡
            When I got home, I took the dog (black lab cross) out, only taking my house key and doggie bags, no mitts or hat and a light jacket since I we were only going for 15-20min. When I got home, the door wouldn’t open. I put the key in but the knob was stuck and wouldn’t unlock! 😮 After fidgeting with it for several minutes, and getting nudged by the dog who wanted in, I put him in the back yard and returned to fidgit with the lock some more. It still wouldn’t budge! 😡 Finally went round back to play with the dog and try and think of what to do. Back door was locked and couldn’t jimmie that and didn’t have a key and managed to scrounge up enough change for a payphone (Left my Cell in the house of course) and try and remember where in the area ther might be a payphone, harnessed up the dog and walked to the payphone to make a call. No answer, and because the answering machine picked up the phone got my monies so I couldn’t make another call. 🙄 Trudge home, praying it wasn’t that long until my Mum was off work and would be home (had no idea what time it was). Of course none of the neighbors were home either. 🙄 Fidgit with the lock some more. Sit on the back steps while being nudged, whined at, pawed by the dog, who wants in. Keep trying the lock every so often. Finally lucked out when the mailman showed up with deliveries and he let me use his cell to call Mum, but she didn’t pick up, 🙄 left a message and continued to hope she’s be home soon (at least she would have a car to sit in if she couldn’t get the door unlocked). Two and a Half hours after the first time I’d tried the lock, sitting outside in 2 degree C (35degree F) weather, freezing. Mum gets home and of course the lock opens for her in the first try. 🙄 She then procedes to bereate me and tell me I just didn’t do it right, never mind that I had been trying for 2.5hrs and then tell me that the back door was unlocked (it wasn’t) or I should have gone to the neighbors, called her etc. 🙄 So, now frozen and feeling even more crappy than I had been, I finally get inside and quickly change into warm fuzzy jammies and curl up under another warm fuzzy blanket with a cup of tea and vow to do nothing for the rest of the day. 😥

            On the plus side at least it wasn’t -20 and no windchill. 😈


              I keep hoping the Heck Yeah thread will catch up to the Whine thread, but there’s still 3 times as many pages 🙁
              Here’s to hoping you all have a great end of year so the other thread will grow much bigger!

              Oh… WORK IS SO FREAKING STRESSFUL, I have NO Christmas Spirit this year, and I’m getting super depressed for no reason.
              What is wrong with me???? 🙄 😥


                I know Phoenix. But there is also one consolation, The Heck Yeah Thread started well after the Whine thread. 😉

                There is no point in the Male having got a ride to work this am so I can use the Van to get the Tiny to a Sitter, & Khym to His In Depth MRI(3 Hours +) If he doesn’t leave me the Key for the Damned thing!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 So Christmas shopping is going to be down at least $60 for the trip there, will try & hang on so as not to have to pay that back home, & $250 for a second Van Key, Yes a Second we only ever got 1 key with the *Insert various & Numerous swear words here*


                One more whine that goes with my previous whine

                I got a letter from my company yesterday stating that my average of working hours in the past 3 months has gone below what they consider “full time” and therefore I will be losing my benefits on December 26th….damn it. The health benefits aren’t the problem, it’s my accrued vacation time that I really want to keep and that I want to keep accruing. Damn this stupid manager.


                  just found out that someone I trust has been stabbing me in the back. I am not to happy right now and very disappointed. Makes you not want to trust anybody. 🙁


                  swoltanski30 wrote:

                  just found out that someone I trust has been stabbing me in the back. I am not to happy right now and very disappointed. Makes you not want to trust anybody. 🙁

                  Aw, that’s no good at all. I hope it doesn’t sour you on other people though – not everyone does that. 🙁

                  And, free hugs and e-hot chocolate to everyone! Warm up, snuggle under the covers, and be glad you aren’t in Brooks with me looking at the slaughtering house! LOL :puke: (actually I haven’t been to that side of the plant, for which I am eternally grateful). But I *know* it’s there. So I’m still a little queasy.


                    swoltanski30 wrote:

                    just found out that someone I trust has been stabbing me in the back. I am not to happy right now and very disappointed. Makes you not want to trust anybody. 🙁

                    I can totally relate to this…happened to me where I used to work and it isn’t pleasant. But what goes around comes around and I agree with Dragon87–not everyone is like that. Hope you feel better and do something good for yourself today.


                      swoltanski30 wrote:

                      just found out that someone I trust has been stabbing me in the back. I am not to happy right now and very disappointed. Makes you not want to trust anybody. 🙁

                      That is never fun. It happened to me in high school and my sister just last March. I already have trust issues to begin with, so that certainly didn’t help anything. I hope the next person that you meet does not betray your trust.


                        Leigha wrote:

                        thanks Drag0n <3 I luffs you!

                        I’m on the forum pretty often since I’m home so much, there just hasn’t been much I want to post on. Too many pretties in the flea market that I can’t buy >.< same with eBay. It kills me when things are "within price range" but still out of my current price range >.< I'm like "DAMN IT IF I WAS STILL AT MY PARENTS I COULD BUY THAT EBAY PIECE" ...know what I mean?

                        I applied to Lowes 😆 yay competitor! I even applied to Walgreens which is my current job’s competitor lol

                        Meh, Lowes is basically the same place really. I know half the people who work at our cause they used to work here. LOL! Once you get a good job that stops stiffing you on hours you’ll score a great ebay piece!

                        Oh, I got your X-mas card too, thank you sweetie! ^_^

                        Got a busted Windstone?
                        *OPEN for repairs*

                        *SEEKING GRAILS*
                        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                        Siphlophis Male Dragon
                        Calypso Hatching Empress
                        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                        Tattoo Mother Kirin
                        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                        Yay! ^^ Glad you got the card ^^

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