WHINE is served

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      Aaaah…last week I passed three kidneystones….and ouch are they not fun!

      I’m doing much better now…but apparently my son has picked up a stomach bug somewhere, and the poor kid is throwing up and not feeling good at all. Me and my hubby will be sleeping on the floor upstairs (our bedroom is downstairs) so we’ll be extra sure to hear him if he needs us. πŸ™


        I really want to be able to get Christmas presents for my family, but since my new job doesn’t start until Dec. 6, I would presume I would get paid near Dec. 17 which is way too late to be buying anything. Since my son will be going to daycare I can’t really use any of the money I get each month from my ex for presents, so it looks like everything will be going on my new credit card.


        I’m $200 overdrawn on my debit card (friggin bills coming out at the end of the month) AND I’m $50 away from my limit on my credit card. I don’t get paid again until the 10th. Hope I don’t run out of gas…. πŸ™„


          Why is it that dresses and tops for bigger people generally shapeless sacks? I’m a bigger girl but I have an hourglass figure, most of us larger women have a figure. Or have plunging necklines that show off your brassiere? Every shirt I tried on yesterday had the ‘point’ of the neckline ending below my bust. I’m sorry but with a bigger frame generally comes a bigger bust and bigger ‘girls’ mean I could *never* go without a bra. And Why oh Why are all the winter dresses sleeveless or just cover your bust? It’s frickin WINTER 😑
          I hate clothes shopping πŸ‘Ώ


            aww, FoxFeather, I’m sorry. You should write to some of the clothing designers and say ‘HEY LOOK Pal….this is the way it REALLY is!…”
            I went clothes shopping today too. They were Christmas presents though-mostly for my mom. I kept an open eye out for anything that I liked that might fit that wasn’t too expensive-and it discourages me because I’m not a big person-I’m 5’4, 140lbs-pretty average-but if I buy clothes in the juniors section (which suit my tastes better) I have to get a L or XL…and even the XL isn’t always the most perfect fit. The ladies section’s style just isn’t bright or young enough looking-so Im kind of stuck in between-Grr! I’m CONVINCED they’re just making everything smaller than they used to!

            And on that topic, I was out shopping yesterday at this cute little village called Old Town Spring and some RANDOM stranger lady asked me when the baby was due o.O IM NOT PREGNANT! 😑 And shes not the first one to do that. At my old job, 2 or 3 of the mexican warehouse workers had asked me. True my stomache does stick out a little because fat likes to collect there but REALLY?! Its not THAT MUCH….not to me anyway! I want to tell the world, “NEVER ever ever ever ask a random woman when the baby is due. Ever.” Its embarassing for both parties. And if she wants you to know, she’ll tell you.

            AND a lady in the drive through line at the bank got OUT of her car and called me a “B” because she felt that she deserved to go next without waiting in a specific line, and I chose a line and got in it. She was MUCH older than me too which surprised me. Guess some folks just dont grow up. *rolls eyes*

            CRIMSON VISION-I hope your little puppy girl feels better soon πŸ™ *huggle*


              I’d been wondering why I’d been having trouble with things on my laptop lately. I would use the mouse to move around on the page, but when it clicked the left button it wouldn’t do anything 9 times out of 10. I started thinking about it this morning when I had to use the track pad and “mouse buttons” on the computer just to open up my browser window. I think I’ve worn the left button out on the mouse…again. I go through so many computer mice it isn’t funny. I don’t think I have a spare this time. I really don’t have the money to get a new one as my new job hasn’t started yet and I just don’t know where most of my child support check has gone…actually I do know…nearly $250 has gone towards registering Gavin for after-school daycare and two weeks worth of care. I don’t know how I’m going to pay my bills this month. πŸ™„ And much as I hate to, Christmas is going to have to go on the credit card, or else there won’t be any Christmas presents at all from me.


              I need to WHINE!!!
              I experience problems with my iPod Classic. When I connect it to my computer the iPod itself shows in iTunes, but it`s no longer possible to transfer new songs to my iPod, nor listen to music added previously. Luckily I can still listen to the songs on my iPod Hi Fi, but it sucks that I`m not able to transfer new songs from my computer anymore… I guess the only thing left to do is to restore it, but in the prosess I`ll lose all the songs… I have 3658 songs on that iPod… πŸ™ If I restore it and it still doesn`t work I need a new one and they`re soo expensive…

              I`ve ordered Christmas presents for my boyfriend and a friend of mine from English amazon and Ebay. It seems to take the sellers forever to send them. They know that Christmas Eve is near and that it takes a little longer to ship to Norway… Then why the hell can`t they just send the items??? :shout:

              My boyfriend doesn`t have the possibility to spend time with me during Christmas. This is an extremely busy month for him. He have to work, work, work and work some more. He lives about a 7 hours long drive away from me, which makes everything so complicated. I tend to feel sad whenever I spend time with friends and familymembers in happy relationships, because they seem to have the possibility to spend time with each other whenever they feel like it. I look at them and I envy the closeness they experience regularly. They don`t have to consider money etc. all the time and they don`t have to feel this longing and frustration… Christmas is special and I want to spend at least some of it it with my boyfriend, but the circumstances won`t let me and this makes me upset.. and angry! πŸ˜₯


                I have a WHINE AND A HALF!!!

                I know I am being a sore loser, but we had a Christmas Party for work last night. We got an extra $3,000 on our “fun fund” because our store reached sales plan for the month. It had to be spent by the 31st so we went out and got three 40″ flat screen TVs, a Nintendo Wii, An XBox360, a Laptop Computer, a bluray player, an IPad, and a couple of IPod Nanos and a few Flips too. We raffled them off at the party as grand prize gifts.

                So yea… EVERY SINGLE PERSON in my department won one of these items, my manager won two of them actually, and I was the ONLY one who didn’t win ANYTHING. πŸ˜₯ *stomps feet* WAHHH!

                Everyone has been going on and on all day about their new toys…. I’m highly bummed… and jealous…

                *grumble, whine, moan*

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  I had to rush my husband to the emergency roon last Wedsnesday noontime; they think he had a mild heart attack (not sure, if so thank God it was minor). Thankful he was released Friday night, but even with insurance… haven’t gotten the hospital/doctor bills yet, just getting the meds the copays ran us into the red and we didn’t get everything, we couldn’t. Talked to doctor and it should be okay though. Very embarrassing I had to make sure that there wasn’t tax on the $0.98 jar of gravy to make dinner (also didn’t get a chance to cook up the Thanksgiving leftovers until now since I was at the hospital or work last week) since all I had was $1. Already told my daughter not to expect Christmas, since i only got 24 hours last week and 10 this.
                  Sorry but it does help to vent so thanks for allowing me to.


                  Hope your husband’s all right, pipsxlch. πŸ™ My coworker who had a mild stroke a year back would certainly agree with you about the bills! πŸ™„


                    drag0nfeathers wrote:

                    I have a WHINE AND A HALF!!!

                    I know I am being a sore loser, but we had a Christmas Party for work last night. We got an extra $3,000 on our “fun fund” because our store reached sales plan for the month. It had to be spent by the 31st so we went out and got three 40″ flat screen TVs, a Nintendo Wii, An XBox360, a Laptop Computer, a bluray player, an IPad, and a couple of IPod Nanos and a few Flips too. We raffled them off at the party as grand prize gifts.

                    So yea… EVERY SINGLE PERSON in my department won one of these items, my manager won two of them actually, and I was the ONLY one who didn’t win ANYTHING. πŸ˜₯ *stomps feet* WAHHH!

                    Everyone has been going on and on all day about their new toys…. I’m highly bummed… and jealous…

                    *grumble, whine, moan*
                    I hate to say it, but I think it’s ridiculous that anyone got 2 prizes when you were the only one that didn’t get any. I suppose, though, if people had to buy tickets… Anyway, I feel for ya.


                      pipsxlch wrote:

                      I had to rush my husband to the emergency roon last Wedsnesday noontime; they think he had a mild heart attack (not sure, if so thank God it was minor). Thankful he was released Friday night, but even with insurance… haven’t gotten the hospital/doctor bills yet, just getting the meds the copays ran us into the red and we didn’t get everything, we couldn’t. Talked to doctor and it should be okay though. Very embarrassing I had to make sure that there wasn’t tax on the $0.98 jar of gravy to make dinner (also didn’t get a chance to cook up the Thanksgiving leftovers until now since I was at the hospital or work last week) since all I had was $1. Already told my daughter not to expect Christmas, since i only got 24 hours last week and 10 this.
                      Sorry but it does help to vent so thanks for allowing me to.

                      That so sucks. I’m sorry to hear this. I hope he recovers well, and you can still have a bit of a Christmas. Still, Christmas doesn’t have to cost anything. After all, your husband gets to spend it with you.


                        My Poor Old Puppy girl is in some serious discomfort/pain.
                        We took her to the Vet to get her More Prednisone (Just moved, so the new one needed to see her before giving us more).
                        During the Check up what we thought was just another Flare up of Yeast due to Allergies in her ear wasn’t our Regular stuff.
                        & The Bleeding wasn’t from the fact she’d scratched/rubbed the shit out of it again (Poor thing lives in the Cone most of the time), with Freshly Trimmed nails.
                        The Bleeding was from the fact that she’s got something far more sinister in there, that’s breaking down the Cell Walls, & essentially eating the surface of her Ear canal, & possibly Ear Drum. πŸ˜₯ 😑 :negative:
                        Poor Baby Dog.
                        She may also have Crystals trying to form. Yay for being off & on Prednisone for the last 8 years, & High White Dalmatian.

                        Minor Good News part is that the aggravation her Poor Eye is feeling is probably just from her Allergies, & not entirely due to the fact her Lens is floating around in there. Ahhh Crap, another Whine, We’ve forgotten Yet AGAIN to get her Benadryl. πŸ™„


                          Don’t post thoughts on reducing stress and ways to be happy. You will be tested. πŸ™„ Our new neighbor is insane. She knocks on our door, and as soon as we open it she walks right on in without even being invited. She’s done this several times already. She went through all our stuff in the basement. I hung a small holiday wreath on my door. She hung a big flamboyant one on hers a few days later. I hung Christmas lights over our doorway, just the plain tiny lights, nothing special. Several days later we come home and she has hung these huge bell shaped lights over hers. I was like that’s it, I’m not getting into this stupid neighbor competition with her, like so many neighbors seem to think they have to do. I witnessed that in the burbs where my parents live, I’m not about to deal with it from someone who lives on the other side of the wall. I took both my wreath and my lights down and didn’t say a word about it. I’m not kidding, about a half hour later she was over banging on our door, yelling about how she was mad we took down our decorations. We weren’t about to answer the door, finally she went away.

                          The next day as soon as she saw my fiance she complained to him about it, and he simply told her I took my stuff down because I thought hers was much prettier. She said well put your lights back up and I’ll put the “fun” lights up after Christmas. *Rolls eyes* We both ignored it of course, but she keeps effing harassing us about it! When we got home tonight she “conveniently” came out into the hallway as we were about to go inside our apartment. She gave me a glare so bitter I’d be dead if looks could kill. In a shaky voice she asked me why I took down my lights, and told me to put them back up. I simply replied that I didn’t want to put them back up. She was like well I’ve been putting up Christmas bows on the banisters and doorknobs, if you don’t like them take them down. We both looked at her and said they are fine, alright? We opened our door to go inside and she mouthed off something snooty under her breath. Seriously? Did we have to end up with that one next to us? πŸ™„ She’s an alcoholic, among other recreational things. That explains some of it. She’s already had her obnoxious friends over at 3 in the morning, knocking on our door repeatedly. Gah.


                            Two words… restraining order. 😈

                            I feel for you, MG. Home is my sanctuary, where I close out the world for some peace and quiet. I don’t think I could handle a neighbor like that. :shout:

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