WHINE is served

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      I just went to go and enjoy my lunch and couldn’t eat it… there are like 3 guys in the break room cheering this redneck on a hunting show shooting black bears. It was graphic and they all though it was the best thing ever. I feel sick to my stomach. :puke:

      I can watch the nastiest horror movie and see people get chopped into little bits and intestines flying while enjoying spagetti and meatballs… but ANYTHING harming animals and forget it… I have to leave the room.

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


      drag0nfeathers wrote:

      I just went to go and enjoy my lunch and couldn’t eat it… there are like 3 guys in the break room cheering this redneck on a hunting show shooting black bears. It was graphic and they all though it was the best thing ever. I feel sick to my stomach. :puke:

      I can watch the nastiest horror movie and see people get chopped into little bits and intestines flying while enjoying spagetti and meatballs… but ANYTHING harming animals and forget it… I have to leave the room.
      Me too…. people getting hacked into bits, okay…. animals…. nope. Especially since 9 out of 10 times I see animals getting hacked into bits, it’s not movie magic, it’s real. :puke: I am SO glad I don’t work at the slaughterhouse…

      foxfeather wrote:

      I hear you. We didn’t even get a decent summer (rainy and cool) It’s been cold and wet all September and we’ve already had snow….
      Our daytime high today is 4 Celsius (39F) and its raining

      Strange. Edmonton hasn’t had snow yet, so I’m surprised to hear that Calgary has. I haven’t been looking lately, can you tell? I knew up north (Grande Prairie and such) has had snow but not Calgary. LOL Was this weekend at least nice for you? It was gorgeous here. Too bad I cleaned all of Saturday. 🙄


        I hadn’t cleaned out my rats fort in a while, but I hadn’t worry too much until I noticed them taking batteries inside. So I opened it up tonight to find a crap load of stuff, just some of the contents being: My debit and credit card (reminds me how little extra cash I have to buy stuff that I hadn’t even missed them >.< ), my Charlie Card (subway pass), a CVS card, my Windstone Kirin notelet, a candle (gnawed on, of course), 8 rechargeable batteries, a small role of bubble wrap, 3 of my hair clips, pamphlets, bottle deposit refunds (I could have used that money!), UPS and USPS receipts, a T-shirt, and about a box full of cheerios. My whine is because once I took that stuff out and they realized it was missing, they went into overdrive trying to find new stuff (my stuff!!!) to pack the fort with again! :roll:


          *SNERK!* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You really do have “pack-rats”! 😆 😆 😆

          twindragonsmum 😀



            I looked after my sister’s kids for her and they had colds… and now I’m sick 😥


              foxfeather wrote:

              I hear you. We didn’t even get a decent summer (rainy and cool) It’s been cold and wet all September and we’ve already had snow….
              Our daytime high today is 4 Celsius (39F) and its raining

              Strange. Edmonton hasn’t had snow yet, so I’m surprised to hear that Calgary has. I haven’t been looking lately, can you tell? I knew up north (Grande Prairie and such) has had snow but not Calgary. LOL Was this weekend at least nice for you? It was gorgeous here. Too bad I cleaned all of Saturday. 🙄

              We had snow twice, just a light dusting at night that burned off by 11ish, but still, snow :nea: That makes only two months (July and August) where we haven’t had snow this year and most of those it rained. On the upside the last few weeks have been gorgeous! 🙂


                I won the Mint Agate PYO Ki-rin only to realize that I hadn’t updated my paypal or ebay accounts since I divorced.


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  I won the Mint Agate PYO Ki-rin only to realize that I hadn’t updated my paypal or ebay accounts since I divorced.

                  Oh … that whole updating and changing accounts thing is SUCH a pain in the neck. Good luck – you will get them all done eventually. 🙂


                    Crazy thing is I had already done my amazon account…guess you can see where my priorities lie. 😀


                      Working 2 jobs right now is really kicking my butt… so tired. T.T *whine*

                      Plus, the extra money I am getting was supposed to pay off the new laptop. Now it’s going to buy a new fridge. 🙄 *double whine*


                      bayoudragon wrote:

                      Working 2 jobs right now is really kicking my butt… so tired. T.T *whine*

                      Plus, the extra money I am getting was supposed to pay off the new laptop. Now it’s going to buy a new fridge. 🙄 *double whine*

                      That bites, bd. 🙁 My experience is that ‘extra’ income always gets gobbled up by something…


                      TDM, I’ve never met you in person, never talked on the phone, but I think you’re a wonderful caring person. *hugs*

                      I wish I could give you some advice, but I’m no good at that sort of thing, I’m more of a listener, and a shoulder to cry on. :shrug:


                        I’m really sorry you are going through this, twindragonsmum. I’m not sure I can make any helpful suggestions, as my personal situation is quite different than your own and I haven’t necessarily experienced what you are going through. I do know you shouldn’t have to ever “remake” yourself for someone. Sure, we all need to check ourselves sometimes, but one of the great things about a loving relationship is knowing you can be yourself with someone and they will accept you for who you are. Feel free to whine anytime. I only wish I had more to offer besides a listening ear. *hugs*


                          Man, my whine seems so measley compared to everyone elses issues… I finally got my truck fixed which is awesome, but now I’m broke as hell and I’m going to be exactly one year away from turning 30 in another 17 minutes 🙄

                          Got a busted Windstone?
                          *OPEN for repairs*

                          *SEEKING GRAILS*
                          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                          Siphlophis Male Dragon
                          Calypso Hatching Empress
                          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                          Tattoo Mother Kirin
                          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                            I found a job to apply for and in the listing it says to submit up to five writing samples (I had four picked out and already scanned), but when I went to attach the files I found I could only attach one so I had to take four separate PDF files and combine them into one…only to discover the file was way too big, so I had to drop one of the writing samples, which just happened to be the longest one that I was most proud of.

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