It’s actually not that cold here in Calgary right now GardenNinja. The last couple days it was around 20 degrees C outside which is about 68 degrees F, a nice room temperature. Although it snows every once in a while too.
It snows in Saint Louis, too, though not the way it used to. We usually get snow that sticks once or twice every winter. It usually melts within a few days, except the plow piles. It has been quite some years since I got more than 2-3 inches, though I recall some people out in the county (suburban, I live in urban area) got ~6 inches last year when I didn’t see any.
Saint Louis has both urban heat island effect and gulf air influence – it comes up the Mississippi River valley, making Saint Louis warmer than other midwestern cities at this latitude. Saint Louis theoretically can get below -10°F/-23°C, but most winters it doesn’t even get down to 5°F/-15°C.
I remember the blizzard of 1982… Over a foot in one day, and it didn’t warm up and start melting for over a week. It was so much more than normal, the whole metro area was paralyzed for a week. Outlying areas even longer than that.
On the other hand, another effect of the gulf air is the 95/95 days in the summer. I could do without those.
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