
WHINE is served

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      Sweden sounds nice!


        It snows in Saint Louis, too, though not the way it used to. We usually get snow that sticks once or twice every winter. It usually melts within a few days, except the plow piles. It has been quite some years since I got more than 2-3 inches, though I recall some people out in the county (suburban, I live in urban area) got ~6 inches last year when I didn’t see any.
        Saint Louis has both urban heat island effect and gulf air influence – it comes up the Mississippi River valley, making Saint Louis warmer than other midwestern cities at this latitude. Saint Louis theoretically can get below -10°F/-23°C, but most winters it doesn’t even get down to 5°F/-15°C.
        I remember the blizzard of 1982… Over a foot in one day, and it didn’t warm up and start melting for over a week. It was so much more than normal, the whole metro area was paralyzed for a week. Outlying areas even longer than that.
        On the other hand, another effect of the gulf air is the 95/95 days in the summer. I could do without those.

        My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


          Our “WHINE is served” thread is really… really long! While I hope no one has things to complain about (I wish we all had perfect lives! But how boring…), I know real life is… well, REAL. If you have some whine to serve, please continue over on our new “WHINE is served” thread here:

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com

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