WHINE is served

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      my parents would use the ones that would trap them in the little plastic box then we could set them loose in a nearby field….you had to check them often so they wouldn’t overheat in there though, any mouse was a sweaty mouse when we would find it but all were released safely…

      4 things I'm looking for:
      1. Mother Meerkat
      2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
      3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
      4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


        Arg! The mouse from this morning had at least two more friends get caught. Looks like we will be pulling everything out of the closet tomorrow/this weekend looking for the hole they are getting in through.


          Ugh! There’s nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning to multiple fraudulent charges on your checking account. Apparently someone tried to charge $500+, $1000+, and $2500+ on my husbands debit card. For Argosy Casino in Kansas City. My husband travels for work, but hasn’t been to KC in years. Of course, he left early this morning, and they froze his card. Luckily I was able to talk to the bank, and I got a message to my husband to call the fraud department so they could unlock his card. So annoying.

          Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


            I am so sick of the USPS. The “Tracking” they provide is laughable at best, and its driving me nuts. My package was supposed to arrive today, and was listed several times as “on time for delivery on Monday.” Now it says “on time for delivery on Tuesday.” They clearly don’t understand the meaning of “On time.”

            Also, the last few packages I’ve shipped or received they listed the shipping label as being created…about 5 hours after they listed the package as picked up. I’m no rocket scientist, but I’m pretty sure the fact I have a tracking number and the package was shipped have to come before the package is listed as shipped, but it’s backwards nearly all the time nowadays. One of the last trades I did the tracking didn’t even show up until after the package had been delivered.

            It’s just so frustrating that they’re all over the place with their info. It’s not like I’m shipping organs or anything, but it drives me nuts how haphazardly their system is run.

            Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
            ANY Red Eyed Unis
            ANY Test Paint Bat
            The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
            Male- Snow Leopard TP
            White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
            Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
            Mother: Okapi
            Gothic - Mahogany
            PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
            DRAGONS: Male Coyote


              I am so sick of the USPS. The “Tracking” they provide is laughable at best, and its driving me nuts. My package was supposed to arrive today, and was listed several times as “on time for delivery on Monday.” Now it says “on time for delivery on Tuesday.” They clearly don’t understand the meaning of “On time.”

              Also, the last few packages I’ve shipped or received they listed the shipping label as being created…about 5 hours after they listed the package as picked up. I’m no rocket scientist, but I’m pretty sure the fact I have a tracking number and the package was shipped have to come before the package is listed as shipped, but it’s backwards nearly all the time nowadays. One of the last trades I did the tracking didn’t even show up until after the package had been delivered.

              It’s just so frustrating that they’re all over the place with their info. It’s not like I’m shipping organs or anything, but it drives me nuts how haphazardly their system is run.

              YES! They were great for me up until a couple of months ago, and now “2 day” delivery packages take upwards of 3 at the least, and tracking is completely unreliable.

              I also noticed the last time I had something shipped to me that the label was marked as “created” 5 hours after I got notification for it.. and it was from a time zone BEHIND me, not ahead. Still, the package delivery going days later than they used to is the thing that upsets me the most, and it’s laughable that they can change anything to be “on time” if they can just switch the day it’s due..

              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                Ahhh I hate mouse traps. 🙁 Of course I understand that it’s necessary, you can’t have them in your home, but…. I was always the unlucky one to find the dead mice caught in the traps, or worse, one time I found the mouse caught/crushed but still squeaking. Honestly, it haunts me; it wasn’t like *I* set the traps, but somehow I feel guilty, like it was my fault, even after all the time. Also, the humane traps — we used to use those for squirrels since we had a very bad squirrel problem. But then an old squirrel died of (we think) a heart attack in the trap, and after that none of the other squirrels would touch the thing. Rodents are smarter than we give them credit for…

                Things that are annoying me right now? I caught a cold and it is really doing its best to make my life difficult. Super tired, the tubes to my ears hurt, can’t stop coughing, have lost my voice–that last one is especially not so great when you’re supposed to be teaching. I actually took off two days this week so I could have a mini staycation, but it seems I’m going to be spending it recuperating.

                Also, a different situation: back in August, I lost my iPod at a two-day concert in Tokyo. I did my best to try to find it / get it back, but eventually I thought it lost for good and bought a new one. Well, come to find out in November somebody found it and tried to contact me about it on FaceBook, but because they were a stranger FaceBook filed their message into the “others” folder and I didn’t see it for months! I managed to talk to the guy, and he still had it, but he was in the middle of a move (from Tokyo to CA) and so I had to wait a week while his stuff was being taken through the port… but then a week turned into a MONTH because of the worker’s strike and various holidays…. In early/mid January he said he posted it through UPS but that they (the workers) said there would be no tracking number.

                It’s now about mid February and still no sign of it. I want to think that since he contacted me in the first place, he probably did post it, and hasn’t lied, but then that also means that maybe it has become lost in the mail or was maybe even stolen by an unscrupulous worker (seriously, how can there be no tracking??? it sounded fishy to me then and it sounds more so now…). I messaged him the other day, but he hasn’t responded to me. :/ I guess I probably shouldn’t be too upset, I did buy a new one and I had considered it lost and gone forever back in August after all, but I was kind of hoping that I could sell it second-hand to help with my own moving expenses. I almost wish I had never seen the message in my Others folder in the first place, at least then I wouldn’t have gotten my hopes up…


                  Why can’t we get some relief from this snow!!!!! Gah, I’m not a doom and gloom person; I don’t tend to feel “hopeless” in situations. Yet, those thoughts are starting to creep in. I just spent the last three days shoveling. More snow predicted for Thursday, then Sunday. We have NO place to put it anymore. Banks are too tall. The MBTA shut down. My windows on the first floor are half covered in snow it is so high. For a month now we’ve been hit again and again with storms and it hasn’t warmed up enough to melt any of it. I’m going to dance around singing “Happy Happy Joy Joy” and think happy thoughts. Maybe look at some cat memes 😀


                    YES! They were great for me up until a couple of months ago, and now “2 day” delivery packages take upwards of 3 at the least, and tracking is completely unreliable.

                    I also noticed the last time I had something shipped to me that the label was marked as “created” 5 hours after I got notification for it.. and it was from a time zone BEHIND me, not ahead. Still, the package delivery going days later than they used to is the thing that upsets me the most, and it’s laughable that they can change anything to be “on time” if they can just switch the day it’s due..

                    Me too. They used to be great and then, BOOM they went all wobbly. I wonder if they implemented a new computer system or something. It’s such a drag. Luckily, my actual postal lady is really great, but the post office near us is HIDEOUS. They mark things as delivered 2-3 days before they send it out, etc. Also, they will not pick up the phone. Ever. I’ve let it ring for 15 minutes and they eventually pick up the phone and hang it up instantly. They’ve done that for years.

                    Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                    ANY Red Eyed Unis
                    ANY Test Paint Bat
                    The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                    Male- Snow Leopard TP
                    White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                    Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                    Mother: Okapi
                    Gothic - Mahogany
                    PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                    DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                      Lasohaney, sorry to hear about you being sick and everything else. Have you tried peroxide in the ears? A lot of colds are started with the virus entering the ear canals and going into the throat so if you just tilt your head and pour a little hydrogen peroxide in one ear and let it set and bubble for a minute and then wipe it out and then do the other ear each day when you feel you are getting sick or are sick, it will help kill any virus or bacteria in the ear canals and help treat and prevent colds.

                      You can also rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide mixed with a little warm water or rinse with salt water to help kill anything in the mouth and throat. Also get a small bottle of oil of oregano and swish and swallow about 20 drops of it a day when you feel you are getting sick and it will stop any throat infections or colds. If you are already sick it can help kill the bacteria and virus to make you better faster. Of course also takes lots of vitamin C and D and Echinacea is really good too.

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        Ugh! There’s nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning to multiple fraudulent charges on your checking account. Apparently someone tried to charge $500+, $1000+, and $2500+ on my husbands debit card. For Argosy Casino in Kansas City. My husband travels for work, but hasn’t been to KC in years. Of course, he left early this morning, and they froze his card. Luckily I was able to talk to the bank, and I got a message to my husband to call the fraud department so they could unlock his card. So annoying.

                        I completely understand that! One morning I woke up to find that someone had gone to dozens of skateboarding websites trying to buy a ton of $100 gift cards with my debit card! We work hard to make a life for our little ones, how sad is it that someone would steal my babies’ grocery money to buy hundreds of dollars in skateboards. It’s a terrible, frustrating feeling!


                          Lasohaney, sorry to hear about you being sick and everything else. Have you tried peroxide in the ears? A lot of colds are started with the virus entering the ear canals and going into the throat so if you just tilt your head and pour a little hydrogen peroxide in one ear and let it set and bubble for a minute and then wipe it out and then do the other ear each day when you feel you are getting sick or are sick, it will help kill any virus or bacteria in the ear canals and help treat and prevent colds.

                          You can also rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide mixed with a little warm water or rinse with salt water to help kill anything in the mouth and throat. Also get a small bottle of oil of oregano and swish and swallow about 20 drops of it a day when you feel you are getting sick and it will stop any throat infections or colds. If you are already sick it can help kill the bacteria and virus to make you better faster. Of course also takes lots of vitamin C and D and Echinacea is really good too.

                          Oooh I hadn’t heard of the hydrogen peroxide trick! I’ll have to try that. I honestly didn’t know that the virus often comes through the ears; I thought it was more likely to be nose or maybe mouth. But it makes sense, it IS another opening. Funnily, last night I wore my ear muffs to bed… I felt silly and it was mildly uncomfortable for my neck BUT I did notice that my inner ears seemed to feel better for it in the morning.

                          I’m a bit ashamed to admit I haven’t been trying the salt water for my mouth/throat even though I know it works. In years past when I got a cold, I would even try flushing my nose with a saline drip with a netti style method. Since it’s not as bad as many of the colds I’ve had in past years, I’ve mostly been trying to drink as much water and tea as possible to try to keep the mucus thin and easy to cough out, as well as taking an expectorant and meds to help control the amount of mucus / inflammation. I think it’s working okay, colds are just one of those things you have to kind of soldier through… A couple things that have been really helpful to me to alleviating the throat pain, though, have been peppermint tea and some tea made specifically for colds and sore throats by David’s (which include peppermint as one of the ingredients)as well as some throat drops by Burts Bees with honey, eucalyptus and menthol. I have to say they taste pretty bad, but oh my goodness do they work ever so much better than the Vicks drops do!!

                          Loki – I feel depressed/moody when the sky is gray for only 2 or more days, and snow is my worst enemy, so I can only imagine how you must be feeling. 🙁 I hope you have a full pantry, your situation sounds so very intense.


                            Argh, I’ve been stressed and in pain lately… Since last November I’ve been having some pelvic area pains. Nothing showed up on a pelvic ultrasound that I did in December. I got referred to some physical therapy people because I was told it could be muscle related. Got sent away by them after 3 visits due to making no progress and them being unable to figure it out.
                            Starting a little over a week ago, I’ve been in pain up right below my right ribs, around my right side and on the right side of my back at the same level. It got really bad for a couple of days, so bad it was very difficult & painful to move around. The pain has subsided since then but is definitely still there.
                            I just did an abdominal and pelvic CT scan today. I really hope something will show up on it so I can get some medical guidance and some help.
                            But this has all been more stressful than it needs to be because it seems to be so frickin’ hard to get in to see a doctor. They seem to be all booked up for months ahead. It was a nurse practitioner I saw who ordered the CT scan for me. But she said if that doesn’t show anything, I need to see a doctor about my pain. Yeah, ok, easy peasy!
                            Also stressed about my health insurance… ugh I don’t even want to go into the issues with that.

                            I’m putting things in my life on hold right now for fear of medical bills. Grr.
                            I’m only 28, and right now I feel a lot older!

                            Also been coughing since the beginning of January, so I’m ready to be done with that as well. If it continues much longer, I suppose I’ll have to get that checked out too. I haven’t had a fever or anything along with it, but still.


                              Phantomess did they check to see if the pain might be your appendix or does it feel like a bone issue or soft tissue problem? You can get pains from appendix problems in the area you described unless it could be intestinal or abdominal related.

                              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                              Could also be gallbladder. I hope the doctors find the cause and get you feeling better as soon as possible.


                                Good luck! Abdominal issues can be hard to diagnose, and pain from an unhappy appendix can come and go for quite a while. (I found that out the hard way 😉 )

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