WHINE is served

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      Sorry to hear that Bodine. Maybe once all the bad stuff is out of the way then it will be a great New Year as you deserve it!

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        I feel like whining too. My mom was determined to go to church Sunday night even though it has been very cold and snowing the last few days but it’s only a couple blocks down the hill from us so I told her to go. I stayed home because I was listing a bunch of beanie boos on ebay that I really need to sell. So she came back a couple hours later and told me that as she went down the hill and tried to turn right, the car skidded across the road and banged into a railing on the left side of the road and basically tore off the whole front/side of the car around the front wheel and light. Luckily my mom was fine and after driving 40 years this is her first real accident but I was shaken up. The car looks terrible and although it still drives I was already quoted about $1500 to get other parts fixed on the car and now it’s not even worth it. We don’t have collision insurance so the car is basically worth nothing now to try and fix or sell.

        I am not sure what to do next as my mom’s income was just cut in half when she turned 65 and was switched from Aish to a pension and I don’t know if I will be getting anymore income this month. I went to the doctor the other day and she is still concerned about my mental health (PSTD, depression and anxiety) and is referring me to a therapist to hopefully get cognitive behavioral therapy and try and end this cycle I have been on to heal and be able to be normal again. I am hoping they at least I can get coverage until I can get help or work again. I ended up borrowing money from my dad to cover this month’s rent and he said I have to pay it back so now I am trying to sell some pieces to get a bit more money and be able to pay him back. It would have been nice if he could have just given me a gift like that for Christmas but he hasn’t given me anything since I turned 18. He just tells me to go out and get a job but he doesn’t understand what it has been like for me suffering with what I have for the last couple of years. I can’t be around people without being incredibly anxious and don’t know how to talk to others and can’t sleep at night and am tired all day and have no energy to do anything. The only thing I can do normally is write. Anyway I hope it all works out but that is my whine for now.

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          found out today that I have strep throat…and I asked them to test my hubby too and sure enough he has it too, they think he brought it home but his was more cold-like symptoms so he didn’t think anything of it until I tested positive….

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


            It’s always the husband! Mine brought influenza A into the house back in September. We tried to head it off when he tested positive, but it was too late. All four of us were on Tamiflu and we had the neighbors leave Gatorade and crackers on our porch so we didn’t infect them.

            Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


              It’s always the husband! Mine brought influenza A into the house back in September. We tried to head it off when he tested positive, but it was too late. All four of us were on Tamiflu and we had the neighbors leave Gatorade and crackers on our porch so we didn’t infect them.


              we’re allowed to go out as long as we wear the little blue masks and we’re good by Friday for being no longer contagious with our medicine…..though they gave me a mask in the waiting room but didn’t give my husband one at that time, I think he may have gotten a few people who were close while we waited….supposedly we have to hug, kiss someone, close contact etc but still I worry for the waiting room people since he was coughing a bit…..they only tested my husband since I asked after I was tested positive, if I hadn’t asked, he would’ve walked around with it longer, ugh….

              4 things I'm looking for:
              1. Mother Meerkat
              2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
              3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
              4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                Yea… you couldn’t pet much on Shady without getting a little skeeved out. His hip bones, shoulder blades, and brest bone (sternum i guess) were particularly… unsettling to pet, but he loved being touched nonetheless so I still gave him pets though many visitors would tend to want him to stay away. He was scary looking compared to how gorgeous he was when he was younger, but he was still the same cat. I’d like to see other 25 year old cats and see how they fair in a beauty contest. They wastewaste away just like an elderly person does.

                Our older gentleman cat had this kind of physique near the end of his life as well. You wouldn’t want to pick him up for fear of breaking him! He used to be a well-muscled handsome cat as well – It’s very nice to hear your Shady was loved till the end. Some people can’t quite deal with all of the special care an older pet needs.


                  My turn for a whine! Me and my hubby decided to separate a couple months ago, and it’s been seriously stressful still living in the apartment with him until my soon to be roommate’s lease is up in February…. I avoid spending time at home these days, thus not being on here! But naturally, he complains I’m never home and asks me where I am all the time… usually I’m at my best friend’s place or my local bar chatting with the staff there lol.

                  Splitting up finances has also been hard, he makes a ton more money than I do, especially since I haven’t had to have a full time job here. Now though, I gotta get one, which is also stressful. This time of year sucks for job hunting. Splitting up stuff is also annoying, but thankfully I get all the windstones! 😀

                  So I guess it’s just a little whine. Things could definitely be worse!


                    My turn for a whine! Me and my hubby decided to separate a couple months ago, and it’s been seriously stressful still living in the apartment with him until my soon to be roommate’s lease is up in February…. I avoid spending time at home these days, thus not being on here! But naturally, he complains I’m never home and asks me where I am all the time… usually I’m at my best friend’s place or my local bar chatting with the staff there lol.

                    Splitting up finances has also been hard, he makes a ton more money than I do, especially since I haven’t had to have a full time job here. Now though, I gotta get one, which is also stressful. This time of year sucks for job hunting. Splitting up stuff is also annoying, but thankfully I get all the windstones! 😀

                    So I guess it’s just a little whine. Things could definitely be worse!

                    Yes, things could be worse but it’s still never easy. Good luck!


                    I know mice are rodents, and are destructive, and need to be caught/killed to remove them from our homes, and this post is NOT against you, pegasi1978, cause I know millions of people use these traps…

                    …. but one thing I really hate are glue traps… they should never have been created. They are a cruel form of torture, I cannot imagine what a mouse must go through when stuck to one 🙁 The terror of not being able to move like that… makes me feel ill inside. And sometimes they do get off and get away and get smart about glue traps, I know cause I know others who have used them and had this happen. Either way though, I personally think they are just plain cruel… and I know some people dont even kill the mouse but just dispose of them, not realizing the slow awful death the mouse will have…. (also makes me think of how some people flush their aquarium fish that are ill, or that they no longer want, down the toilet alive… not realizing that the fish will not die immediately, but rather die a slow cruel unimaginable horrific death confined in sludge and human excrement….out of sight-out of mind right? 🙁 )

                    I prefer mouse traps, the snap kind that kill with a snap, breaking the mouse’s neck. Im sure sometimes they may not always work right, not killing the mouse right away, but the majority of times it does. *SNAP*…. dead mouse. Not a squeaking crying terrified one stuck to some glue paper…. that now you have to kill with your bare hands somehow, or let him die slowly out-of sight, out-of-mind….

                    Ok, sorry, end rant…. (and again, this was not directed AT you pegasi, this is something that has always bothered me and I just wanted to rant)


                      Not trying to gang pile, just agreeing with Amstaff about how awful I think glue traps are and how I wish they were taken off the market. I do love rodents (umm… my rat Jack Jack as my avatar), but I do understand the need to eliminate unwanted rodents from homes. I just think there are more humane ways of killing something than having it be stuck to glue paper, dying slowly of thirst, and attempting to chew through its own limbs to get free.


                        You don’t have to kill mice to trap them. We had an old house that was left vacant when we moved in with my grandma when I was a kid and it got taken over by mice as soon as we moved the cats out. So instead of killing them, we set up bucket traps where you put some bird seed or something in the bottom of a bucket and then build a staircase up to the edge with books or something. They climb up and jump in to get the food and then can’t jump out if the bucket is tall enough. We would go to the house each day and find a bunch of mice in the bottom of the buckets. We would cover the buckets with towels and then take them in the car to a field nearby and release them. Eventually we got them all and they didn’t have to die.

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        I used to have a pet Gerbil, Dexter was his name. He was so friendly and cute, would come out of his enclosure to gently take a treat from your hand 😉 Then he would sit there and hold the treat in his front hands and nibble away on it, looking as happy as can be 😀

                        I heard of the bucket trap Kim… but only heard of people using it in cruel ways…. they would put a loose lid on it, that would flip over and dump whatever stood on it, into the bucket. Then they would hang food over the middle of the lid, tempting mice and such to venture on this trap-lid… then the mice would fall into the bucket below… which was either filled with water, or (grimace) oil even 🙁 They would swim till they drowned, or slowly be engulfed by the oil, which would have been impossible to swim in……. I hate knowing about all these cruel methods of removing mice…

                        I like your method Kim! Catch and release 😉


                          Yeah, we have the “snap” mouse traps too… someone had asked me my opinion at Canadian Tire once and I said “Kill ’em fast!”

                          Either way, you need to handle the dead mouse, right?

                          I feel for you, pegasi!

                          Whatever you do, though, be sure to check the traps regularly, whether you have kill traps or humane traps – a humane trap you forget to check is no longer humane and a kill trap with a long-term victim = a ripe victim indeed!

                          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                            My opinion, but I think glue traps are barbaric and the poisions they use now that liquefy their insides are just as horrible. I realize they need to be removed… peanut butter and a have a heart mouse trap worked fine for me. I released about 15 mice into the woods and never had a problem again. *shrug* My methods my not be liked either, but I just can’t kill the little guys. They’re too dang cute…

                            We had glue traps down behind the soda machine at work and while I was eating lunch i heard the little fellow stuck on it screaming bloody murder. I got some garden gloves and ran it until luke warm water until I got him off and later set him free out behind the store. <3 Poor little mouse.

                            Got a busted Windstone?
                            *OPEN for repairs*

                            *SEEKING GRAILS*
                            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                            Siphlophis Male Dragon
                            Calypso Hatching Empress
                            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                            Tattoo Mother Kirin
                            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                              I can understand the arguments against glue traps, but I use them. I don’t trust that mice I just release won’t come back – they are left alone out side, but once they are inside, unfortunately they will be exterminated.

                              I would prefer, in an ideal world, to use the kill immediately traps as they are more humane, but when you have small children/pets who frequent some of the same areas as the mice, the glue traps are preferable (for me). I would rather run warm water to detach a dog or child than risk them being injured.

                              My kids and dogs are more important to me than mice – so making sure they don’t suffer triumphs over my desire to be merciful to the mice, alas.

                              I do, however, generally catch and release spiders – after all, they eat bugs and don’t poop on my dishes. 🙂

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