
What's being painted for the store?

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      So with being hugely surprised by the BVP release of the Mother and Male dragons that I had NO idea were even being painted (I would have tried to save for both, instead I narrowly pulled off gettin the mother. Which has rearranged my plan to get a GB Poad) – I was wondering if it is possible to know what is being painted, getting ready for store?? (I don’t need to know about ebay stuff, I can’t afford them)

      I remember seeing BVP Coiled Males in a livestream? and I *really* want to try to get my hands on one of those, and somewhere it was mentioned about pebble wolves that I’d love to get… there are a handful of Windstones I really want a chance at, but not having *any* idea they may be getting ready for the store really hinders my ability to save for them and prioritize what I get, when I get it…

      I think it would be great to know what’s at the paint stations, and a guesstimate on when they’ll be released (Even if you can tell me what month you think they’ll be released in) so I can save for them.. a 2hr heads up does me no good if I don’t have the money…


      I’m a bit curious on this as well. I’d like certain sculpts in certain previous LP colors, but have no way to know if I need to do some wheeling and dealing to get my hands on them, or if a bit of patience will see them returned to the store in a month or three. It would definitely help with planning for those on a budget.


        I’ve been eagerly waiting for BVP coiled males as well, and hope they don’t come out the same day as the Poads…

        It would be nice to know what’s on the horizon!


          ….pebbles? 😀 😀 😀

          Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
          Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
          Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


            Would be awesome if there were some sort of “coming soon” section to the shop… that keeps up to date with what is currently being painted/getting ready for the shop… be it a new product or restocking… with a preview photo would make it even better!


              I’ll see what I can do, that is a good idea… I am stifling a whine about “when does anyone have time to do that????” but really it wouldn’t be be that hard to set up a “coming soon section”. That was kinda what the “Announcements”, and “Blog” sections were for, but we rarely use them for that.
              Or, I could start putting new stuff in the blog, since I still don’t know how to upload images to the forum… ( yes, I have tried and it didn’t work! Boy, am I whiney today. )


              *hugs Melody*

              It’s a whine kind of day, hon. Either area would work fine, I’m sure!


                yeah it’s that kind of day . boy is it even typing this is driving me nuts .


                  Aww *hugs* it is one of those days!!! I’m in a whiney mood too.. if you haven’t noticed XD Sorry bout that!

                  What about this idea??
                  If we can figure out a way for me to know what is being painted (I dunno who has best access to seeing what the painters are working on) and have Pam email me photos (if or when you get them?).. ‘n get a sticky thread in Announcements or Store, I’ll update it! – I dunno if that’s just as much work as posting to a thread or not though… send me a PM or email (kaytanaphoenix @ yahoo . com) if you’re interested in this idea, I’ll help brain storm efficiency! Even if it isn’t me updating! I’m more than willing to work on it if it means I can plan better! lol XD

                  Honestly, I don’t even need a date, if I know it’s being painted, and know it’s on the horizon, whenever that may be, I can plan for it! Set money aside for what I want most…
                  If you were to tell me that Indigo was being painted for an LP, I’d either not yet get the BVP coiled male and/or the pebble wolf I’m currently trying to hold money aside for, so I have a chance at the Indigo (It’s my fave color I’ve seen in test paints that might stand a chance at seeing the store) or I’d be working extra hard to have the money aside for all of em… ‘n if I know what sculpts are being painted, if I see one I like but know one I want more may be right around the corner ’cause I knew it was being painted too, I can plan that properly.. or if I hadn’t heard the one I like more is being painted yet, I can get the one I like, and then save up again for the one I really like and have them both (Omg I hope this is making sense! LOL)


                    I would be interested in this muchly…I always wonder what will come back again and what will be on the way so I can budget accordingly…

                    even if it’s just “we have the sculpts done but they probably won’t go into the store until like May since we have ____ to paint first!”

                    4 things I'm looking for:
                    1. Mother Meerkat
                    2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                    3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                    4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                      I’d like to know too! 😀


                      I’d like to know too! 😀

                      LOLOL–OK, that gave me the best laugh of the day so far!

                      (I’m wearing my “Feeling stabby” tshirt today that hubby gave me as a birthday present last night, so believe me, I get the mood of the day! Think I’ll go kill off a fictional character or two to blow off some steam!) 🙂


                        I’ve got a whiney mood going on as well… Still in my jammies – I have bronchitis and am still contagious *blerg* My dad went to hospital this morning after collapsing on the bathroom floor and is still there and on top ot it all, Rod is divorcing me and wants custody of me boyohs and me to pay child support to him… This little poady is prolly my last purchase for a long while. I’m sorry you’re feeling whiney today – big hugs for you!!! And thank you for all your hard work! You need a vacay – come up to Idaho and we’ll hit Yellowstone and then Jackson Hole… loves ya!




                          I’ve got a whiney mood going on as well… Still in my jammies – I have bronchitis and am still contagious *blerg* My dad went to hospital this morning after collapsing on the bathroom floor and is still there and on top ot it all, Rod is divorcing me and wants custody of me boyohs and me to pay child support to him… This little poady is prolly my last purchase for a long while. I’m sorry you’re feeling whiney today – big hugs for you!!! And thank you for all your hard work! You need a vacay – come up to Idaho and we’ll hit Yellowstone and then Jackson Hole… loves ya!


                          ohh sweety! *hugs* I’m so sorry!! I hope your dad is ok! ‘n hope you get to feeling better… ‘n bring me within arms reach of the stupid man and I’ll rearrange his bright ideas o.o Stay strong! We’re all here for you 🙂


                            I’ve got a whiney mood going on as well… Still in my jammies – I have bronchitis and am still contagious *blerg* My dad went to hospital this morning after collapsing on the bathroom floor and is still there and on top ot it all, Rod is divorcing me and wants custody of me boyohs and me to pay child support to him… This little poady is prolly my last purchase for a long while. I’m sorry you’re feeling whiney today – big hugs for you!!! And thank you for all your hard work! You need a vacay – come up to Idaho and we’ll hit Yellowstone and then Jackson Hole… loves ya!


                            Oh no – I am so sorry to hear about both! I hope your Dad is better soon. On you other problem – BE SURE TO GET A GOOD LAWYER! And remember … this is your future being settled – you don’t want to be nice!

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