
What is it??

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    Adaneth wrote:

    Goodness, what a persistent little creep! 🙄 Now if they’d only grow the sense to put half as much energy into being honest. 😈

    Truer words – I have never understood people who spend a whole lot of time and effort doing illegal/unethical things when with the same amount of effort they could make an honest living. But I then my mother was about the most honest person I ever knew…she would give back extra change when she got it!


    Hey, my friend dealt with that same person…they claimed that they sold it, but they had 3 or 4 more unicorn sets identical, so they would accept her best offer, they offered this to her, several weeks AFTER it was removed from Ebay! Which made her suspicious right away, plus she did not believe for one minute that they could have that many sets of the unicorns, and she was suspicious of the FB thing, they were now listed as no longer registered users, so she reported it to Ebay, and they linked it up, and it was all a big scam!


    Out of curiousity, I also emailed the seller of the Green/Black dragon for a picture, or could they describe more what it was because I was “afraid” to bid so high on something that I could not see, or know what it is, but no answer, but with that said, the auction was ending in a few hours, in fact, at 4 AM their time! How strange! It seems Quite Suspictious to me…


      If I got extra change I would give it back too. I usually do not count coin change but will make sure the bills are correct. I don’t want anyone getting fired over a mistake like that. Now found money is another story since you have no real way to make sure it goes to the REAL person that lost it


        Yikes @ that story, Kitsune.

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