What else do you collect? -Besides Windstones

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  • #1521179

      Oh! You have a Mambo!!!!! That’s one I would love to have. 🙂
      I also collect model horses, Breyers/Peter Stones/Resins. I might post some pics when I get home….I can’t display them all because I don’t have the room, but I try to have some favorites out. They also get rearranged when I go to a show because then not everyone gets unpacked. I should really take some pics of my show table at the next show I go to….it would probably show them better.

      Model horses are my main obsession, although my collection isn’t huge. I love Breyers, of course, but I also have some Peter Stones, a few customs and resins.
      I also have a My Little Pony collection – mostly G1 adult ponies, but also some G3s, G4s and customs I’ve gotten through swaps, etc.
      I have most of the “signature” Ever After High dolls, although I stopped buying them when the quality went down…as well as some random Monster High dolls.
      And quite a few stuffed animals, mostly Beanie Babies, Pokemon and My Little Pony

      I don’t have any good pictures of my office – which I call my “toy store” – but I have individual pics of most of my model horses and a few other things on my website: http://ashleyevans28.wixsite.com/dashesndots/model-horse-collection

      Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


        I collect:

        Bird Dust
        Art supplies
        Stuff I find outside

        Bird dust is what one’s collections collect.

        Lol! I also collect art supplies… really have too much to deal with, and it’s all over the place.
        And it’s not just my collections that collect dust x.x

        ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

        • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
        ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
        ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
        ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

        • ► By Melody ◄ •
        ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
        ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
        ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


          Peter Stone Arabians
          heart shaped rocks
          shark teeth(well it’s only one Megalodon tooth now but I hope to get more)
          Beanie Babies
          butterflies in frames
          and lately Infinity characters since the Wii U has been discounted so they’re usually well priced

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


            I collect
            Tea pots
            Art (paintings mostly but have some sculptures)
            Pin cushions
            Rocks,minerals and shells
            Mermaids (ornaments,art)
            Cook books
            LEGO (I am on the hunt for Jurassic World raptor escape)


              I forgot I also collect Magic cards. The old ones from 15 years ago or so. I have probably 5 to 7 thousand.


                I also collect Cheval Ponies,
                 photo Cheval Ponies_zpskqbs8y9h.jpg

                Cheval ponies and Breyer Horses (to many to show all the Breyers),
                 photo Breyers  Cheval Pony_zpsfzcjgkum.jpg

                Water Pitchers,
                 photo Water Pitchers_zpshowoppaq.jpg

                Air Plants (Yes, they are alive),
                 photo Air Plants_zpseuaacrq8.jpg

                NyForm Trolls,
                 photo Trolls_zpsjtlpexll.jpg

                I also seem to have a large collection of books and house plants.

                Looking for:

                Celestial Rainstorm

                  Oh man, I really need to unpack to see what I have XD. But I do collect things other than Windstones:
                  -Special Barbies (mostly from the Winter/Holiday Collections)
                  -Any sort of memorabilia from the movie “9”
                  -Art supplies (gotta start using that all up!)
                  -Safari Ltd. Figures.

                  Finding happiness again.


                    Air Plants (Yes, they are alive),
                     photo Air Plants_zpseuaacrq8.jpg

                    Lovely tillandsia collection!

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                    I collect crystals and mineral specimens and other brightly colored pretty rocks. I display them all with my Windstone figures in their own little curio cabinet that my mother left me.

                    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.


                      I collect various equine sculptures ranging from breyer to artist resins, marbles ( although i can never say i have lost them now), gaming dice, and rocks and minerals.


                        Air Plants (Yes, they are alive),
                         photo Air Plants_zpseuaacrq8.jpg

                        Lovely tillandsia collection!

                        Thank you! Some of them even bloom every year!

                        Looking for:
                        "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                          StormDancer-I love the matched pair[white]Chevals.They are so beautiful!I have to ask,I tried to raise the air plants and failed,twice,.How do you do it?

                          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                            StormDancer-I love the matched pair[white]Chevals.They are so beautiful!I have to ask,I tried to raise the air plants and failed,twice,.How do you do it?

                            Thank you Bodine! I think the matched pair you mention are actually Frosty & Flurry, Breyer web specials. But they were standing next to the Dapple Grey Welsh Cheval and I didn’t want him to look lonely.

                            For My air plants I keep them in a north window. The ones in glass globes I mist every 4 or 5 days with plain water. The ones set on the wood piece I mist every 2 or 3 days.
                            Most people say to use rain water on them, but I haul all the water for my house (no water lines within 7 miles of my place) and put it into a cistern so most of the chemicals are evaporated out of it by time it gets used on the plants. I have a friend in the UK who uses rain water and his seem to bloom really well each year.
                            Then once a month I have a fertilizer for bromeliads that I add to a sink of water (about a quarter of the recommended strength) and I toss all the air plants into that to soak for an hour or so.
                            If something happens and they go a few extra days without misting, I will just toss em into the sink for a bit to let em get a good drink and they seem to recover quickly.

                            The other thing I suggest is finding a good seller. Buying them from walmart or some other store of that type can be hit n miss, half of them are already dead or so stressed that they probably will be in a week or two.
                            There are a few good sellers on eBay for them. And a few online nurseries for them as well.

                            Good luck!

                            Looking for:
                            "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                              Thanks to you, Ms. Melody, I now have a lovely collection of gashapon goldfish. This is only part of it.
                               photo 001_zpsrvoqr70m.jpg

                              There are some weird Star Wars fish too, getting them inspired by the gashapons.

                              I collect dragons in general, although Windstone does spoil you for other makes. I like very few dragons now. I have a couple McFarlanes, and just as few Enchanticas/Dragonsites (a big part of not having more of either is inability to find them and affording them when I can, don’t like either quite as well as Windstones and won’t pay the same for them). There’s one GG Santiago/Enesco one, and a few unknown makes. There are also a very few ‘toy’ ones I like, the Safari water dragon and a family by Schleich.

                              I also collect/grow orchids.

                              And have had rock and shell collections, much of which has been lost in moves but I add neat new ones as I can.

                              Sorry I’ve tried to add photos of a little of it, but Photobucket is a total butt. Will try again when I can.


                                Pipsxlch I really like your fish. I have never seen anything like them.

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