We're civilian again…. pg 21

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      Congrats!!! 😀


        Congrats: -)


          I’m just happy he passed. He and his younger brother both started their current jobs at the same time. his brother works for Florida Correctional Department. Well last month he went up for his sergeant exam and passed it. We took it as a sign that it meant my husband would probably pass his as well.

          We definately needed this ray of sunshine after having to deal with the news that his father has alcoholic dementia. (Think Alzheimer’s brought on by too much drinking.)


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            Just to let everyone know he passed! He got a 145/150. Now it’s just a matter of points dropping so he can get picked up. They get points for the intervies, for commander’s recommnedation, schooling, PT test scores and probably other things I’m not aware of. If I understand what he’s been telling me correctly, the points for October and November are already set so he can’t get pinned those months. But the points for December aren’t set yet, so if they match the amount of points he has he’ll get the promotion then. Yay!

            😆 Now I have to get on the Criss Angel Web site and order the set my husband wants and I said he could have if he passed.First off, Congratulations!!
            It takes two months for S-1 to process points, so thats why they are not active yet. He will get points for PT, weapons qual, civillian and military ed, awards and decorations, the actual 145 he got from the board, and another 150 from his commander. The board was his interview 😉 They are revamping the board points though, making the board a G0/No-Go situation, making combat time worth points, and I think doing away with the commanders points. They are also shuffling points so that they can get more points in the awards and decoratoins category and less in civilian ed. Its in the new Army Times if you want more info. 🙂


            Congratulations to your husband! 😀


              Congrats to your hubby!


                Congratulations to your Hubby!


                  Congrats! Great news!


                  Yay for the good news! Congrats to Hubby!


                    Happy News!! Congrats to your Hubby 🙂


                    Congrats to both of you. 😀


                      Wow hard to belive it’s been six months since he left. Figured it was time for an update. The points for November were too high so he couldn’t get pinned then. We haven’t heard what December’s points are yet. I’m hoping they are low enough (the max is 798 and he has ~575). It would be nice to have him get pinned sooner rather than later.

                      He’s coming home on leave soon. He had been requesting Mid-November all along so he could be home for our son’s third birthday on the 19. He didn’t quite get that though. He’ll be home shortly after Thanksgiving and have to go back shortly before Christmas so he’s gettting totally screwed holiday wise, but he’s coming home soon!

                      Leave will be bittersweet in some ways because of what happened with his father. His father has been in the hospital/psych ward/retirement home for two and a half months now due to his Alchoholic Dementia. I think we are both in for a bit of a shock when we get to see him.


                        Late Thanksgiving early Christmas? But at least he’s coming home. I’m so sorry about his father. **sending hugs and best wishes**


                          Yep, we are doing late birthday/Thanksgiving and an early Christmas. Fortunately the kiddo is young enough that he won’t know the difference.


                            I’m glad he’s comming home! I’m sorry to hear about his father though. I hope all goes well.

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