We're civilian again…. pg 21

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    Something gets broken every time someone moves doesn’t it? At least with me it’s always the same windstone that gets another chip to add to the collection…. 🙄

    Click Please!


      Very, very nice house! I hope you don’t have any more casualties!


      I love Gavin’s room, Pegasi. Looks like you guys are settling in well. Nice house!


      Dragon87 wrote:

      Something gets broken every time someone moves doesn’t it? At least with me it’s always the same windstone that gets another chip to add to the collection…. 🙄

      So you can count how many times you’ve moved by referring to that Windstone? Clever.


        Really nice Peg!! I wish you many years of love and happiness in your new home. 😆


          Looks great!! It’s nice to see some one doing their own painting and decorating! Out here people just pay to have it done…. 🙄 Lazy rich people…


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            Looks great!! It’s nice to see some one doing their own painting and decorating! Out here people just pay to have it done…. 🙄 Lazy rich people…

            Can’t quite afford that, plus I enjoy doing things like painting and being handy around the house. Growing up, I always helped my dad out when he did stuff like painting or putting furniture together (which is a good thing because my husband isn’t very mechanically inclined 😆 ).


              The house is really looking good, Peg. 😀 I hope your Windstones are all okay. 😕


                I hope they are too. We took a break from unpacking today to relax and spend some time with the kiddo. We ended up going to the mall and walking his little legs off. 😆 Tomorrow it’s back to the “grinding stone” though. 🙁 My hands are aching from all the pushing and pulling.


                  Just take your time and everything will be unpacked before you know it. 😉


                    Well the Windstones are all unpacked and living in their new curio cabinet. They all made it safe and sound…probably because I put them in their boxes and let the movers put those boxes in the “dish packs”. I’ll have to take a picture some time soon.

                    My parents came in town Monday and just left this morning. They wanted to check the house out and help unpack some of the boxes. We’ve gotten all but two boxes out of the living room, and one of those belongs in the office.

                    The office is still a maze of boxes, but I may get started in here today. I have to empty some book boxes so I can move one bookshelf to another spot so I can open more book boxes. Or I might just leave the bookshelf where it is since we still have to get at least one more (two or three would be better).

                    We can’t even park in one half of the garage right now because that’s where the boxes are going until we call the movers to pick them up, as well as most of the furniture we want to donate. I need to dig up the phone number of the place that will come pick up your belongings and give them a call.


                      Wow!! You are making progress!!! 😀

                      I’m glad the Windstones made it all in one piece. 😉


                      I’m jealous, we moved 2 years ago, and I still have about 30 boxes I haven’t unpacked due to nowhere to put what is inside. I think I need to have a garage sale…



                        Some of it is simply me wanting to be able to get to my stuff. I ended up killing one of our two remaining bookshelves trying to move it on my own. Bad me I know, but I was wanting to unpack my books. Not having my books out is like not having my Windstones out…and that’s the majority of the remaining boxes (books that is). That really irked me because I was really ready to do some work.

                        Hubby and I met up at Targey yesterday afternoon because we had seen some nice wooden bookshelves we liked there. We moved the car seat from the SUV to my car and loaded up two bookshelves to replace the two that have died in the move. Then last night when hubby couldn’t sleep because he’s having to reset his sleep schedule due to swapping to night shift he started unpacking some of the boxes. I appreciate what he did, but boy have I got some major reorginization ahead of me. We could easily fill two more bookshelves (bringing the total to five 😯 ) I knew we had a lot of books, but times like this is when you really realize it.

                        He also found the missing DVDs in some of the book boxes. They were in with some of the mangas. 😆


                        Yeah, our books and movies were the first things we unpacked…we have four bookshelves, and while the books are all out of boxes, they don’t all quite fit, I had to layer them, so when you want to find something, you have to pull books out to see the ones behind them…We really need a few more shelves, then to put them in alphabetical order.

                        Perhaps when Laurie visits next summer she and I can do that. I also have a very nifty program that lets me list every book I have, about 1/4 of them are already entered, but I have a long way to go to get all of them.


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