
Welcome Nuke

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  • #582650

      Just wanted to say welcome to the forums and I like your avatar.



        Hey Nuke!
        I am new here too, but you’ll find out quiclky enough that people are really friendly-and they have a wonderful sence of humor!


          yes! Welcome! 😀



          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            Welcome to the Forum!


              Hi!!! Glad you could join us!!! 😀


              Thanks for all the warm greetings ^^ I’m not a talk-a-lot, but I hope to add my works devoted to Windstone (PYO and whatnot) in the near future.

              And as being an official n00b: how do you create a sig here? It says it’s done via your profile, but I see nothing about creating a signature 😕


                If you want an image signature you have to make one in an image editing program, upload it to some place on the internet and then copy the code for it to the appropriate space in your profile (towards the bottom). If you just want a text one, go to the bottom of your profile and type what you want there.


                Oops, my bad. I meant to say how do you upload a sig. When I go to the bottom of my profile it just shows the Avatar control panel, and going up the sections are: Preferences, Profile Information, and Registration Information. I can’t figure out where to ender my website URL as well T____T


                  Nuke wrote:

                  Oops, my bad. I meant to say how do you upload a sig. When I go to the bottom of my profile it just shows the Avatar control panel, and going up the sections are: Preferences, Profile Information, and Registration Information. I can’t figure out where to ender my website URL as well T____T

                  Okay, start with cliking the word profile (under FAQ) up at the top of the page this will let you edit your profile information. To set your website URL scroll down to the second section labeled “Profile Information”. There’s a box that says Website. Put your website URL there and it’s linked.

                  Image signatures are a little different since you can’t host the image here on the forum, you have to upload it so some other website that allows remote linking (like photobucket or imageshack). After you have the image on the web some where you want to put the link for it in between [*img] and [/*img] (remove the *) in the box in “Profile Information” that says Signature.


                  Uh oh, something’s very wrong here. This is all that’s under Profile Info for me:

                  ICQ Number:
                  AIM Address:
                  MSN Messenger:
                  Yahoo Messenger:

                  Major glitch? Yet eaglefeather831 can do it fine…Window’s Vista doesn’t have anything to do with it does it? e____e I’ll try downloading Firefox to see what happens.


                    Ahh! It could also have something to do with you have less than 5 posts. There’s something with the way teh forum is built that it won’t let you do certain things until you hit that magic number. Its probably to make sure you aren’t a spambot or something.


                    I believe you’re right, or that I must be a day old before I do. Thankyou very much ^-^ *gets-a-postin*


                      No problem! Just give a shout out if you need any more help.

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