
Unicorn Color Differences?

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      Hey guys,

      I just got a mother and baby unicorn pair for my birthday. I was a little surprised to see that they weren’t the same color however. The baby is more of a bright titanium white, while the mother is more creamy. Is this how she is supposed to look? I never knew they were colored differently like this. Oh, and they are both direct from the factory, so it couldn’t have come from smoke or anything like that.

      Any input is much appreciated. Thank you,

      ~Amy ^_^


        Probably just slightly different painting techniques (we had relearn how to do everything after we left California). On the other hand, I don’t have a mother and baby pair out to compare.


          I got 2 white mother unicorns in a week off of ebay a couple of months ago – both were used and somewhat older, but one was stark white while the other was offwhite – a cream color, as you described.

          I thought the offwhite was that way just because it came from a smoker’s home (not listed on the ebay auction, but it smelled .. ugh), but after trying to clean it I realized I was wiping away the paint! It definitely was painted in a different white color.

          Not that this helps, but it’s nice to know that I’m not crazy XD

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            My original mother, male, & baby are stark white. My grand might be
            somewhat creamy (hard to tell – he is in the back corner kind of in
            shadow and it is a full top shelf so I don’t want to pull him down.)
            The young I just acquired from ebay is cream. I, too, thought it might
            have been from a smoker or maybe sun fade (?). He just looks different
            next to the others. Not bad, but I might keep it at the bottom of my
            wish list should I come across a WHITE young IN PERSON (& it’s not
            too expensive).

            (Glad somebody asked so I don’t have to start a new thread…)


              I thought the offwhite was that way just because it came from a smoker’s home (not listed on the ebay auction, but it smelled .. ugh), but after trying to clean it I realized I was wiping away the paint! It definitely was painted in a different white color.

              I don’t know if this is the case but I just wanted to mention that long-term exposure to tobacco smoke and nicotine can actually permeate the paint job and change the color of the paint itself, thus why we know of no way to actually clean a Windstone that has been discolored by tobacco smoke. So it is possible that it was the smoke– but it is also possible it is the original paint job. x_x

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              not much help here, but i have a baby unicorn from the store recently, and its definitely a warm cream color. i dont have any others to compare it to, but it is certainly not pure white.


                My 2 cents worth. I have a mother from about the mid-90’s and she is most definitely a cream/egg shell color (same with a Grand from the late-90’s). I had noticed pics of newer unicorns from the California factory appeared to have a more true white color than the creme. I haven’t seen the new ones coming out of the Corvallis factory yet.


                  The creamy-white color of the unicorns has varied over the years and varies on the unicorns as well, but it’s always been a creamy white, I’m quite certain it’s never been a bright white, even though it may look bright white in photographs. White Unicorns that have been living in people’s homes can become darker with exposure to smoke or can become lighter due to vigorous cleaning (remember, we only recommend gentle dusting, repeated wiping with a damp cloth can take the finish off). Our paint color is hand-mixed and our unicorns are hand painted – the color you see is not just one color sprayed on them – layers are involved – and there is natural variance, mostly between batches which are painted one style at a time and not always by the same painter. All of the Mother Unicorns we have right now were painted at the same time by the same person, and all look very much alike. All of the White Baby Unicorns we’ve been selling recently were painted together by a different person, at a different point in time from the mothers.

                  I just compared a Mother and a Baby side by side and the babies are ever so slightly lighter than the mothers. Whether this is intentional or not, I do not know, that’s a Melody Question, but it may very well be because they are nice clean Babies, with soft new baby fur, and Mom may have rolled in the dust!


                    but it may very well be because they are nice clean Babies, with soft new baby fur, and Mom may have rolled in the dust!

                    Haha! My sister used to own a white mare and she was NEVER clean!


                      but it may very well be because they are nice clean Babies, with soft new baby fur, and Mom may have rolled in the dust!

                      Haha! My sister used to own a white mare and she was NEVER clean!

                      A friend of mine used to have a white Arabian mare and I don’t know what it was about that mare’s coat, but even yellow urine stains would brush right off.

                      Then again, her foal would probably manage to get filthy while standing absolutely still in the middle of a field on a beautiful sunshiny day.

                      So I guess it evened out! :bigsmile:

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