The WTF Thread

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      That stinks drag0n. I like bayou’s suggestion though. *evil grin*

      I hope I don’t have any issues with evilbay when I get my keeper dragon done (finishing it up). I’m hoping to sell it so I have a little spending money for Anime Boston.


        I actually have a WTF moment (my first I’ve been willing to share, at least…lol). I bought something on ebay for my PYO swap piece, and the ETA ebay gave me (I bought it March 25th) was the 28th or the 29th. That was fine. But April 2nd rolls around, and it still wasn’t even marked as shipped! So I emailed the seller – where is my item? Not a peep, other than to mark it shipped on April 1st. Which I felt was a ridiculous amount of time for a seller who appears to do quite a lot of business on ebay to take to ship one tiny item. But whatever. I waited and waited all this week for it, and FINALLY, it arrives today (I’m sorry to my swapee, but I hope you consider my piece worth the wait…) – and that wench put it in a paper envelope with a tiny piece of bubble wrap around it! The post office even stamped “received in damaged condition” all over it!! The envelope had of course torn open. I’m amazed it made it without falling out and disappearing into the ether – but it only has a small scratch on it. To make a long story short, I am pissed off, and kind of feel like she packaged it crappily on purpose because I *dared* to ask where my item was. But I also have no intention of returning it, because I needed it like 3 days ago…so now I am in a WTF kind of feedback do I leave fix, when I’m not even willing to give her the opportunity to send me a new one/give me a refund. I don’t want to NOT leave her feedback, because I feel like other buyers should be aware…but I’m not feeling particularly neutral (or even close to positive) about my ‘buying experience’. HISS.


          Personally I’d probably leave a neutral. A week really isn’t a ridiculous amount of time for an individual to take to ship something (unless the auction listing guaranteed a ship date)… if it was I’d be in real trouble by now. XD
          The packaging is pretty unacceptable, but the item did get to you with (I assume?) very minor damage, and you are not giving her the chance to make it right, so a negative seems unfair. I would give her the neutral on the basis of the unsuitable/bad packing if nothing else.

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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            Thought I’d drudge this thread back up for a WTF moment

            So I FINALLY sell some fursuit stuff on an auction site. Person bids and wins. YAY right? Thinking I’ll have some extra money… yea well.

            I get an email after the $500 auction and it says

            …. how much for just the feet. That’s all I want.

            WTF! Really? I can’t stand stupid people! I can’t complain either, it’s a free site so there are no listing fees or final value fees like ebay and in return, there is no police on the site for this kind of thing. All I can do is leave bad feedback, but how freaking annoying! GAH!

            That is messed up, but I am sad to say somewhat typical in that fandom…! I have done many cons in the past and without a doubt the furs tend to have the biggest problems with entitlement issues of any of the groups I’ve sold to. I think it’s because they are mostly younger generations whereas my customers at other cons and venues are a bit older perhaps?? Augh.

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              I know, I know…a negative is unfair if I don’t ask her to make it right, which is why I will not leave her negative feedback…even though the item in question is made of crystal, so I think she deserves it b/c there’s no WAY that crappy packaging wasn’t deliberate – she has almost 5500 feedback, so she knows what she’s doing here. I don’t think I’ve ever left *anyone* negative feedback…at least, not that I can recall…but after looking at the postmark on the envelope, I’m even more annoyed, because now I see that she lied. It was not shipped on the 1st, it was shipped on the 4th of April. I can’t stand people who lie. I’d much rather she emailed me and said “Hey, I’m running behind…I won’t be able to get to the post office until blah blah date.” All she had to do was tell me, and I would not have been angry at all. I totally understand not being able to make it to the postal whenever you want, but sheesh, let a person know! =|


                I can understand Jennifer’s point as far as it not being fair to leave her negative feedback, but my opinion is that you can leave negative feedback without feeling guilty.

                Although the seller didn’t know that it was very important for you to get the item ASAP, it’s totally unacceptable for her to have waited that long before sending your item with NO communication. I pride myself on having lots of communication with my customers – probably more than is necessary – but I know what it’s like to be on the other end and wondering “what’s going on?”.

                If it was just a late shipment that may not warrant negative feedback, but since it was so poorly packaged I think you’re totally in your right to leave negative feedback.

                One other thing that I thought of, is that you could possibly try emailing her and telling her that it was damaged and that you HAVE to use it for something but you’re really not happy with her service – but that you would be if she could give you a discount on the item. It may not work, but it’s worth a try. I’ve had the same type of issue before where it was a one of a kind item, and the seller simply gave me a discount. Instant happy customer! If she chooses not to give you a discount of any sort, I’d say you’re well within your rights to leave negative feedback.

                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Hmm. That’s a good idea. >.>; I emailed her, but after looking through her feedback, I’m not sure I have much of a chance of even a “No.” reply. It seems she is not particularly communicative. 9_9;;


                    You know what Jen, you are SO RIGHT! I don’t know what it is but anyone of the furry fandom always tends to be difficult to deal with. I thought maybe since I’m not a full blown furry and sometimes I might not EXACTLY understand particular verbage I was just somehow being treated as if I’m not a part of the “group” but everyone I have dealt with has had an awful attitude.

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                    I just recently registered on the DragonCave forum so I can try to find out why their site hasn’t been working for about 2 weeks, not to mention that I didn’t want to sift through 40 different “OMG! WHY?” posts. So I asked for a straight answer and was “warned” because I didn’t use the ajdsflkjad search button. WTF?!! At the very least they should’ve done a Jen (you are underappreciated)! Like, if I asked for more _ , at least she says “Oh, Melody said on this thread… Btw, try search!”. I’m more upset than anything. 🙁


                      Yeah.. one of the first times I ever made a post on the dragon cave forums I was warned for the same reason. AND I searched the forums!! I even said so in my post, but the mod was a typical “didn’t read your post, don’t care” type of person. I’ve found that dragon cave in particular has some of the most closed off mods of any forum. To a point, I can’t blame them since they have to deal with thousands (seriously) of young people every day posting, which would be enough to drive me nuts.

                      They could try to be a little nicer though. I haven’t been on dragon cave in at least a month :/

                      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                        I just got off the phone with Gavin a little while ago in a bit of shock and I had to collect myself before I sent a text to the ex to confirm what I heard.

                        The @#$%* is pregnant and Gavin will be a big brother come October.

                        The following is the series of texts regarding it:
                        Me: Did I hear Gavin right and he is going to be a big brother come October?
                        EX: Yes
                        EX: Why didn’t you ask while ya were on the phone?
                        Me: Because he didn’t hand the phone to either one of you and I was in shock at the news.
                        EX: Ah…i thought ya had noticed her belly…i thought ya just weren’t saying anything…sorry about that
                        Me: No I hadn’t, she’s been staying on the other side of the car where I couldn’t see her mostly.
                        EX: A.. I thought ya had noticed.. We were waiting to tell gavin untill we knew what we were havin. We found out today
                        Me: So is it a boy or a girl?
                        EX: A boy

                        Wow…just wow.

                        *The #%$#%% is a old friend of the ex’s from high school that he let move in with him in December/January. He’s always has a thing for her.


                          Oh! What a lovely thread!

                          *Begin Rant*

                          So about 6 weeks ago, ebay pulled 2 of my CD auctions on suspicion of being bootlegs. It was an annoyance, but I figured they were just doing their job and I had no fear because they actually were a collector’s label which can be bought at HMV (special order) and other mainstream and specialty stores.

                          Okay so far.

                          Two weeks later, I get an email saying that they checked it out and that I can relist the items. The email also includes instructions on how to word the listing and a link to include in there to proves their authenticity and to avoid unnecessary removal… “So sorry for the inconvenience”…

                          Still okay so far.

                          I relist the 2 CDs and within one hour they are pulled again!!! So I send them an annoyed, but polite, email asking why they pulled the auctions for the second time despite my following their instructions to the letter.

                          A couple of weeks go by without any news.

                          I send another email.

                          Another couple of weeks go by, still no news.

                          So tonight I get onto ebay live chat to find out what is happening! “JM” kindly tells me that the 2 listings have already been reinstated. I tell “That’s right but they have been removed again and furthermore, I have a warning in my seller’s account”. He says “hold on, I’ll check it out”, 2 minutes later: “So sorry, they will be reinstated again and the warning removed from your account”

                          5 minutes later I get an email from ebay telling me that I can relist them. Yeah right, like I’m going through that song and dance again! I really only pursued it to have the warning removed from my account because if, by some freaky mistake like this one, I end up with 2 warnings, my sellers account gets temporarily suspended, 3 warnings and it’s closed!

                          *End Rant*


                            WOW! That would anny the crap out of me! Liek ebay doesn’t screw people over for enough money they have to pll that kind of crap too? I always use ebay now as a last resort if I can help it. I’m not even surprised really… they have pulled stuff like that with me before with DVDs.

                            Got a busted Windstone?
                            *OPEN for repairs*

                            *SEEKING GRAILS*
                            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                            Siphlophis Male Dragon
                            Calypso Hatching Empress
                            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                            Tattoo Mother Kirin
                            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons




                                Am having to look at changeing carreers… again :~

                                I made an appointment with a Government agency to talk to them and see if any sort of funding was available. So show up, argue with the receptionist (who was playing a card game on her computer and tried to inform me that I didn’t have an appointment… all at 8:30am just after they opened for the day |( ) Was told that there was funding available but they couldn’t give me any specifics unless I knew what program and institution as was going to. So I presented my two choices and they still can’t give me any information. What they want me to do is go to the institution, go through all the applications and evaluations and be accepted into a program. THEN come back to them and they would put my name on a list to be CONSIDERED for possible funding, that could take 3 months (or more) to process… at which point I would probably already be in class.


                                What happens if they don’t approve funding? and I’m already on the hook for these classes and any withdrawal fee? I sure as *censored* can’t afford the cost of the programs on my own, which is why I was there talking to them in the first place. All I wanted was a ‘No, no funding available or Yes, we could conceivably fund you for $XXX” and give me a low ballpark range so I can plan and know if it is feasible to go back to school now or I have to wait and save up a bit before I can. 😐

                                Apparently planning and being responsible is too hard for them to deal with! |(

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