The WTF Thread

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      Phoenix wrote:

      ^^ WTF FTW!!!!


      What a WTF moment 😮

      What did Sears say when you called them to report this?


        bayoudragon wrote:

        Dra0n, did you ever request that transfer? How did that go?

        They’ve denied me twice because we don’t have enough coverage in my store to allow their only full timer in the department to leave. They are “supposed” to be hiring a new full timer but I will have to train them to the calibur I have been trained so I may leave. Yea well… they THEN hired 3 new part timers for OTHER departments and said NOW they don’t have enough hours to support any new fulltimers in ANY departments until after spring. So yea.. so much for that. It was just an excuse to shut me up for a few weeks. The store manager can deny me leaving as much as they want, they don’t HAVE to let me transfer.

        I’m stongly considering selling a huge hoard of my windstones and walking out the door and take a few months off. I know I can find another job within 3 months. I still have that interview at Converse as well, the manager just got back from vacation so I should be getting a call on that job in a few days….but in the mean time I just got a 8 inch thick pile of CRAP to deal with that has NOTHING to do with me. I’m thinking of reasons to call out tomorrow as I type.

        Everyone just keep saying, “oh don’t worry, it will be fine. We’re already interviewing” Yea, in the mean time NOBODY else’s job has to change, just ME with a whole other fulltimer’s workload shoved up my butt! Even when someone is hired, there is a drug test, a week long orientation, 2 weeks of online training, and with design, another 2 month course to become NKBA certified and even then, they have to learn our program, system, product, and all the other crap that comes along with this stupid job. It will be 3 months before someone is in here. They think I’m stupid!

        I suggested they temporairly transfer someone in and they just keep changing the subject. I don’t get it, but it’s wrong to force this on me and ALSO it’s terrible customer service to just toss these half done jobs on someone who doesn’ t know what’s going on. What am I supposed to tell these customers when they ask me questions about stuff I don’t know about? About their product, placement, installation issues, etc. It’s unprofessional. They should have let the designer to stay and complete her 2 weeks to finish up with these people, instead (after her being with the company for 7 years) they just treated her like trash and escorted her out when she was just trying to put her notice in. They also snatched folders and paperwork from her as if she was going to just take all her customers with her when she would NEVER do that. I can see shoving new customers on to me , but this is ridiculous. I have over 250,000.00 worth customer money tossed on my desk and now it’s all become my responsibility to make sure there are no mistakes when I’ve never met or discussed anything with any of these customers about any of their particular design considerations or concerns.

        What is running through my head this very second, it which two-three colors of each sculpture I like best in my collection and how much I can sell the rest for and how long the money would buy me to look for a new job JUST SO I CAN WALK OUT THOSE DAMN DOORS AND NEVER COME BACK!

        Got a busted Windstone?
        *OPEN for repairs*

        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
        Siphlophis Male Dragon
        Calypso Hatching Empress
        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
        Tattoo Mother Kirin
        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          Damn, drag0n… talk about a major WTF situation! 😡

          I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.


          bayoudragon wrote:

          Damn, drag0n… talk about a major WTF situation! 😡

          I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.

          Same here!


            Thanks guys, I still haven’t decided if I’m going in tomorrow. 🙄

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              Again? That really bites drag0n! Hopefully that interview works out! I know I’m looking (getting a ration of crap and I can see some other things going on that just make me want to run out the door now, but I won’t until I’ve secured something else first). Not the same place I started working for a few years ago and they’re burning their people at both ends and don’t get why people are leaving. They’ve almost totally screwed themselves on one contract and are just starting to realize this (after losing 2 people, never back filling, and now are losing a third at the end of the week after screwing him over and wondering why he’s leaving). *Sends good interview vibes*


                WTF! I still haven’t gotten a call yet for this supposed interview 🙄

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  Sorry baby, been going threw this same stuff for years with a company allot of you have never heard of call Meijers. The more people that leave and believe me they want you to quit. They can hire 2 people for what I make per hour. I get left holding the bag because even though they have new people these can’t do the work of one former employee. So now the stocking the shelves for me moves from that expected and tagged 45 to 50 cases per to a push for me to do even more. My case average the last 2 days was 77 cases per hour cut open and on the shelves. This is double what they get out of most. When they first came up with this quota and threatened write up everyone I almost laughed in there faces this had been tried before. I and another woman employee that they wanted to get rid of were the only employee’s that made the quota. To make matters worse they held us back 2 hours insuring that we would not make the quota. I remember the other lady saying to me we are sunk. No, we are not sunk you toss the rest of the stock and I wall put it all up. She is not winning this– never say never. I am one stubborn woman. I won that battle passed our quota. I am quick but she made me mad and that made me quicker. That stunt cost me 2 dislocated ribs and 2 days of missed work. 5 years later I am still there. Now 20 years.
                  The point I am trying to make: Don’t let them beat you! They want you to quit. Document everything there is always someone over everyone in this type of buisness. If it is costing you sales buy being short of help document it. The company needs to know this even if you don’t sign your name. Every single buisness is out there to make money. Cutting hours that causes cutting sales is not for the greater good of any company. Just don’t give up yet. Unless you find a better job. You can do it ! I know you have it in you lady. :shout: Think tough for now. Hang in for now. I know its hard been there myself. 😉 An yes it really does suck!



                    It snowed. Again. Really?




                      twindragonsmum wrote:

                      It snowed. Again. Really?

                      Uh huh. And it’s trying to snow again.


                        Of course, it’s been fairly nice the past week. Tomorrow and the Thursday, the only two days I have to go out, it’s going to rain. I hate this weather!!! 🙄


                          Thought I’d drudge this thread back up for a WTF moment

                          So I FINALLY sell some fursuit stuff on an auction site. Person bids and wins. YAY right? Thinking I’ll have some extra money… yea well.

                          I get an email after the $500 auction and it says

                          …. how much for just the feet. That’s all I want.

                          WTF! Really? I can’t stand stupid people! I can’t complain either, it’s a free site so there are no listing fees or final value fees like ebay and in return, there is no police on the site for this kind of thing. All I can do is leave bad feedback, but how freaking annoying! GAH!

                          Got a busted Windstone?
                          *OPEN for repairs*

                          *SEEKING GRAILS*
                          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                          Siphlophis Male Dragon
                          Calypso Hatching Empress
                          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                          Tattoo Mother Kirin
                          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                            Tell her that the feet costs $500, and as an added bonus, you’ll throw in a free suit. 👿


                              That’s really irritating. They could have messaged you and asked… if you’re selling a whole suit, they can’t expect you to just sell them the FEET. Then the suit would be incomplete. Idiots.


                                HAHAHA! I wish I had thought of that ^_^

                                Yea, Kujacker, it was Furbuy. I also had the same thing just happen with a feet and tail SET I sold too. AFTER the auctions they were like… “How much for jst the tail?”

                                REALLY!??! You just bid on the WHOLE auction… if you only WANT a PART of it, then expect to pay the price you bid. Gah!

                                Got a busted Windstone?
                                *OPEN for repairs*

                                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                                Calypso Hatching Empress
                                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

                              Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 167 total)
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