The WTF Thread

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  • #863859

      Don;t know if this is a WTF or a holy *bleep*

      So its official, the Windstorm we had yesterday had sustained winds speeds equal to that of a category 1 hurricane! In landlocked Western Canada! :jawdrop:
      That’s insane! I’ve lived here most of my life and NEVER seen wind like that! Neither have my parents who’ve been here longer. Sure we get small windstorms and a couple of trees go over and know out power and stuff but never like this. They closed off the downtown core yesterday (which made trying to get to work last night very interesting) because the wind was shattering the glass in the office buildings and evacuated everyone above the 30 floor in all buildings (including the expensive condos) There are trees down everywhere and some of the big spruce trees have been ripped up by their roots!
      And to cap everything off once the wind died last night we got two inches of snow


      Don;t know if this is a WTF or a holy *bleep*

      So its official, the Windstorm we had yesterday had sustained winds speeds equal to that of a category 1 hurricane! In landlocked Western Canada! :jawdrop:
      That’s insane! I’ve lived here most of my life and NEVER seen wind like that! Neither have my parents who’ve been here longer. Sure we get small windstorms and a couple of trees go over and know out power and stuff but never like this. They closed off the downtown core yesterday (which made trying to get to work last night very interesting) because the wind was shattering the glass in the office buildings and evacuated everyone above the 30 floor in all buildings (including the expensive condos) There are trees down everywhere and some of the big spruce trees have been ripped up by their roots!
      And to cap everything off once the wind died last night we got two inches of snow

      Oh so THAT’S why one of our trailers of meat trim didn’t show up until 2:30 (We get it from that huge plant in Brooks).


        Don;t know if this is a WTF or a holy *bleep*

        So its official, the Windstorm we had yesterday had sustained winds speeds equal to that of a category 1 hurricane! In landlocked Western Canada! :jawdrop:
        That’s insane! I’ve lived here most of my life and NEVER seen wind like that! Neither have my parents who’ve been here longer. Sure we get small windstorms and a couple of trees go over and know out power and stuff but never like this. They closed off the downtown core yesterday (which made trying to get to work last night very interesting) because the wind was shattering the glass in the office buildings and evacuated everyone above the 30 floor in all buildings (including the expensive condos) There are trees down everywhere and some of the big spruce trees have been ripped up by their roots!
        And to cap everything off once the wind died last night we got two inches of snow

        Oh so THAT’S why one of our trailers of meat trim didn’t show up until 2:30 (We get it from that huge plant in Brooks).

        That would be why 😉


          So I find a dragon I’m looking for on Kijiji (Canadian classifieds website), I contact the seller and ask if she’s willing to ship and does she accept paypal… Yes on the shipping, no on paypal but will accept a bank transfer. So I figure I’ll take the chance as the dragon is a good deal. I send her an email with my address requesting the total with shipping. No reply. I send a follow up email. Still no reply. And again no reply to a third email.

          This really makes me mad. Anyone is allowed to change their mind, that’s not a problem for me. But do have the basic courtesy of sending an email saying so.

          And I’m also sorry to say that some members of this forum also display the same appaling lack of good manners. If you’re going to post something for sale or trade, or a wanted add, I’m not talking about unsollicited messages here, but PMs following an actual “for sale, for trade, or wanted” post, do take the time to reply to people who contact you about it, even if just to say “not interested”! It’s nothing but the most basic of good manners that should be second nature to anyone!

          Sorry about the rant, but it’s been happening a little too often lately.


            DUDE SERIOUSLY!?!? I tie up ALL My money in buying a new truck! 3 freaking days later I get a certified letter from the IRS saying I owe then $600!!!! WTF!!!

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            I won a jade oriental adult for BIN $100, it had some damage in the photo but I was still dancing about it. The damage was like two medium spots on the display side big scales and a few fleabites here and there. The seller ships it PERFECTLY, no issues, very responsible. I open my bundle of shiny pretty joy and just about GAG. The seller went over the damaged spots in paint, non-shiny, flat olive like green paint. Like I wouldn’t frickin notice?!?!?!?!
            Oh my, the more I look at it, it’s so…clumpy…textured…I am praying to whatever deity looks over Windstones that it’s not f#$^ing nail polish. I’m not returning my very first jade dragon, but I’m going to demand some money back or leave the most virulent negative feedback ever to be encountered.


              Last week I joined a forum to find out when new toys FOR CHILDREN will be released. It’s filled to the brim with HORRIBLE, MEAN, ROTTEN people. ANY comment that is posted someone has something horribly mean to respond. Today I made a comment (a positive comment) and 10 minutes later someone tore me apart with horrible nasty words; they basically told me I’m too dumb it live. Just reading it made me sick. When I made a post about how mean and out of line the comments were someone different said, “If you don’t like it, LEAVE. Nobody wants you here anyway.” Are all other forums as cold and hateful as that one???? I know they’re just words on a screen, but it royally hurt and there was NO REASON for it.


                I hear you there skeeter, I’ve NEVER found a forum as wonderful as this one. I’ve gotten a lot of undeserved comments when joining new places. This is the only forum I have stayed true to for months – years. Even with new people joining and old people leaving over the years, we’ve always maintained a general lot of good honest and generally just nice people here. ^_^ Welcome home!

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  Unfortunately skeeterdeee, there are a lot of nut cases out there. I mean you were on a forum about new toys for children–you would think it would be a friendly place. I suspect there are a lot of insecure individuals out there who are miserable with their lives and take it out on people they don’t even know and feel secure hiding behind usernames. If you were to meet these people you’d probably see how pathetic they are. There are also some people who are looing for someone to latch onto. I had exchanged phone numbers with one woman who got all upset because I didn’t answer my phone when she called. She called two and three times a day with nothing but BS about the miseries of her pathetic life. She also insisted that she wanted to visit me. I got emotionally drained–then I’m the bad one who doesn’t care. Yeah, right! Learned my lesson. I was on a couple of bird forums–you think you’d be safe.

                  This forum is the best–there are times when things do get heated but all-in-all, this is a great place to be. I have not come across any forum as friendly as this one. We love our Windstones but we also care about each other. This is the only forum I’m on. I’m on FB but my friends are from the Windstone forum.


                    Man with people like them . Nasty vemonous people who can do it without showing their faces . Cowards . On a childern’s site too . Noone seems to care what is said on that site either or they’s ban them .


                      Sadly there are a lot of forums like that. Anonymity gives cowards the nerve to act as they would never dare to in real life.

                      But there are also good ones, you have to shop around a bit. I’m a member of an Elvis fan forum and before I joined one that suited me, I did a lot of skulking to get the feel of different places. You’d be amazed at the differences from one forum to another, even considering that we’re all there for the same reason.


                        Thanks, guys. I needed to hear some friendly words. <3 The sad part about it is that the forum is meant for 6-8 year olds and their parents to share news on upcoming toys, you would think it would be a warm, fun place. I'm 31 and I wanted to cry like a baby. After that experience I learned to not take this forum for granted. 🙂


                          Awwww, we love you Skeeter! *hugs* Some forums can be really nasty, even when you least expect it. Some are better to just read for info and never post, some are like this one *yay!*, and some you just back away and avoid entirely.


                            some forums just can be full of jerks or one jerk that likes to stalk people to bother….second one has happened to me sooooo many times….but I just either go with the bs or leave if I’m not interested in how most of the users act…

                            fortunately here usually seems to be a safe haven….

                            4 things I'm looking for:
                            1. Mother Meerkat
                            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                              Windstone Forums is definitely a wonderful place. <3

                              Some people are just "trolls", plain and simple. "Trolling" consists of hurting/angering another person, fooling them, or getting them emotionally involved in an argument on purpose. As soon as that happens, the troll 'wins' the game he/she is playing with you.

                              Some people troll as a hobby. Seriously. It's their casual entertainment to make other people miserable. If you write an impassioned post to defend yourself and they respond with "u mad bro" or some variation, you know for sure who you're dealing with. It's a victory cry, or like saying "Checkmate."

                              Therefore to 'win' when engaged with a troll, you emotionally disengage. As soon as you make a response post, no matter how justified you are, if you get sucked in, the troll wins. The only way to win is to not play.

                              MAJOR HUGS. I had the exact same experience as you at another forum years back. That horrible feeling in your stomach reading some stranger's out-of-the-blue vitriol is just awful. Take a deep breath, you're in control. What they say has absolutely no bearing on you. <3

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