The WTF Thread

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      Maybe this stuff will help with the voicemail woes. 🙂 Just a bunch of general tips that work on most voicemail systems. Type in the name of the company you’re currently being tortured by, and get the ‘cheat codes’ to talk to a person. 😉


      I’m not familiar with Dark Shadows, but what the heck did they do to Captain Jack? *sobs*


        Sasha, my best friend in high school *LOVED* Dark Shadows-she was OBSESSED with it and would talk about the charchters like they were people she knew personally. She’d even write fan fics on Dark Shadows.

        It is a (no offense) SUPER cheesy “b-movie” type gothic soap opera made in the ’60’s about vampires, werewolves, zombies, time travel, monsters etc. My friend (Ali) recorded a whole VHS (oooo, VHS!!) of Dark Shadows for me. I never finished watching it (it was looooong) but its a good show just to watch.


          I have the entire series on dvd . I watched it as a kid . Until they explain this look on the comments that have been posted on the internet . Thats not Barnabas Collins . And Johnny has waited sense he was a kid himself to play this character . What are they thinking .

          Wampus Dragon

            I really do hate liars. Especially ones I’m suckered into believing until they take something from me.


              I hate people too who take things without asking you first . Doesn’t anyone believe in manners any more ?
              Where they never tought to not take something without premission first . I don’t care who wants it . You ask first to see if it’s ok . Otherwise it’s stealing . And if that person says no ! Then return it .

              Pet peeve . Ask first before taking something that does not belong to you .

              Manners people . Ugh if you can’t tell someone did this to me resently . Toke something without asking me first and when I said no . This person just didn’t care .


                Someone tried to break into the house last night at 1am as I was heading to bed! WTF?!?!

                I didn’t find out about it until this morning. I heard a noise when I was upstairs walking to the bathroom. I paused, listened to see if I heard anyone or anything else, didn’t and noticed the door to the back hall was locked (lower side door at bottom of those stairs to the outside was bolted and padlocked from the inside), so proceeded to turn off light and head to bathroom and bed. The sound I heard was someone trying the lower door. At about that time, my brother who was downstairs heard the back storm door, so he went to check and turned on the light. He managed to catch the gate swing shut. Our gate only ever swings on its own when we have really strong storm winds and it was pretty calm out last night.

                Parents went out to get motion lights today, which are being installed today. My dad thought he heard our front door about 2 months ago when he got up one night around 1-1:30am. I’m not much for keeping things near my bed, but I do have a katana that cuts through silk in mid air, bokken and I’m ambidextrous with throwing knives. Guess it doesn’t hurt that I have a wall of tools (hammers, saws, bits, drills, other assorted things) just outside of my bedroom door, since we’re still working on the upstairs.

                Guess who is playing lookout tonight and tomorrow night?


                  Someone tried to break into the house last night at 1am as I was heading to bed! WTF?!?!

                  I didn’t find out about it until this morning. I heard a noise when I was upstairs walking to the bathroom. I paused, listened to see if I heard anyone or anything else, didn’t and noticed the door to the back hall was locked (lower side door at bottom of those stairs to the outside was bolted and padlocked from the inside), so proceeded to turn off light and head to bathroom and bed. The sound I heard was someone trying the lower door. At about that time, my brother who was downstairs heard the back storm door, so he went to check and turned on the light. He managed to catch the gate swing shut. Our gate only ever swings on its own when we have really strong storm winds and it was pretty calm out last night.

                  Parents went out to get motion lights today, which are being installed today. My dad thought he heard our front door about 2 months ago when he got up one night around 1-1:30am. I’m not much for keeping things near my bed, but I do have a katana that cuts through silk in mid air, bokken and I’m ambidextrous with throwing knives. Guess it doesn’t hurt that I have a wall of tools (hammers, saws, bits, drills, other assorted things) just outside of my bedroom door, since we’re still working on the upstairs.

                  Guess who is playing lookout tonight and tomorrow night?

                  That’s creepy/scary. They were willing to try to break into the house with people inside. They HAD to have known someone was home… Definitely make sure to stay wary. People desperate enough to try to break in while people are home are more likely to harm the inhabitants should they be caught.

                  I’ve heard a lot of stories lately about this sort of thing. The apartment complex I live in (about to move out) reported someone trying to break into apartments from the outside. Then, my car got broken into INSIDE the garage (that I pay extra for >:( ). And one of my friends at work has a friend who was feeling “watched.” Well, one evening when she was feeding the baby, she happened to turn around to see a face in her kitchen window. Gah! *shiver*


                    We had some young idiot trying to get into the house at 6 am one winter morning. I was right by the door putting my boots on, the lights were on. I yanked the door open and yelled “What the f**** are you doing!” He ran so fast, I think he broke the sound barrier.

                    Like, duh?

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Worst I had was a homeless guy run up to my car and start banging on the window as I went to work (at about 4:15am). But scary! It’s terrifying feeling like your not safe in your own home (where you should feel the safest!).


                      several years ago, after my dad had left for work early in the morning as he does every work day, about 15 minutes later, someone jumped over fence and wandered down the hill through our ice-plant….once down the hill, said person started trying pry off the screens on the windows…after failing at one, person wandered over to my parents’ bedroom window where my mom was still sleeping…..she woke up and turned on the light, idiot still keeps trying, mom yells “I will call the police!” and then the person ran off….

                      she never saw him or her but we know they jumped the fence and went down the hill, the ice-plant was all crushed down and there were marks on the screens….

                      what still scares me and her is that whomever it was waited for my big dad to leave at 4am, waited a little bit then goes about their business of breaking in…

                      but fortunately for my mom and dad, person never returned….

                      4 things I'm looking for:
                      1. Mother Meerkat
                      2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                      3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                      4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                        The thing is, I had JUST walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab my meds (forgot I hadn’t taken my antibiotic for my cold yet) and promptly went back upstairs (didn’t bother with the lights). I normally would have decided to give the dogs attention and take them out for grins in the yard for their last chance to do whatever they had to do. I had my contacts out and decided to go downstairs without my glasses either. The dogs were asleep and Soot raised his head up when I stepped over the kiddie gate, but I decided to let them sleep and just go back upstairs instead. That’s when I heard the noise. The instant thought was a person, but since the bottom door was latched and everyone else was downstairs, and because I had been moving stuff around in the back hall to get the candles for the windows out earlier and it was louder, I just passed it off as being a box shifting. I guess I should have gone with my original instinct! I would have gone out the top door and opened up the door to the clothes line (if the rails at the bottom and waist high were not there, you would fall to the ground a story below) and turned on the yard light! Wish I had done that now!

                        We think it’s someone just going around testing doors and openings, looking for an easy entry. We’ve let our neighbors know.


                          We had the first written part of our final exam on Thursday. We were given 3hrs to complete the exam and are all working away when at about an hour in the instructor announces that there is only 5min left! Freaking everyone out and the instructor goes “Just kidding” and cackles madly while the rest of us try to relax again to continue with the exam. Friday for the second part he comes in and asks why the class average is only 60%, before we even start the exam and pulls the same stunt he did the previous day. This time we were kind of expecting it so it wasn’t as traumatic.
                          He’s been this kind of jackass through the entire course and we’ve only ever received marks for or midterm, none of the projects. I am beyond glad that this course is over and praying that I passed because I don’t think I could take dealing with him again.
                          Anyone else ever had an instructor like this?


                            We had the first written part of our final exam on Thursday. We were given 3hrs to complete the exam and are all working away when at about an hour in the instructor announces that there is only 5min left! Freaking everyone out and the instructor goes “Just kidding” and cackles madly while the rest of us try to relax again to continue with the exam. Friday for the second part he comes in and asks why the class average is only 60%, before we even start the exam and pulls the same stunt he did the previous day. This time we were kind of expecting it so it wasn’t as traumatic.
                            He’s been this kind of jackass through the entire course and we’ve only ever received marks for or midterm, none of the projects. I am beyond glad that this course is over and praying that I passed because I don’t think I could take dealing with him again.
                            Anyone else ever had an instructor like this?

                            Um what. Wow. Our professors aren’t allowed in the exam halls generally, or maybe they are and just never come, I dunno. If the proctors did that they’d get fired for sure. I complained about one because she came around partway through the exam to collect the little card things we fill out with our info and she started checking my exam and was telling me I have to put my name on every page. I was wearing earplugs and it was really distracting. First of all, we don’t have to put our name on every page of a multiple choice exam, because there are no answers on those pages. Second of all, maybe Imma write them down AFTER. Either way talking to every single person during the exam, really?


                              Yea, still battling with the post office actually. However the tracking (after a MONTH) finally showed new information saying it’s in that missing mail facility in Atlanta… HOWEVER they make it quite impossible to contact them to actually claim it! I have to resort to writing letters because they won’t give me and email adress or a telephone number! WTF!!!… I feel like it’s the dark ages! If I don’t claim it within 90 days it goes to auction. How the hell am I supposed to claim it when I can’t call them or email them?? I’m sure they will “never get my letter” either. This is seriously ridciulous!

                              Do we have a forum meber who lives in Atlanta and could go claim it?

                              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                              Sun Dragon Koi #3

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