The Wailing Wall

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      Well I keep seeing and hearing bad news from people I know. I’ve had my rant and see that drag0nfeathers, Koishiikitty, Ruffian, Phoenix–just to name a few have had their personalized headaches. So I’m creating the ‘Wailing Wall’–not to be negative, but this is a stressful time and bad things can happen so it’s a way to get it out there and hopefully, for those who have wailed to come back and post results of what has happened since your irritation hit you! So in short, here’s mine again:

      Unfair boss who seems to say one thing and do the other–very mixed feelings. Seems to reward poor performance and punish good work ethics. Complains bitterly about my coworker’s performance yet rewards her with an extra to catch up. I have yet to confront him about this because I’m behind too–let’s see what he does.

      Just today, I hear from my neighbor who went for her physical therapy session last Friday and had to park on the street because the lot was full. Came out to find that someone has sideswiped her car! I haven’t seen it, but from what she’s telling me the insurance company just may total it because it is pretty bad. Like she needed this right now. At least the good news here is that she wasn’t in it. Already has problems with her back, shoulder and legs.

      What I am hoping–I have a peaceful resolution with my boss and my neighbor will have a satisfactory resolution to her problem. They’re retired and so trying to get another car is really going to hurt financially.

      What I hope this turns out is a way of turning lemons into lemonade. Bad things may happen, but let’s see the end result. Here’s hoping all will have a good, positive ending–no matter the size of the irritation–irritation is irritation–from broken appliances, rude sales clerks, unfair bosses, water freezing in pipes and all out headaches of getting a car towed.



          Things have been pretty miserable for me, but that’s the extent of what I will complain about. I’m keepin’ on keepin’ on and am thankful that for the most part all my loved ones are well. 🙂

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            I agree, Jen. My father went through 3 back surgeries (or maybe 4, I can’t remember), a torn meniscus, and two carpal tunnel surgeries all in about 2-3 years time. He is now walking without his cane and is enjoying some of the activities he used to do. I am EXTREMELY grateful for that.

            My sister’s divorce is almost final (you have no idea how GREAT that is). She has 4 months left to the separation… or unless they convict him… whichever comes first. 😈

            So even though there have been some really trying times, there has been a bright side to them.

            Now… when work finally pisses me off to the last little grasp of sanity I have, I will post one heck of a wailing wall for you! Until then, I am biding my time. LOL 👿


              There are things that are constantly going on in my life and I don’t post all that is going on. But then something happens–that straw that breaks the camel’s back and then I have a grand slam rant going on! I notice that I might not be the only one–we’re all dealing with something–job, financial, housing, family, illness–you name it. I don’t look at this forum as a diary of my woes–but sometimes you need to let it out just to save your sanity. I don’t have anyone in my life that I can rant to so I interalize a lot of stuff and then VABOOM! I’ve burned a hole in the forum!

              What I wanted to see was a place where people could get it out, but I want them to come back and give an update of the situation. A lot of this is little things—people create their own threads when a very serious illness is in their family or with their pets and that’s good. But this is ‘little’ stuff–@sshole bosses, idiots trying to tow a car, rude clerks, busted appliances–those things that aren’t so life threatening but can do damage nonetheless. All those little things adding up–and all around this holiday season which can be stressful in itself!

              So everyone feel free to wail away! 😈 :shout:


                Well a little update….I will be working tomorrow so will get at least another day and not a moment too soon. We are getting busy because we have a big job to finish by the 30th and have about 7 guys coming in just until the New Year to help finish it! This is part of my job to get the forms for the new hires to fill out and get them into the payroll for next week. My boss just may need us both until Wednesday [Thursday and Friday the shop is closed.] So I will be getting some extra money which helps! So things might, just might be looking up a little! IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME! 😡 👿 XD


                I could vent about health issues, I’m so up and down. And I’m so tired of doctors not knowing what’s going on or thinking it’s in my head.

                I’ve been experiencing more shortness of breath and fatigue lately. But it only seems to be in the evenings or just days before cycles, I think it’s hormonal, but with all the blood tests and IV pokes and EGDs or whatever I’ve been through, I get so distressed that I’ll NEVER find the cause and be able to cure it.

                BUT, I’m trying harder to be more optimisic and enjoy the little things. It’s been a good lesson in one regard. :yes:


                Hmmm….I can think of a few things to rant about. How about having to deal with 2 FEET of snow in one snowstorm, and then some of the turkeys who’ve forgotten how to drive in it, or better yet, the idiots who believe 4 wheel drive is the answer to everything and then cause accidents?? I spent all of Sunday on the tractor digging us out so I could get to the barn without killing myself in snow that was over my knees in places. (And I’m 5′ 8″ as a reference)
                I’m still not having any luck in the job search –been out of work since August, and now Flurry, who is precariously holding her own with the lymphoma, is having an attack of mange brought on by the prednisone compromising her immune system. Forget the lemonade; just pass me the bottle of tequila and some salt. 😈


                I could definitely cry on your shoulders about financial issues, but I know that so many others are going through so much more stress, and I want everything for everybody to get better! *hugs for all!*


                  I’m generally a very private person. I don’t like to talk about my problems openly. I have chronic pain issues for one. But I also realize how lucky I am and try to be thankful for what I have. I have about as many ‘good’ days as ‘bad’ – so that’s a plus 🙂 . Sometimes it’s very hard to count your blessings – especially if your neck-deep in a crisis. But I try. I know my life could be a lot worst.


                    I wasn’t going to be on here at all for the rest of the season–that’s how low I’m feeling right now. When things don’t make sense to me–like my work situation–I sit back and ponder it for a bit. Well, it’s starting to dawn on me what’s happening and it isn’t very pretty and it’s very, very underhanded! Not going to go into it right now because I’m highly stressed and upset by it. For me, I’ve cancelled Christmas–not going to do anything or go anywhere. I was trying to get something for a dinner I was invited to at my neighbor’s daughter’s but couldn’t even find parking–anywhere! With everything going on with me I just had a meltdown and pulled out of these parking lots and headed home. Don’t need this extra stress! So I informed this person of my decision and sorry, when I’m highly upset and stressed, being around people doesn’t help at all–it just adds. I need to be alone. I’m sure to her it sounds petty but this family doesn’t inform people of what they’re doing until the last minute. I didn’t find out about all this until this last Sunday–couldn’t get out until today! Just can’t handle crowds–can’t see the sense in it. So I’m going to curl up with my fur and feather babies, sip on Baileys on the rocks and order a movie on cable. I’m home, with those I love and cherish and am not pressured to put on a front. I do have my health, an ounce of sanity left and my home–things I am thankful for right now!


                      Dear LadyFirebird I totally agree with you. To better times and a better healthier New Year for all . :shout:



                        *hugs* Take care of yourselves, guys.

                        I have some difficult stuff to deal with, but reading of things on the forum, it reminds me of how many extraordinary boons and blessings I have to be thankful for as well.

                        Here’s to a gentle and prosperous New Year for everyone.


                          I had to go and say that. My last grandparent, my grandma on my father’s side, is in the hospital as of yesterday evening…

                          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                            Jennifer wrote:

                            I had to go and say that. My last grandparent, my grandma on my father’s side, is in the hospital as of yesterday evening…

                            Nothing like things hanging over us during this season–that’s heartbreaking.

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