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    Oh boy! I can’t wait to see the pics come in, I’ve missed the little muse thread!


    So, when the kirin (like the muse and dragon) are completed, where do they find their permanent homes?


    Fun stuff! Adding wings is a great idea. 😀


    the person who starts them decides what to do with them. In this case, Mmloda is keeping this kirin (she loves kirins). With the muse, I believe DragonMedley was keeping him. I don’t know about the others, I didn’t really follow those threads.


    Cool! I got belly scales and I’m 2nd ont he list! w00t! 😆


    gah! why did I want all this fur?! >_<

    It touches too many of all the other parts of the kirin! I’m trying really hard not to be a messy painter ( I’m usually a messy painter ) I’m messy around the hooves, sorry about that, though I’ve done okay near the scales so far.

    I’ve got half of it done, I’ll do the rest after my final tomorrow…


      Leigha wrote:

      gah! why did I want all this fur?! >_<

      It touches too many of all the other parts of the kirin! I’m trying really hard not to be a messy painter ( I’m usually a messy painter ) I’m messy around the hooves, sorry about that, though I’ve done okay near the scales so far.

      I’ve got half of it done, I’ll do the rest after my final tomorrow…

      Don’t worry, mess can be fixed. XD *pats* Looking forward to pictures!


      The mane and tail are the first places I start, can always cover up the color splashed on the scales. 😉

      Oh yeah, Mmloda…Do I paint the scales on the chest to match the belly scales? Or are those in with someone else’s area? 😕


        Leigha wrote:

        gah! why did I want all this fur?! >_<

        It touches too many of all the other parts of the kirin! I’m trying really hard not to be a messy painter ( I’m usually a messy painter ) I’m messy around the hooves, sorry about that, though I’ve done okay near the scales so far.

        I’ve got half of it done, I’ll do the rest after my final tomorrow…

        😀 Ehh don’t worry about it Leigha…I am sure in the end after everone has a chance to paint their sections, he’ll look awsome… 😉



          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          The mane and tail are the first places I start, can always cover up the color splashed on the scales. 😉

          Oh yeah, Mmloda…Do I paint the scales on the chest to match the belly scales? Or are those in with someone else’s area? 😕

          Hey WC
          You have the belly scales…so you get to paint all of them from the top to the bottom, but ONLY the belly scales, all the other ones are being painted by other members… 😉



            mmloda wrote:

            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            The mane and tail are the first places I start, can always cover up the color splashed on the scales. 😉

            Oh yeah, Mmloda…Do I paint the scales on the chest to match the belly scales? Or are those in with someone else’s area? 😕

            Hey WC
            You have the belly scales…so you get to paint all of them from the top to the bottom, but ONLY the belly scales, all the other ones are being painted by other members… 😉

            I think WSC was talking about the bit of the scales that are between the front legs under the head.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              mmloda wrote:

              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              The mane and tail are the first places I start, can always cover up the color splashed on the scales. 😉

              Oh yeah, Mmloda…Do I paint the scales on the chest to match the belly scales? Or are those in with someone else’s area? 😕

              Hey WC
              You have the belly scales…so you get to paint all of them from the top to the bottom, but ONLY the belly scales, all the other ones are being painted by other members… 😉

              I think WSC was talking about the bit of the scales that are between the front legs under the head.

              If WC is in fact refering to the scales under the head or the chin of the KI rin than yes those are a part of the Belly scales…. 😉



              I think I’m all done

              Sorry about the terrible pictures, I’m a horrible photographer. I tried not to get messy with other people’s areas, but I failed on some parts, you can paint over it though, it’s mostly the Antique white that I got on the hooves. Also, for the person with the nose, I didn’t know if I should paint it all white and let you decide how far you wanted to take your color up the snout, so I left the nose alone, but feel free to take your part as far along the snout as you want. I was pretty careful around the scales, since I was using browns and they’re hard to cover up. And I hope dry brushing over this is fun ^_^ It’s going to be interesting to see what you come up with! I think I need to clear coat my areas so that there’s no accidents. I’ll do that tomorrow, then I’ll get the boxes together and send it out. Let me know what everyone thinks!


              Yep, I was talking about the ones under the chin…:D OK…Now, I have to figure out what color to make the belly scales, unless you have a color in mind Mmloda… 😉


                Oh wow Leigha, that looks wonderful. I really need to practice up on my blending.

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