Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone The TRAVELLING Ki-Rin…Next Stop…HOME SWEET HOME.

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      He is super-fancy and beautiful! =0 Good job on all of us! XD


        Kyrin wrote:

        I know, I don’t want to send him home…can’t I keep him!!??

        Meanwhile I have him displayed in my curio cabinet until it is time to send him home…but I really want to keep him.


        😆 I wish I could let you keep him Kyrin but I think my other ki rins mught turn on me, they are kinda really impatient creatures, at least mine are and if I’s be to afraid to tell them that he’s not coming home… 😆

        Seriously tho he does look awsome, All of you did an amaizing job…I can’t wait to see him in person… 😉



        I have all three of the winged kirins next to each other in the curio cabinet, they look really cool, I think I need to start a little winged kirin herd, I really like them!



          Kyrin wrote:

          I have all three of the winged kirins next to each other in the curio cabinet, they look really cool, I think I need to start a little winged kirin herd, I really like them!


          OOOOOOOOOO..can we see a picture… 😉
          And when is my little fella gonna come home ❓ I can’t wait to see him in person.. 😀



            OOOOOOOO WOW they look AWSOME… 😉



            mmloda wrote:

            Kyrin wrote:

            I have all three of the winged kirins next to each other in the curio cabinet, they look really cool, I think I need to start a little winged kirin herd, I really like them!


            OOOOOOOOOO..can we see a picture… 😉
            And when is my little fella gonna come home ❓ I can’t wait to see him in person.. 😀

            I don’t know, can I hold him for ransom?? I could probably get him packed up and on his way tomorrow…after a photo shoot with the horses and the Snake River.



              Kyrin wrote:

              mmloda wrote:

              Kyrin wrote:

              I have all three of the winged kirins next to each other in the curio cabinet, they look really cool, I think I need to start a little winged kirin herd, I really like them!


              OOOOOOOOOO..can we see a picture… 😉
              And when is my little fella gonna come home ❓ I can’t wait to see him in person.. 😀

              I don’t know, can I hold him for ransom?? I could probably get him packed up and on his way tomorrow…after a photo shoot with the horses and the Snake River.


              😆 RANSOM… 😯 NOOOOOOOO… 😆
              Ok well once he’s ready to go please let me know I am so excited…I can’t wait to see him..He looks STUNNING in the photos… 😉



                ohh and Kyrin I LOVE that Ki Rin with the green eyes, he is STUNNING, he reminds me of Autumn… 😉



                mmloda wrote:

                ohh and Kyrin I LOVE that Ki Rin with the green eyes, he is STUNNING, he reminds me of Autumn… 😉

                She’s painted like my personal totem, my anthro kyrin character has red hair and green eyes…and can transform from full kyrin form, to anthro, kinda a shapechanger.



                Great photo. The blue shading you added to the scales of the Traveller comes out nicely – it’s a perfect touch and tie-together.


                  Soooooooooooooooo Kyrin…..any idea when he might be on his way home…? 🙂



                  mmloda wrote:

                  Soooooooooooooooo Kyrin…..any idea when he might be on his way home…? 🙂

                  Never??? Okay, okay…I’ll send him home this week…hopefully I get off work tomorrow early enough to get him on his way, we’ll see…lately we’ve been working some hellish hours. Can you tell I don’t want him to go home?? LOL!



                    Kyrin wrote:

                    mmloda wrote:

                    Soooooooooooooooo Kyrin…..any idea when he might be on his way home…? 🙂

                    Never??? Okay, okay…I’ll send him home this week…hopefully I get off work tomorrow early enough to get him on his way, we’ll see…lately we’ve been working some hellish hours. Can you tell I don’t want him to go home?? LOL!


                    😮 NEVER…WHAT..WHAT… 😀 I know, I can see that you’re having a really hard time letting him go… 8) But my Ki rins are sitting there wondering where he is… 😆

                    Should I just pack up and get come and pick him up personally…. 😀 but you know if I do that i might just have to take some other windstones home with me… 😈 😀



                    mmloda wrote:

                    Kyrin wrote:

                    mmloda wrote:

                    Soooooooooooooooo Kyrin…..any idea when he might be on his way home…? 🙂

                    Never??? Okay, okay…I’ll send him home this week…hopefully I get off work tomorrow early enough to get him on his way, we’ll see…lately we’ve been working some hellish hours. Can you tell I don’t want him to go home?? LOL!


                    😮 NEVER…WHAT..WHAT… 😀 I know, I can see that you’re having a really hard time letting him go… 8) But my Ki rins are sitting there wondering where he is… 😆

                    Should I just pack up and get come and pick him up personally…. 😀 but you know if I do that i might just have to take some other windstones home with me… 😈 😀

                    You’d be welcome, but I am afraid I would be checking your luggage for contraband before letting you leave. *grin*

                    I’ll be sending him asap, it’s been a busy week, we worked 11 hour days every day this week.



                      LOL 😆 ..No problem Kyrin…thank you 🙂


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