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    Maybe I should leave it to Kyrin… I’m not sure I can match the color (if I can’t do it by Friday he gets sent out with paint chips attached)

    He goes to NAIT main campus in Edmonton, and he’s tall, overweight and has brown hair. Like half the people going to NAIT…. >.< It's not like I knew the guy. And it was on a crowded bus and my bag was "Taking up his valuable space" Where else was I supposed to put it? It's a 40lb bag I'm not going to carry it all the way home… it's heavy….

    AND! I got piccys 🙂 My friend let me borrow his camera…

    That’s the side the scratch is on, by the way. So it’s not TOOOO noticeable, it’s certainly fixable. YAY the camera kinda caught the gold interference I put on (it’s prettiful)


      Thanks Dragon87, I just wish I could give the guy who kicked your bag a piece of my mind but I doubt that I’ll be bale to find him.. 🙄

      On a good note tho the Ki Rin looks great, thanks so much for posting a pic 😉 … I do really like the gold that you added onto him…it looks awsome… 😉

      And I’d have to ask Kyrin but I am pretty sure that she wouldn’t mind fixing him up… 🙂



      NO prob…send him along…I can’t wait to see what he looks like with his wings on!



        Thank you Kyrin.. 😀 Me neither..those wings will match him perfectly 😉



        I’m glad the little guy wasn’t to damaged. Thank goodness Kyrin can fix anything. 😆


        Yup! If I see the guy again, *smack!*

        Definitely tomorrow I have stuff to do after this so I won’t make it to the PO before it closes (cross fingers everyone).



        I got him sent off (sorry the scratch is still there :() I had to send him with a different plastic bag (still a windstone bag, but a bit too large) since I think my fiancee threw out the other one when cleaning (or the cat got it, I couldn’t find it). His tracking ## is CE 494 138 939 CA, they said 5 days but don’t bet on it.


          Dragon87 wrote:

          I got him sent off (sorry the scratch is still there :() I had to send him with a different plastic bag (still a windstone bag, but a bit too large) since I think my fiancee threw out the other one when cleaning (or the cat got it, I couldn’t find it). His tracking ## is CE 494 138 939 CA, they said 5 days but don’t bet on it.

          Thank you dragon87… 😉



          Cool, I’ll let you guys know when he arrives.



          And he’s here! And really pretty…

          I need to know what color green was used on the main scales, GB, so I can repair the scratch…thankfully it is just a paint scratch and not actual damage to the sculpt…easily fixable.

          I’ll get that fixed up, drill the holes for the wings and put them on to see if I need to do any color additions to make them match, then take them out again, seal him up, then reinstall eyes, wings and give him a photo shoot.

          It will take me a few days.



          Ok sweet!

          I was worried you’d think I totally mussed up the fur with the antiquing job… 😳 Unfounded, I suppose….


          Dragon87 wrote:

          Ok sweet!

          I was worried you’d think I totally mussed up the fur with the antiquing job… 😳 Unfounded, I suppose….

          Yep! 😆



          I used phthalo green yellow on the scales, Kyrin.


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          I used phthalo green yellow on the scales, Kyrin.

          Darn, that is a shade I don’t have…will have to pick some up.

          I have phthalo green straight, but not the green yellow.



            Thats great news, thanks for the update Kyrin…I can’t wait to see pics of him once he is all finished… 😉 🙂


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