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  • #493224


    Hey guys,

    Today, I made my own sushi. I had no idea how easy it really is, and how varied you can get. I made some Calif. rolls just as a warm up, then made some teriaki steak sushi, which had thinly sliced teriaki steak, green onion and sesame seeds.

    I was going to make some teriaki chicken ones too, but I ran out of prepared rice, and we were getting full. We plan to do some fish varieties another time, but since my husband Kris isn’t into sushi much, we were trying some non-fish varieties. He still didn’t like it, says the nori tastes like fish, *rolls eyes*, he so picky!

    We picked up some lovely tuna steak that we plan to prepare next, perhaps tomorrow for lunch. Anyway, it was fun, and I think something we will do again. The ingredients for some of the non-traditional types is pretty cheap. Calif rolls are really cheap to make, and I am hoping that getting the marinaded freshwater eel isn’t too hard for my next try.

    Anyway, that was fun.


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