Stephanie's PYOs – "Bisbee Twilight" Keeper pg 3.

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Stephanie's PYOs – "Bisbee Twilight" Keeper pg 3.

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    Sweet! I LOVE how your griffy turned out! Especially the speckles on his head and the red feathers! I really need to do a repaint on my first griffy…the poor thing has a million layers of paint already >.< Your little blue dragon looks fantastic too!


      Thank you! Hehe, yeah, my griffin and dragon definitely have enough layers to keep them warm in the winter time! 😆


        I finished another PYO today, and OMG I’m so proud of him! He looks amazing, and it’s the first time I’ve managed to get antiquing to work right. He looks incredible (and is for sale in the sales thread. 😉 )

        *dance* I’m so proud of him!


          Aw, Loric is lovely Stephanie!! Your hubby is totally right, he does look like he’s wearing armor! I think the colors you chose compliment each other wonderfully 🙂

          Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
          Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


            Aw, Loric is lovely Stephanie!! Your hubby is totally right, he does look like he’s wearing armor! I think the colors you chose compliment each other wonderfully 🙂

            Thank you! 😀


              Loric is pretty cool. He does look like he’s wearing armor. Very nice Stephanie! Good luck on your sale.


                Loric is pretty cool. He does look like he’s wearing armor. Very nice Stephanie! Good luck on your sale.

                Thank you! 😀


                  This keeper isn’t /quite/ done, but I’m too excited not to post pictures of him almost done. I won’t get to finish him until next week though, because I’m going out of town this weekend and need to pack him up before I leave. (The landlords are doing some work on our place this weekend, so allll my Windstones need to be packed and tucked away safe and sound so they don’t get damaged like they did last time.) ANYWAY.

                  This is “Bisbee Twilight”. I spent a lot of time in southern Arizona as a kid, and my mother was born in Bisbee, which is a small mountain mining town. They have/had an open pit copper mine, and from that mine you could also find some of the most (I think) beautiful turquoise in the world. I began this piece with the idea of twilight, to go with the sparkly eyes Hannah was so kind to send out, but after I antiqued him I realized he really reminded me of turquoise, as well as twilight. Hence his name. 🙂

                  I personally like him better with the metallic teal eyes, but when I offer him for sale (probably sometime next week) I’ll offer a choice of the metallic teal or the sparkly. 🙂

                  What do you think? 😀


                    WOW Stephanie!! You’re getting better and better at painting these with every one I see from you! I can’t honestly decide which I like better – the teal or the dichroic! The teal goes super well with his skin tone, and the dichroic raelly brings out some of the purples and lavenders you’ve used. I escially like the contrast of the flamey red and yellow scales (I’m such a sucker for contrast in color XD)! Fantastic job!! I love him!

                    Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                      WOW Stephanie!! You’re getting better and better at painting these with every one I see from you! I can’t honestly decide which I like better – the teal or the dichroic! The teal goes super well with his skin tone, and the dichroic raelly brings out some of the purples and lavenders you’ve used. I escially like the contrast of the flamey red and yellow scales (I’m such a sucker for contrast in color XD)! Fantastic job!! I love him!

                      *BEAM* Thank yooooou! 😀


                        i hadn’t read your description at first so when i saw the photos i thought “well he certainly is different… those colors remind me of something like a desert” when i read what he’s based on it made complete sense! You hit this dead on the nail! i love it!


                          i hadn’t read your description at first so when i saw the photos i thought “well he certainly is different… those colors remind me of something like a desert” when i read what he’s based on it made complete sense! You hit this dead on the nail! i love it!

                          Thank you! 😀


                            Love the colors on this guy nice and bright great summer colors. Very nice! Good luck on the sale.


                              Love the colors on this guy nice and bright great summer colors. Very nice! Good luck on the sale.

                              Thank you! :party:


                                He’s finally DONE! Here is “Bisbee Twilight”. 😀 My very first ever Keeper, and I’m so proud.

                                Sparkle Eyes:

                                Metallic Teal Eyes:

                                He will be for sale in my Sales Thread!

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