Stephanie's PYOs – "Bisbee Twilight" Keeper pg 3.

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    I use Golden GAC100 personally for my antiquing, but I can’t use a color that is too different from the original color or it looks funny. Sometimes. I’m getting better at it, though.


    With shading I meant especially darkening the color in places where different section meet – like the on the neck under the wings, the belly under the arms, or the muscles lines in the wingarms. You can do that even with antiquing. It’ll make him pop into 3D. Hope this helps! 😉


      This is the Muse that Eleu gifted me! I had so much fun with her, and am finally feeling like I’m getting some success with antiquing.

      And, of course, a little dash of pink. 😀

      Thank you, Eleu!


      Eee! There he is!! HAHAHA! You put that spot of pink on him just for me! 😆 Ooo he looks really cool! I love what you did with the feathers and the blue hair on the back, that lighter and darker blue looks *really* cool! What a great way to do muse hair! Oo! And you put little stones on his hair too! Cool!


        Eleu wrote:

        Eee! There he is!! HAHAHA! You put that spot of pink on him just for me! 😆 Ooo he looks really cool! I love what you did with the feathers and the blue hair on the back, that lighter and darker blue looks *really* cool! What a great way to do muse hair! Oo! And you put little stones on his hair too! Cool!

        *grin* Thank you!! 😀


        Trying to figure it out, is the red on the front antiqued? It looks really good, nice deep shade of red too-I like!


          Eleu wrote:

          Trying to figure it out, is the red on the front antiqued? It looks really good, nice deep shade of red too-I like!

          Yes, I did antique the red. I love how it turned out!


          Cute! Man, I wish the PYOs would get back in stock again.


            So, here is the story of Firefly.

            Two summers ago I bought a dragon PYO. I took him lovingly from his box, put him lovingly on my desk, and then proceeded to put the /worst/ paint job ever on the poor guy.

            So I scrubbed it off and started over. Resulting in an even worse paint job.

            I was going for ‘koi’, but it was awful.

            I got half of this paint job scraped off him, soaking him in solutions and painstakingly peeling away the paint (and a lot of his gypsum!) with sharp tools, poking and prodding the poor guy.

            Then he sat on my kitchen sink for about six months, half cleaned. Old paint jobs clinging to him, his feet wet with dish water…I was a terrible PYO Mommy. *shame*

            I finally put him back in his box. And then promptly lost his eyes and his jewel.

            There he sat for a year and a half, still half painted with the ill-fated koi paint job.

            Finally, a few days ago, I pulled him out again and started anew. I didn’t bother removing the last of the koi paint job, I just painted over it. I’ve been working on him for a few days and I absolutely /love/ him. My poor, scraped, battered PYO is finally getting a paint job he deserves. I feel a little less guilty now.

            My only question now is, what color eyes should I get for him?

            I am SO PROUD of all my shading and value shifts, going from dark to light. They’re not perfect, but they’re the best I’ve ever done and I love them. ^^ The pictures really show off all my mistakes, but in real life he’s fantastic. I love him. 😀



              I think bright yellow would look lovely and really pop (and is what I would personally pick). A lavendar color would bring out the lavendar on him. Depends on what you are going for. Even a really dark brown or gray would work.


                I second what Siberakh said! My first instinct would be to put in lime green or lemon yellow – something almost neon, to match the yellow detailing 🙂

                Or you could go with light blue – it would still match, but the light blue would pop with the darker blue background.

                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Nice job pyo mommy! :bigsmile: I think a purple or periwinkle eye color would work nice. It probably would bring out the purple scales and accent nicely with your blues.


                    I took on a new project this week. For three years my only PYO griffin has been sitting on my top shelf, gathering dust, and the more I looked at him the more I realized what a mess I made of him. He was one of my very first PYOs (he’s in this thread, in fact!), and in the last three years my painting skills have improved a little bit. This week I decided he deserved better than his original paint job. Plus, I was bored and can’t afford any new PYOs right now. 😆 I based him off of a rainbow lorikeet, and then took a lot of creative license with the detailing. He was tough to repaint, because I didn’t remove the old paint first. (I’ve had terrible luck trying to do that in the past.) So I slathered him with a layer of black, and then painted over that. The paint is very thick, and the sculpture sadly lost some detail in the process. I still love the way he turned out. 😀

                    I also got eyes for my repainted PYO dragon, and so while I was taking pictures of my griffin’s new colors, I decided to take pictures of the final PYO. I even gave him some bling to apologize for keeping him in a drawer for years. 😆 I went with periwinkle eyes, and I love the way they look. 😀


                      Awesome cover up! I like how you feathered his face and those talons are great nice detail. Those colors are so bright it must have taken a ton of layers over the black to get them that way. :bigsmile:


                        Awesome cover up! I like how you feathered his face and those talons are great nice detail. Those colors are so bright it must have taken a ton of layers over the black to get them that way. :bigsmile:

                        Thank you! Yeah, the yellow is what gave me the toughest time! But it was fun.

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