
Some outdoor fun!

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    So, I know a lot of you are avid outdoors people on this board. And as a lot of you know, my choice of profession takes me to some pretty neat locales and the wildlife that goes with. To this end, I’ve started a blog about my crazy outdoor adventures. The entries will be co-authored with my man, Ryask.

    So, if you are interested in learning a bit about what true Northern California has to offer in outdoor recreation, wildlife, and beauty, or just reading about my wild adventures in the great State of Jefferson, give it a look! πŸ˜€

    Please be warned… there’s not much it it yet. At this very moment, I am talking to Ryask about what adventures we’ve been on that we should post about. Most likely Castle Crags since we did that hike at about this time of the year last year.



      I was born and raised in northern Cali – Castle Crags is awesome! We’re currently in the south east highlands of Idaho and as I’m writing this, I’m watching a group of 8 or so deer eating the apples we didn’t pick, right off the tree. 😯 Okay, that startled me! 😯 3 of ’em just walked past the family room window and one stopped to look 😯 It’s just the window seperating us 😯 and Pixel and Loki are bushed up to 4 times their normal size and are ‘singing’ (as the boys put it) Let me extend an invite to come visit sometime! I think you’d like it here πŸ˜€

      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



        I’ll check that journal regularly, once there are stories in it. I envy you your job, Zorse. πŸ˜‰

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