So, what's next on the schedule?

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      :/ What did I say? I don’t understand..

      I’m just bellyaching over the prospect of doing more grab bag mini keepers… Yes we will do them again.

      Ah, okay! I see! I thought that I had offended you.

      I can’t be offended!


        The pyo oriental is stuck in the waiting-for-horns-to-be-done limbo. I think the ball got dropped on that project, I’ll see what is going on.

        Everybody else is all excited about grab bags, and here I sit, just waiting for the oriental. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting… 😀 I have faith it’ll turn up someday! Although I am also fairly excited to try painting the hippocampus too, new PYOs are always fun, no matter what they are.

        LOL! Me Too! 😀
        Will the Oriental PYO’s come with an Orb (or choice) for their mouths, or is there a general size/spec available to tell us?


        The Black Rainbow Sparkle Grey Fox is so beautiful. I love the eye colour choice too. Can’t wait until he arrives.
        The Poad patches are also great, I hope I get one that looks like one of my natural adult Poads!


          I caved and got a black rainbow sparkle too. At least I didn’t add another safari Tadpoad to the order…….this time.


            I love the grey foxes! They look fabulous!! 😀


              I’d really like to see pure natural GB unicorns, like the first few batches with the pintos and appaloosas. Dunno if that would make the youngs cheaper than $350? 🙂


              I vote for rainbow safari or Candycorn type fantasy GB baby unicorns. They are what re_hooked me on Melody’s art and I’d like to get more (all mine were bought later for big bucks…I no longer can afford them lol!)
              Mainly though I want Melody to do what she is drawn to do.


                Ugh, I missed out on the rainbow sparkle fox. I have been wanting a sparkle paint figure from windstone ever since they started using that type of paint. I’ve been so busy lately and loose track of time. My boyfriend leaves tomorrow for training for a week for his job and I’m trying not to get depressed over him being gone. And then we have been saving as much as we can to get a house this coming summer to get out of this over priced apartment that we live in….so much going on. But, I love how you did the amber color eyes for the fox. Very pretty!


                  I wonder if more of the rainbow sparkle foxes will be painted? I also know someone who would have liked one. I also second what Rock Reader said about the rainbow safari and candycorn baby unis! If you look at the secondary market prices of pieces, it seems like there is an excess of natural baby unicorns, as well as some poads and pebble foxes that are hard to sell for very much now or even recover what some people paid for them. But the fantasy baby unis continue to have higher prices than most can afford because of their popularity and rarity as they don’t come up for sale very much.


                    I don’t think aftermarket prices should factor in to what gets painted next. We’re talking about things that are completely out of Windstone’s hands.

                    It’s my personal preference that something other than Unicorns get painted simply because there are so many grab bag unicorns out there and I’d rather see more of other sculpts.

                    That said, Melody you should paint what you want to paint – if you don’t have a preference, just go with whatever you think will be most popular! Certainly anything that you do is going to be a hit 🙂


                      What I paint next will depend on what we have a good supply of.
                      Looking at the carts of stuff we have, I see we don’t have many baby unicorns right now. We do have LOTS and LOTS of poads, maybe enough young unicorns for a batch of 100 or so… lots of pebble things of various species, and a whole cart crammed full of … hmm, maybe these will work… haven’t done a grab bag edition of these things yet…


                      What I paint next will depend on what we have a good supply of.
                      Looking at the carts of stuff we have, I see we don’t have many baby unicorns right now. We do have LOTS and LOTS of poads, maybe enough young unicorns for a batch of 100 or so… lots of pebble things of various species, and a whole cart crammed full of … hmm, maybe these will work… haven’t done a grab bag edition of these things yet…

                      I’d love to get anything GB, if they are cheap enough. I have to take my dog to the vet, my daughter needs glasses and it’s my two weeks of groceries. I’ve got to do all that with a pt job. :tired:


                        What I paint next will depend on what we have a good supply of.
                        Looking at the carts of stuff we have, I see we don’t have many baby unicorns right now. We do have LOTS and LOTS of poads, maybe enough young unicorns for a batch of 100 or so… lots of pebble things of various species, and a whole cart crammed full of … hmm, maybe these will work… haven’t done a grab bag edition of these things yet…

                        Oh boy! GB Young uni’s. Looks like we’ll have to start saving up funds


                          …a whole cart crammed full of … hmm, maybe these will work… haven’t done a grab bag edition of these things yet…

                          Oh, please say you’re talking about hoarder dragons! You probably aren’t, but I’m excited to hear about the possibility of a sculpt we haven’t seen painted as a grab bag edition before. 😀


                            …a whole cart crammed full of … hmm, maybe these will work… haven’t done a grab bag edition of these things yet…

                            Oh, please say you’re talking about hoarder dragons! You probably aren’t, but I’m excited to hear about the possibility of a sculpt we haven’t seen painted as a grab bag edition before. 😀

                            GB vampire bats would be new and different. 😉

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