So, what's next on the schedule?

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      I would vote for a batch of baby uni’s… though I likely won’t be able to afford them, so I’ll let you take that how you will XD

      Safari Fennecs would be cute! I like the sculpt, I’ve only widdled my GB fennecs down cause I’m sketchy on the round bottoms (So I’d be happy for the felt bottom ones, lol), but I *loooove* my maned wolf fennec, and think a red panda, AWD, leopard, oryx and whatever else I could think of if I weren’t in a hurry (If you need ideas, just ask, I’ll come up with some! lol) would look remarkably adorable on the fennec, and in the small sculpt, more in my price range… OH!! Or safari/fantasy wolves… preferably in a style that doesn’t make them too pricey.. Always thought they’d look awesome 🙂


        I vote for smaller animals, there’s no money in the budget here for unicorns and such and it sucks to miss out…but with say pebbles, most of us can afford those…..


          I missed out on a lot of GB stuff, so I know that I’ve mentioned I’d love nothing more than to see more baby kirin or mini-keeper GBs (though it was pointed out to me that the scales are a pain in the butt to paint so it’s less likely to see them as often as other GBs).

          That said, I’m with Hannah on the no-unis GB (preparing to dodge projectile debris…). There have been a lot of them! (No doubt because of the smoother sculpt and ease to paint.)

          If scalies are out of the picture for now, it might behoove us (oh ho ho! so punny!) to do a pegasus GB? I don’t know if such a thing has ever been in contention but I imagine baby pegasi or even hatching babies could be something people would be interested in. Personally, I think a hatchery GB would be fun, even if it takes a little more time to do…just think of how the eggshells could be varied!


            From the Windstone Facebook page:

            Melody said “I just finished this batch of grey foxes. I was experimenting with the best way to airbrush the facial details… so these will vary a bit.Some have darker markings on the muzzle, some have lighter markings, like real foxes.
            There are some black sparkle ones too, but I’ll let Pam deal with trying to photo those!”


              Practically, I vote for baby unis. Wishfully, I vote for youngs.


                I had squeaked a few times for more grab bag baby unis too but will squeak again for them would also love more rainbow safari ones as well! I still would love to get a rainbow zebra baby unicorn to match my colt and young unicorn! I personally can’t afford more youngs. My second grab bag want would be red panda tanukis and maybe raccoon ones. But please do more unicorns first! We have had poads, dragons and pebbles galore since the last batch of unis and I am mostly pebbled out! The baby unis last came out over 2 and a half years ago and I missed the rainbow safari batch! I have been waiting since then for more to come but am losing a bit of interest in the other sculpts.


                  Has there been any word on the next grab bag being worked on?

                  Haven’t started yet. Can’t decide what.

                  Can we possibly get another batch of Mini Keepers? We’ve only had one of them so far!

                  Sigh… those mini keepers WERE intended to be grab bag dragons, but they are so difficult to paint! Don’t wanna.

                  Really? So.. are we just not going to get them ever again? :/

                  I vote NO on the Youngs! Babies, if any unicorns.. though there have been so many batches of Unicorns in general that I’m pretty unicorned out.


                  How about Young Poads? They’re a grab bag we haven’t seen in a while. The last Young Poad GB was May 2013.

                  While I’m here, I’d like to squeak again for:
                  Flap cat – Jet Black
                  Flip flap cat – Jet Black
                  KiRin – Male – Albino (I know about the horn issue. I can still wish, can’t I?)
                  KiRin – Standing – Original Brown (I don’t care what kind of feet they have).

                  Thanks 🙂


                    Actually, Kim, the last batch of Young Poads was released in May of 2013. Some of us like Poads and have families to complete.

                    True, baby Unicorns were last seen in April of ’13 I believe, so it’s been a nearly equally long time for both. Unis beating out Poads by a month.


                    I wouldn’t say ‘No’ to GB baby kirins.


                      Oh, definitely want the GB youngs and baby unis!!!! The youngs are expensive but worth every penny. They do not disappoint. I think it is worth skipping the pebbles to get the bigger sculpts and more intricately painted GBs instead. I have really cut back on buying the pebbles, I am pebbled out too. I favor the more fantasy elements of the larger sculpts especially enhanced with individualist and innovative painting creations that Melody can just create continuously.


                        I’d be really happy to finally see another Young Poad grab bag!


                          I’m sure it comes as no surprise that out of the aforementioned GB’s I’d vote for a Young Poad GB next, lol. However, I’d love love LOVE (did I mention love?!) a grab bag of Gray Foxes similar to that of the Tanukis (Fancy and Plain). I absolutely adore those colors, patterns, and details on the tanukis. :love: I think they’d transfer over well to the Gray Foxes.


                            I have to squeak for GB unicorns too!!! And GB Kirins after the unicorns… I would love to have more of them too.


                            Hey melody! I think you should do which ever ones you’d like to do, as you said earlier it would be nice to do a least expensive piece. So I may also be afford it, because I work part time, support 5 other humans and 4 small fuzzy critters.


                              The pyo oriental is stuck in the waiting-for-horns-to-be-done limbo. I think the ball got dropped on that project, I’ll see what is going on.

                              Everybody else is all excited about grab bags, and here I sit, just waiting for the oriental. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting… 😀 I have faith it’ll turn up someday! Although I am also fairly excited to try painting the hippocampus too, new PYOs are always fun, no matter what they are.

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