So, what's next on the schedule?

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      Thanks Kaytana! I appreciate that, I find it difficult to post photos on my phone(I’m not very phone savvy lol) especially here on the forums.

      Sorry guys that I gush so much about stuff on FB, I’ll try to keep that under control from now on ;). I get so excited, and want to share my excitement, sometimes I forget not everyone uses FB and can’t see what’s posted on there. ^_^;

      It’s an uber pain to link/post photos on the forum on a phone, I know how to, but avoid it if possible… just so happened to be one of the few times this weekend I was actually on my pc, and I know how to link from FB, and make Facebook host photos instead of the process of saving them and uploading to my own hosting site.. ^-^
      I don’t think anyone minds the gushing, they just wanna be keyed in on what is so exciting 🙂


        I had a Japanese Akita/German Shepard that was brindle. I’ll post pictures if I can find them.


          Speaking as another dinosaur that is not on Facebook and has no plans on being, a big THANK YOU! for crossposting the pics from there! I don’t mind your gushing, it’s just I wonder what the gush is about.

          I’ve known brindle akitas also, lots of boxers, shih tzus and lhasas, rarely a border collie/English shepherd type, coonhounds, IGs, basenjis, I know there’s a host I’m not remembering as well as the breeds mentioned here. My family owned English mastiffs as well as aussies for years, we’ve had a few brindle ones. They were black brindles- just means the black striping predominates so that the dog appears to be a black dog with fawn of apricot striping instead. I’ll have to see if I can find a photo to take a picture of. And like the whippet pup showed, dogs with dilution factors can have striping in colors other than black (i.e. red brindle).
          Rabbits and mice are commonly brindle also, never heard of a cat but sure there’s other species.


          …………. Once, when we adopted one of the pups out, it was brought back by a VERY irate owner. The pup was brindle, as were its littermates and probably 90% of the greyhounds around here. The owner was angry because they claimed we misrepresented the breed of the pup. They said their vet insisted the pup was a pit and most definitely not a greyhound, because it was brindle and only pits come in brindle. Uh, yeah, with its skinny sighthound head and body, it’s a pit all right, even if it wasn’t from known parentage… you can’t win against stupidity. We just took the pup back to find it a better home.

          LOL! Yeah, there are all kinds of stupid out there. I did have a few people ask me if one of my brindle pittie mixes was a greyhound, or if he had greyhound in him 😉 So I guess these people knew greyhounds came in brindle, and there was a few brindle greyhounds around my town at one point.

          Tigger, my brindle pittie mix, was a tad skinny, and goofy to, so I cant blame people for asking 😉 When he would jump at you clowning around, his front legs would go out and he almost looked like a praying mantis, lol!

          Man I miss my dogs…. 🙁

          Here is an old video with Tigger in it:

          And a few old pics:


          ….(sorry, I had to post pics of my other 2 dogs, didnt seem fair to their memory… since I started looking at their pics, and missing them all… I wanted to share)

          His sister, Peaches (short for Peaches n’ Cream)

          The following one brings back lots of memories…. sad ones… lets say the relationship I was in at the time was really sick… I was in a really abusive situation, and the dogs were what kept me sane, but I felt so bad for them as well… long long story… anywho in this pic I think Peaches was deep in thought… she was a very emotional dog, and got very scared and upset when things got crazy at home… she often hid, and this pic was taken during a calm period, after a ‘stormy; session… 🙁

          Baby, their Mother, and the girl I lost 2 years ago in June 🙁 She came with me when I left the Ex years back, the other two stayed with him, as it was impossible for me to take all 3. It still haunts me to this day that I had to leave them with him… 🙁 Breaks my heart and fills me so full of guilt….

          Sorry for all the pics… guess I just couldnt help myself. These dogs WERE my life for many many years… I likely wouldnt be here today if it werent for them. Sorry for the crapp quality shots to, I have way better ones, but just didnt have the heart to go looking for them all.

          Hope the brindle shots help ! Tigger was a beautiful dog, and be did bounce like a Tigger, lol! I would love to have anything you painted in a brindle scheme Melody ! 🙂


            Nice doggy photos and thanks for posting even if it brings back memories. I used to look at pictures of my old pets and my ex and it was hard so I haven’t in a while but it’s sometimes nice remembering the old pets. My last dog was a border collie that passed away from cancer a few years ago. He was so active and loved agility and sheep herding and playing and chasing his toys and he was so smart! I haven’t had a dog since because of moving to rentals where dogs aren’t allowed so it’s nice to see pictures of everyone else’s dogs! If I could get a wolf painted like a black and white border collie, that would be awesome but not sure if any were painted to look like that.

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              Such sweet doggies, Amstaff! Thank You for posting pictures!


                I wonder if that ignorant vet thinks the brindle cow posted earlier must be a pit bull too. 😛 I’ll have to post some shots of my brindle staffy when I get home.

                Thanks for posting those Facebook pictures here, Kaytana. When I first saw the sitting fox in rough pink clay, I thought I could pass on them, but having seen the polished and painted form, I know they’re too cute to resist! 🙂


                  I was just wondering for the merle and or brindle batches, how many usually are made, when a batch like that is relatively small? Would it be like the bat eared and hippies and fennecs? Hopefully I can squeeze two more wolves in the pack and my husband wont notice 😀


                    I wonder if that ignorant vet thinks the brindle cow posted earlier must be a pit bull too. 😛 I’ll have to post some shots of my brindle staffy when I get home.

                    Thanks for posting those Facebook pictures here, Kaytana. When I first saw the sitting fox in rough pink clay, I thought I could pass on them, but having seen the polished and painted form, I know they’re too cute to resist! 🙂

                    In justice to the vet … maybe he or she was not the person who said the greyhound must be a pit bull because it was brindle. That could have come from a friend or relative, and the dog owner credited the vet to make it sound more official.


                    Nice doggy photos and thanks for posting even if it brings back memories. I used to look at pictures of my old pets and my ex and it was hard so I haven’t in a while but it’s sometimes nice remembering the old pets. My last dog was a border collie that passed away from cancer a few years ago. He was so active and loved agility and sheep herding and playing and chasing his toys and he was so smart! I haven’t had a dog since because of moving to rentals where dogs aren’t allowed so it’s nice to see pictures of everyone else’s dogs! If I could get a wolf painted like a black and white border collie, that would be awesome but not sure if any were painted to look like that.

                    Thanks Kim 🙂 And I, like you, would LOVE it if I could get some sculpts painted like some of my Doggies from the past. In the end Im going to try and do some PYO winged wolves to try and pay tribute to my pups 🙂 Im sure if will be hard though, but well worth it 😉

                    Great pics !! Anyone else have brindle dog (or whatever) pics to post? I could use references.

                    Brindle doggie overload! 😉 I can also take more if you need some.

                    Such sweet doggies, Amstaff! Thank You for posting pictures!

                    Thank you for showing us your Pup as well ! He reminds me of mine, looks like he has that clown attitude that all Pitties are known for 😉 And he is absolutely beautiful !! I love Brindle with white to offset it 🙂


                      Great pics !! Anyone else have brindle dog (or whatever) pics to post? I could use references.

                      I’ve got a brindle mutt, I’ll see if I can upload pictures of him later when I’m not on my photobucket-blocking work computer.


                        Here are some brindle pictures of my two breeds Afghans and Whippets. They come in blue brindle, red brindle, fawn brindle, black brindle, blue-creme oyster brindle, parti-white and brindle (whippets only). They can be barely brindle (with just a few stripes) to heavily brindled.

                         photo brindle1_zpsntgobwjp.jpg

                         photo brindle5_zpsewucsopj.jpg

                         photo brindle8_zpskntpnhil.jpg

                         photo brindle10_zpsu53eyenm.jpg

                         photo brindle7_zpsgmaitfft.jpg

                         photo brindle9_zpsdxfcncty.jpg

                         photo brindle4_zpsponfetnv.jpg

                         photo brindle2_zps1cgwe8y5.jpg

                         photo brindle3_zpsencdrtet.jpg

                         photo D9B1DA5F-4AEA-4B11-944F-CD85FB7E3C89_zpsj8v9nhfc.jpg

                         photo 183BDEF3-C5C4-420E-BE1C-3DBBA2D6263F_zpscnsdfxao.jpg

                         photo 87F60975-25B2-4490-934E-922635E78D66_zpsa2wxxzbt.jpg

                         photo F19E4185-955A-4B21-A2C7-5B70D5EAF409_zps5wunryni.jpg

                         photo CF721184-B9C8-411B-A86E-6BD913577C8D_zpsgsnbbltm.jpg


                          Here’s one more … blue brindle (my fav) from 2 weeks old to 2 years old.

                           photo brindle11_zpsqgmslbip.jpg

                           photo brindle12_zpsrop2o3h1.jpg

                           photo brindle13_zpswotbkilw.jpg


                            WOW these dogs are so cool but I bet they are a lot of work.


                              The bat eared foxes are so cute! They are on the FB page. I dont know who was it that was posting those pictures in the forum but hopefully they can post that one. So adorable!

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