So, what's next on the schedule?

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      Melody, do you still plan to possibly do a pyo frog? I would love that! My boyfriend used to own dart frogs and I would love to paint a batch for him lol.

      Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
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        Greyhounds come in Brindle too, when I was younger we took in 4 different rescue Brindle Greyhounds. Not all at the same time though. I’d have to dig through my memory box for pics of them, but I did find some pics of Brindle Greyhounds online.

         photo 140340289.sdNLjPkD.McGrathsbrindle151211_copy_zpsnvjingrv.jpg

         photo DSC00536_zpsinm4w3th.jpg

         photo Greyhound_running_brindle_zps8mfhvmrl.jpg

         photo Hound_zpsq8ctta0u.jpeg

        Your post just reminded me of when I was vet tech at the local humane society. There were a few racing greyhound kennels in the area, and we had a good relationship with the staff of a couple- they tried for their dogs as much as they could, and funneled quite a few to us. Sometimes we got litters of pups from one. Once, when we adopted one of the pups out, it was brought back by a VERY irate owner. The pup was brindle, as were its littermates and probably 90% of the greyhounds around here. The owner was angry because they claimed we misrepresented the breed of the pup. They said their vet insisted the pup was a pit and most definitely not a greyhound, because it was brindle and only pits come in brindle. Uh, yeah, with its skinny sighthound head and body, it’s a pit all right, even if it wasn’t from known parentage… you can’t win against stupidity. We just took the pup back to find it a better home.
        I hear also that if it has a blue eye/eyes, it must be an aussie or aussie mix. When it looks and acts just like a dalmatian cross or a husky.
        Sorry for the long story and off topic!


          Your post just reminded me of when I was vet tech at the local humane society. There were a few racing greyhound kennels in the area, and we had a good relationship with the staff of a couple- they tried for their dogs as much as they could, and funneled quite a few to us. Sometimes we got litters of pups from one. Once, when we adopted one of the pups out, it was brought back by a VERY irate owner. The pup was brindle, as were its littermates and probably 90% of the greyhounds around here. The owner was angry because they claimed we misrepresented the breed of the pup. They said their vet insisted the pup was a pit and most definitely not a greyhound, because it was brindle and only pits come in brindle. Uh, yeah, with its skinny sighthound head and body, it’s a pit all right, even if it wasn’t from known parentage… you can’t win against stupidity. We just took the pup back to find it a better home.
          I hear also that if it has a blue eye/eyes, it must be an aussie or aussie mix. When it looks and acts just like a dalmatian cross or a husky.
          Sorry for the long story and off topic!

          Sounds about right for the general public… people assume Kila HAS to be a pit mix, because she’s brindle… takes all I have to not point out pit mixes get a blocky jaw and stout body, and that they’re idiots to think just because they haven’t heard of a breed, doesn’t mean I’m making things up… I’m glaf you guys got that dog out of there still, if their vet is that dumb and misleading, and the owners are that dumb, then the dog is WAY better off w someone else…


            Here’s a few pictures of my Koda. I believe he’s a Dutch Shepard mix. If you’re interested, I can take better pictures of his markings.

             photo IMG_4608_1_zps61197ac1.jpg

            I just love his face! Reminds of me of Kila when I got her 🙂 I’d def say this pup is part Dutchie!


            I found this picture of a brindle saluki. Do you think it would help?

            [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


            Your post just reminded me of when I was vet tech at the local humane society. There were a few racing greyhound kennels in the area, and we had a good relationship with the staff of a couple- they tried for their dogs as much as they could, and funneled quite a few to us. Sometimes we got litters of pups from one. Once, when we adopted one of the pups out, it was brought back by a VERY irate owner. The pup was brindle, as were its littermates and probably 90% of the greyhounds around here. The owner was angry because they claimed we misrepresented the breed of the pup. They said their vet insisted the pup was a pit and most definitely not a greyhound, because it was brindle and only pits come in brindle. Uh, yeah, with its skinny sighthound head and body, it’s a pit all right, even if it wasn’t from known parentage… you can’t win against stupidity. We just took the pup back to find it a better home. I hear also that if it has a blue eye/eyes, it must be an aussie or aussie mix. When it looks and acts just like a dalmatian cross or a husky.
            Sorry for the long story and off topic!

            What you wrote is one of the many reasons why the human race makes my head hurt. Though, this is the first time I have heard of a vet being so stupid that they insist a brindle Greyhound puppy must have Pit Bull mixed in him/her, since “only Pit Bulls come in brindle.” Now I have heard it all…*head desk*


              I found this picture of a brindle saluki. Do you think it would help?

              Oh! This one reminded me of Silken Windhounds! They also can be brindle… we have a few that show up at dogshows around here 🙂


                Your post just reminded me of when I was vet tech at the local humane society. There were a few racing greyhound kennels in the area, and we had a good relationship with the staff of a couple- they tried for their dogs as much as they could, and funneled quite a few to us. Sometimes we got litters of pups from one. Once, when we adopted one of the pups out, it was brought back by a VERY irate owner. The pup was brindle, as were its littermates and probably 90% of the greyhounds around here. The owner was angry because they claimed we misrepresented the breed of the pup. They said their vet insisted the pup was a pit and most definitely not a greyhound, because it was brindle and only pits come in brindle. Uh, yeah, with its skinny sighthound head and body, it’s a pit all right, even if it wasn’t from known parentage… you can’t win against stupidity. We just took the pup back to find it a better home. I hear also that if it has a blue eye/eyes, it must be an aussie or aussie mix. When it looks and acts just like a dalmatian cross or a husky.
                Sorry for the long story and off topic!

                What you wrote is one of the many reasons why the human race makes my head hurt. Though, this is the first time I have heard of a vet being so stupid that they insist a brindle Greyhound puppy must have Pit Bull mixed in him/her, since “only Pit Bulls come in brindle.” Now I have heard it all…*head desk*

                Shows how little some know but Think they know… Brindle is a color variation not a breed, and it can show up in many breeds of dogs and other animals, as is evident in some of the posts here for dogs, horses, cows, etc….
                I’ve seen Great Danes with Brindle coloring… perhaps that Greyhound has *Great Dane* in him too, as well as Pit Bull?!? Honestly, and from a Vet?!?

                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                  Your post just reminded me of when I was vet tech at the local humane society. There were a few racing greyhound kennels in the area, and we had a good relationship with the staff of a couple- they tried for their dogs as much as they could, and funneled quite a few to us. Sometimes we got litters of pups from one. Once, when we adopted one of the pups out, it was brought back by a VERY irate owner. The pup was brindle, as were its littermates and probably 90% of the greyhounds around here. The owner was angry because they claimed we misrepresented the breed of the pup. They said their vet insisted the pup was a pit and most definitely not a greyhound, because it was brindle and only pits come in brindle. Uh, yeah, with its skinny sighthound head and body, it’s a pit all right, even if it wasn’t from known parentage… you can’t win against stupidity. We just took the pup back to find it a better home. I hear also that if it has a blue eye/eyes, it must be an aussie or aussie mix. When it looks and acts just like a dalmatian cross or a husky.
                  Sorry for the long story and off topic!

                  What you wrote is one of the many reasons why the human race makes my head hurt. Though, this is the first time I have heard of a vet being so stupid that they insist a brindle Greyhound puppy must have Pit Bull mixed in him/her, since “only Pit Bulls come in brindle.” Now I have heard it all…*head desk*

                  Shows how little some know but Think they know… Brindle is a color variation not a breed, and it can show up in many breeds of dogs and other animals, as is evident in some of the posts here for dogs, horses, cows, etc….
                  I’ve seen Great Danes with Brindle coloring… perhaps that Greyhound has *Great Dane* in him too, as well as Pit Bull?!? Honestly, and from a Vet?!?

                  My hubby thought that only Pits could be brindle, too, so I showed him this thread. My mom had a little boston terrier that was brindle. He was a cutie!

                  On a side note: I LOVE those new sitting foxes! I’d love to see some in their respective fox color and I’d love some fantasy ones too! Those sculpts are just too cute!


                    Omg! The in-progress PYO Snerl on Melody’s FB page is so cute!!

                    *Formerly meowmix101
                    Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                      Omg! The in-progress PYO Snerl on Melody’s FB page is so cute!!

                      It would be nice if you reposted some of the things from Melody’s page here. Not all of us are on Facebook.


                        Omg! The in-progress PYO Snerl on Melody’s FB page is so cute!!

                        It would be nice if you reposted some of the things from Melody’s page here. Not all of us are on Facebook.

                        Gotcha covered.. here are the recently relevant things 🙂 She’s been doing a “Show 5 pieces of art for 5 days” Facebook challenge thingy, that’s why they’ve all been posted – So there hasn’t been any call for people to get overly excited and push Mel, just think of them as lil previews with an open ended expectation date…


                          Omg! The in-progress PYO Snerl on Melody’s FB page is so cute!!

                          It would be nice if you reposted some of the things from Melody’s page here. Not all of us are on Facebook.

                          Yes! Please! I am also not on Facebook. I can see the Windstone page, but not Melody’s personal page.


                            Thanks Kaytana! I appreciate that, I find it difficult to post photos on my phone(I’m not very phone savvy lol) especially here on the forums.

                            Sorry guys that I gush so much about stuff on FB, I’ll try to keep that under control from now on ;). I get so excited, and want to share my excitement, sometimes I forget not everyone uses FB and can’t see what’s posted on there. ^_^;

                            *Formerly meowmix101
                            Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                            I love that sitting fox that is on the Facebook page! They would look good with fantasy colors, some day. My fat cat is a little lonely being the only sparkly one…

                            Also: here is a picture of a blue brindle dog.

                            [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]

                          Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 1,640 total)
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