So, what's next on the schedule?

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      I snagged one of the odd ball red foxes and a regular red fox. I’m so super excited about them. I really wish I could have afforded a grab bag wolf as well, but I think I need to wait at least until pay day. Hopefully stock will last long enough (although I won’t hold my breath, since that’s not for another two weeks and I know how much folks around here love their windstones). Here’s hoping everybody gets something they want!!

      Speaking of things people *want* — returning to the point of this thread :p — I have never forgotten the standing kirin and still wait for them hopefully. Also eager about this PYO snerl, the tanuki I saw posted on the FB page the other day, as well as PYO orientals. So much to look forward to! This last year has been very exciting, and I hope that this year will continue to be filled with beautiful things. 🙂


        (edit: I’d also like to vote for a slightly larger sized class photo pic, just so we can drool a bit my closely!)

        This! I always have to artificially enlarge the pictures when I am looking for favorites >< is there any way we can get a larger picture in the class photos? They used to be a bit bigger ^^

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          Thanks Melody, for making me spend a butt ton on all these new lovelies!!! I can’t wait to see them all!

          haha!! If I had the money I’d feel your pains!!

          I bought an odd ball fox and a gb wolf 🙂 I actually adore the Ivory wolf too (Honestly didn’t expect to, I haven’t been a personal fan of the ivory coloration, but that’s because I like dark colors… but the ivory looks really good on the wolf) but he will have to wait til I can afford him… along with the true red fox..

          Man, I am in love with the red wolf at the top of the store photo! I cannot wait for a class photo! Mel, can it be a larger photo size? I would love to be able to see these guys a lil better than large dots, lol! Also, is there a class photo for the Odd Ball red foxes? I need to torture myself while I wait for them to arrive ;p lol!

          I didn’t take a class pic of the odd ball foxes. The store pic is pretty representative of the whole batch.
          I can try posting larger class pics, but I am not sure I can on the blog page. If not, maybe I can put them on the facebook page.


            That’d be awesome Melody! 😀

            *Formerly meowmix101
            Not currently open for PYO commissions.


              Thanks Melody, for making me spend a butt ton on all these new lovelies!!! I can’t wait to see them all!

              haha!! If I had the money I’d feel your pains!!

              I bought an odd ball fox and a gb wolf 🙂 I actually adore the Ivory wolf too (Honestly didn’t expect to, I haven’t been a personal fan of the ivory coloration, but that’s because I like dark colors… but the ivory looks really good on the wolf) but he will have to wait til I can afford him… along with the true red fox..

              Man, I am in love with the red wolf at the top of the store photo! I cannot wait for a class photo! Mel, can it be a larger photo size? I would love to be able to see these guys a lil better than large dots, lol! Also, is there a class photo for the Odd Ball red foxes? I need to torture myself while I wait for them to arrive ;p lol!

              I didn’t take a class pic of the odd ball foxes. The store pic is pretty representative of the whole batch.
              I can try posting larger class pics, but I am not sure I can on the blog page. If not, maybe I can put them on the facebook page.

              What about Devart? If you can post a larger version there I can post it here 🙂 I’ll put it in a show off thread 🙂 Devart will allow the larger image, Facebook might shrink it too…
              I suppose I’ll torture myself with wolfie photos and daydream about foxies 🙂 hehe. Thanks for painting your tush off, Mel! All of these guys look great!


                Oh, wow! What a ton of goodies!
                I am especially looking forward to the GB wolves. The “oddball” red foxes sound intriguing, too.

                I’d love to see those little standing KiRins done up as the “normal” (old) production colours.

                I second the motion for standing kirins in the production “brown”!!!

                Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                  Is there a class picture of the grab bag wolves to be posted?

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    I hope it’s posted tonight! I keep checking everywhere, the blog/facebook/deviantart, in hopes it pops up but no such luck yet lol.

                    (Btw, my wolfy will be here Monday! Super excited it’ll be here so quick!)

                    *Formerly meowmix101
                    Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                    Is there a class picture of the grab bag wolves to be posted?

                    I know there is one, but not sure where it is, there was talk about posting it someplace that will allow it to be larger so we can see better (my bet was dA then I’d cross post it to the show off thread) but I haven’t seen it anywhere as of yet..

                    Pbbt… Also, this is Kaytana signed into my moms account, she forgot her PW and was thinking of ordering a wolf so I fixed it and apparently didn’t sign out, hah!


                      I’ve made some hint-hint noises hoping I can get a gift certificate for my birthday, but if so I plan on saving it for when the Hoarders finally come out. Unless I break down and get something PYO.
                      Nothing like counting your chickens before they hatch lol!


                        Oh goodness, I keep forgetting about the hoarders…. I’m looking forward to them, too! And keeping an eye out for the merle gothics….


                          But I’m most excited about that mountain lion sculpt! Mountain Lion/snow leopard, those aren’t that different, right 😛

                          Same here! I absolutely LOVE mountain lions but it’s so hard to find decent sculptures or *anything* of them. I got so excited when I saw the in-progress pic on Facebook that I almost fell out of my chair 😀

                          Any idea when it’ll be coming out?


                            hoarders and more fantasy/candycorn baby unicorns!!! been to long since we had a batch!


                              just saw the sitting fox on FB! That is one cute fox. Love its face. Will that be a grab bag or a regular production? About how tall is it? It doesn’t look to terribly big.


                                Back in November, on Facebook, Melody posted a photo of rough versions of two sitting foxes. She said they are about 3 1/2″ tall.

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