
So….. how was your weekend?

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      It was’t this weekend but today that was bad for me and it isn’t even over yet. This morning I trimmed the hedges and cut thru the electric cord while cutting the ones by the air-conditioner. After that the outlet would not work so I opened the box above the AC but didn’t see anything to push. I also checked the circuit breakers in the garage but everything is OK except the outlet still dead. I then started to do the trimming around the flower beds and the trimmer ran out of plastic cord so I tried to unscrew the top to put the other spool on and couldn’t get it off it was stuck. Three of my neighbors tried to get it off but it is on so tight nobody was able to get it loose. Another neighbor came over and finished the trimming for me. After that I took a shower and washed my hair. When I tried to turn on the hair dryer the bathroom outlet was dead so I went to the garage and pushed the thingy by the washer & dryer – still no power to the bathroom outlet. I plugged the hair dryer into an outlet in the bedroom and dried my hair. Also I fixed a salad for lunch and when I started to slice the banana peppers (love those hot pepper in my salad) the first one shot hot juice right in my eyes (ouch) so I took my contacts out and washed out my eyes.

      I forgot to add the b/f who keeps thing running OK around here is out of town until Sept. and believe me that doesn’t help.


        darjeb wrote:

        the first one shot hot juice right in my eyes (ouch)

        DAMN ow that would hurt. :negative:


          Well, you all read about my adventure on Sunday…Saturday was seeing Harry Potter, doing a bit of clothes shopping. The rest was quite quiet really. And I like quiet.


            Wow–compared to your weekend, mine was quite uneventful. Just wasn’t feeling too good and laid around the house. Boring, veeeeerrrrrry boring and I love boring, boring is good! 🙂


              I spent the weekend NOT doing my essay (I did the essay this morning at 7am) 😀 basically doing nothing, I did go out to dinner with a couple friends and got to walk around a mall (sadly, said mall no longer has a store that carries Windstones, though they still offer to order them for you)


                Golly those pictures look worse than the 2005 and 2006 hurricanes that hit Florida. We had mostly landscape damage

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