My darling mother got me the PYO bookends for Christmas! I just finished them =)
Bit of background on my character Tehrar….[full body PYO phoenix farther up in this thread of mine] She was originally a scholar, studying magic. She had a fiance who was a noble knight, and to assist in his quest to defeat the evil sorcerers and magicians that he dealt with all the time, she began to research the dark arts to get a better understanding of them. Her information proved invaluable….but it soon consumed her. She became the most wicked of all, creating new magic that no one has ever witnessed before. SHe took the form of a rainbow-winged eagle of great size, and while she was beautiful to look upon, her heart was dark and corrupted.

and I didn’t like the big empty space on the sides, so I put in two of my dragon characters that dwell in the same world as Tehrar…Hezikiabadadia [the red] and Scelestas [the white]