Show your Collection, v.6!

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      I finally got my hands on a Gothic Uni!

      I’m not as pleased with him as I thought I would be 🙁

      The main reason I’m not as happy with him as I thought I would be:

      he’s got white splatter marks on his hind flank. They are hard to see in pictures because there’s so much shine going on in his coat that it was hard for ME to see where the splatter marks were in the picture! I had to hold the uni in front of me to figure out which were glare and which were paint.

      Anyway, it just seems to me that with a scheme that is (seemingly, I’m assuming here) this simple and likely easy to do, that there would be zero oversight for defects like this.. I mean, it’s WHITE paint splattered on his BLACK hind leg! It was the first thing I saw when I opened the package, so it’s really noticable in person.

      This is the type of thing that I can easily fix myself, but it’s disappointing that I have to do it. I don’t like the idea of touching up a piece that I just got from the factory, especially since I don’t have the same topcoat as them.. it’s just disheartening.

      I swear on a stack of pancakes that was not like that when we packed it! I went over all these guys three times , Chessie went over them at least twice. I am afraid it is the gypsum doing something weird… could you tell if it was the paint chipping off? You don’t want to send it back?


        SEND IT BACK !! I need to see what is going on here!


          Oh no 🙁 I hope I wont have to send mine back when I get him. I have to pay customs ontop of my shipping plus customs a second time for a new one 🙁 I will just hope he is good 🙂

          Wampus Dragon

            I dont have mine yet since it was probably one of the last shipped out, but I will check it over thoroughly when it gets here in case it has issues.


              I looked over mine very carefully and he doesn’t have any paint spatters or flaws at all. Just the one indentation in the hoof. I got pics taken too, with the white one I have. It was tough to get them both in focus at the same time.

              He is so handsome though!

              Something in the background is stalking him….

              Black and White….

              Lightning bolt!


                SEND IT BACK !! I need to see what is going on here!

                OK, if you’d like it back I will send it. I’ll shoot Susie an email in the morning.

                Edit: It really feels like something on TOP of the black paint rather than chips or something happening with the gypsum – I can run my fingernail over it and feel it.

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                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Something in the background is stalking him….

                  ROFL!!! Omg that picture is AWESOME Chris!! XD

                  And wow.. thanks for posting pics of the white and black next to each other… I can’t believe it, I actually prefer the white one! It’s really rare for me to like a white color scheme. I may have to just start looking for someone to trade white for black ><

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Ouch. I’m glad I checked in on this thread to see what new stuff peeps have gotten. I never check new stuff when it comes in. The issues posted here made me run to check my silver OW since he’s the last one I’ve picked up and my crown jewel.

                  Wouldn’t you know it. 🙁 And I really don’t want to have to send him back to wait on another, it could be a while before they’re restocked. The chips have been painted over, so surely someone saw them? *cry*


                    awww 🙁 I have had a problem with my Young GB on his hooves arriving with small chips and they were painted over.{In the mold?}I fixed it :)and on a gold OW last year. It happens sometimes.Things do get past inspectors.I have been one and it is darn near impossible to catch every mistake on a production line.Windstone has always offered to make it right though I must add, everytime. 😉
                    Here are Amber and my young ones that have joined the famly this past year.

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male day🤞Dream on.


                      You know sometimes flaws make them better. I ordered a silver for my husband’s birthday so I opened it when it got here to make sure it was ok. Everything was find except for a quarter sized spot of light silver on the back of his wing, where it should have been the dark silver…now if it were my piece I wouldn’t care, so I had to beat around the bush to ask him if he wanted me to send it back, and he said no…we both agree that some flaws make the piece more unique 🙂


                        I just got my Gothic Uni today and checked him over thoroughly and he was a-ok. I also got a Silver Coiled Dragon and he’s pretty good as well. I have noticed with the NEW Silvers for the most part I have been seeing paint drips like it was airbrushed onto the sculpt too thickly lately. Almost all my newest silvers have paint drips on them somewhere, but they have been really minor. No biggie… just an observation.

                        I’ve gotten a few ebay pieces I was disappointed with in the past only because I paid so much money for them and they had flaws, but at the same token, I’m still in love with the pieces so I never complained. I’m always more then happy with Windstone’s customer service though whenever I have spoke up about issues.

                        Got a busted Windstone?
                        *OPEN for repairs*

                        *SEEKING GRAILS*
                        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                        Siphlophis Male Dragon
                        Calypso Hatching Empress
                        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                        Tattoo Mother Kirin
                        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                        Ouch. I’m glad I checked in on this thread to see what new stuff peeps have gotten. I never check new stuff when it comes in. The issues posted here made me run to check my silver OW since he’s the last one I’ve picked up and my crown jewel.

                        Wouldn’t you know it. 🙁 And I really don’t want to have to send him back to wait on another, it could be a while before they’re restocked. The chips have been painted over, so surely someone saw them? *cry*

                        GAH. Hi, this is Chessie– I’m one of the inspectors. I have no idea how this got past us! Yes, it has been painted over, but that does not necessarily mean someone saw it. 🙁 Because we manufacture these on a production line, it is easy to zone out and work automatically while painting. Every once in a while, I catch painted-over chips and bubbles and whatnot, and send them back to be fixed up– this one, unfortunately, we missed.

                        We will NEVER, EVER knowingly send out pieces with such defects. When we do, it is a complete mistake. Please, please contact Susie– we will do everything needed to make it right and correct the problem.


                        Hannah, and all other people who have received gimpy Gothic Unicorns:

                        Those white flecks look like the dust that can sometimes get onto pieces from the paint booth. If you rub it, will they come off? Often, when I find this defect, I pick at the spots with a fingernail and they just pop off without harming the piece. If they are stuck on, it’s possible that they were clear-coated over.

                        This should not have gotten past inspection, and neither should the chip in that other one’s hoof. I am frankly astounded that we missed such obvious problems. Please keep in mind that every piece is inspected at least twice, usually by two different people– I inspect them when I put in the eyes/horns/jewels etc., they are inspected again by whoever puts the pads on, and often they are looked over once more before going into the box.

                        In the case of these black Gothic Unicorns, they were all looked over by me (and many of them sent back to be fixed and inspected a second time afterward), and then looked over by my brother, Griffin, as we padded and tagged them. He is quite possibly the pickiest inspector we have, so it is extra confounding that we missed so much! 🙁

                        I just wanted to give you an idea as to how careful we are with these things– we are not, by any means, carelessly sending out defective product. Most of my day is spent inspecting items and touching-up defects, or sending them back to the painters and scrapers to get fixed. I don’t know how careful Windstone has been in the past regarding perfection in our pieces, but we try to be pretty dang picky nowadays.

                        Again, if you ever find defects, please let us know! Call or email Susie immediately, and we will find a way to fix the problem. It is important for us to know about these things, too, so we can see what we’ve been missing and identify issues with our production process.


                          I can vouch for Chessie and the inspectors! In a production environment, even with multiple sets of eyes on things, sometimes little things get missed no matter how hard they’re being looked for.

                          I used to work at a t-shirt printed company. We printed some designs that the Peninsula YMCA club sent us for their youth soccer program.

                          5 (FIVE) different people saw the design before it was approved to print on 350 shirts.

                          All five missed the fact that the print said “Penisula” and not “Peninsula”.

                          Gah! Embarassing much! And it was for a youth team! They had a great sense of humor about the mistake in the end though, and we made it right. 🙂


                            Hannah, and all other people who have received gimpy Gothic Unicorns:

                            Those white flecks look like the dust that can sometimes get onto pieces from the paint booth. If you rub it, will they come off? Often, when I find this defect, I pick at the spots with a fingernail and they just pop off without harming the piece. If they are stuck on, it’s possible that they were clear-coated over.

                            I think that the ones I am seeing were clear coated over, as I cannot get the biggest one off with my fingernail. It’s definitely something that is on TOP of the black paint though, so I figured maybe it was dust or something. Once in a great while when I clear coat something, the clear coat itself has some specks in it so I figured maybe it was something like that.

                            I also wanted to mention that I have been in correspondence with Susie today and I think that it’s good to know that Windstone really REALLY wants to know if ever you get a defective piece! I know a lot of the pieces that have been discussed here with defects weren’t mentioned to Windstone, and from what I gather with talking to Susie, even if you don’t want to send the piece back – even if you’re happy with it, they still want to know about the defect! Anyway, I thought I was doing them a favor by opting to keep the Uni, but I think Windstone would rather know about even minor issues rather than people keeping silent about them 🙂

                            Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                            Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

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