Show your Collection, v.6!

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      My Emperor collection is nearing a ‘stopping’ point… Almost all are accounted for! The only production I will be missing is Emerald Peacock, and I’ll get that one soon enough. I have Ruby, Red Fire, Peacock, Old Green, Emerald, Gold, Silver, and Black Gold in my possession. Rainbow, Pearl and Old Brown on the way in the next week or two. So Empea is all that’s left(and Amethyst, whenever that’s released). Plus my Wampus Cat and Tiger Emperor. The ‘family’ is nearly all together! <3

      Congrats Wampus, nothing better than finding missing pieces and completing a set!

      BTW, just out of curiosity, did you win Wampus Cat or buy him from the winner?

      Wampus Dragon

        I won Wampus Cat last August or September I believe. He’s kind of what started the whole thing because thats when I realized the Emperor was my favorite sculpt, like some others collect fledgies or OWs, etc.


          I’ve always wanted to see Barry’s collection. He’s bought many of my pyos! Awesome!


            I got my very first OW today!! SQUEEE!! I am in LOVE. These pictures do him NO justice. The Empea is a gorgeous color but I guess it just doesn’t photograph well! Mostly, it’s the purple that ends up looking faded in the picture, and I think that’s what really makes the color shine, the contrast that the purple adds. *swoon* I love him so much, and now I can’t wait to get another one!!

            must.. clear.. more shelves…!!

            I love the light green color in the EmPea too – it matches the grass in my yard perfectly – it’s that bright and beautiful!

            Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
            Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


              Awesome! Congratulations!


                Very lovely Hannah! ^_^ If you dont mind me asking, did you get him from the Windstone store or another dealer or from a forum member? I ask because I’m curious to see if the color has evolved much since it was released. I want to get one with lots of the blue/green turquoise color, but if the current scheme being sold doesn’t have much of that, I’ll have to keep my eyes extra peeled on the fourm for an older one that has more turquoise. Yours is veeeery pretty!


                My Emperor collection is nearing a ‘stopping’ point… Almost all are accounted for! The only production I will be missing is Emerald Peacock, and I’ll get that one soon enough. I have Ruby, Red Fire, Peacock, Old Green, Emerald, Gold, Silver, and Black Gold in my possession. Rainbow, Pearl and Old Brown on the way in the next week or two. So Empea is all that’s left(and Amethyst, whenever that’s released). Plus my Wampus Cat and Tiger Emperor. The ‘family’ is nearly all together! <3

                I want to see an emperor circle when that collection is complete ^^


                  Thanks Wolfen 😀 I’m really excited to finally have an OW!

                  I got him from another forum member, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t mind me saying but just in case, I’ll send her an email and see if she doesn’t mind telling you when she got it – I seem to remember her saying that she only had it displayed for a couple of months, but that doesn’t give me any idea on how old it is though XD

                  He definitely doesn’t have much purple on him, but the pictures really do him no justice in that department – even though it’s sparse, the purple is very vibrant! it just didn’t want to show up in the image ><

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                    Hehe, I know how you feel Hannah, I got my first OW a few weeks ago and I absolutely adore him! He was bigger then I thought (which I always like…) and well, he’s just awesome! OW’s seem to have the OMG!!!! effect on people! I still can’t take my eyes off mine! Enjoy him, he is beautiful in that colour!:D


                    Very lovely Hannah! ^_^ If you dont mind me asking, did you get him from the Windstone store or another dealer or from a forum member? I ask because I’m curious to see if the color has evolved much since it was released. I want to get one with lots of the blue/green turquoise color, but if the current scheme being sold doesn’t have much of that, I’ll have to keep my eyes extra peeled on the fourm for an older one that has more turquoise. Yours is veeeery pretty!

                    She got him from me 🙂
                    I want to say I got him about 2 years ago. I know the store must have had him about 6 months before that because every time I would walk by I would drool a little ;D

                    I am so glad you love him Hannah! ^_^

                    Wampus Dragon

                      I recently ordered the silver and amethyst OWs. Now all of the production OWs I’ve been pursuing are accounted for. I collect amethyst, ruby, red fire, emerald and silver. I’m not missing very many pieces anymore and now Im not missing OWs at all. I might later go back with colors I dont collect and at least get the OWs like I did with the Emperors. White Pearl, Black Gold, Gold and Empea are the OWs I’m missing. Maybe a Black Violet Peacock if Melody ever paints any more of those!

                      I also got the chance to buy Tiger OW #2. So he will be coming home to me soon! <3

                      I really feel bad about not having pics yet. Two obstacles in my way. My new home is being painted right now so I cant unpack any of them. And the barrister bookcases I ordered are not ready to be delivered yet. Not to mention I'm still not done packing and moving the whole collection yet. Only about 80% done. The only windstones out of the box and on display so far is a tiny bookcase that contains three emperors(silver, gold and black gold), an old green male and 2 PYO Ki-rins.


                      I love how fast the shipping is

                      Here is my newest one:
                      <img src="102_1728>

                      He’s helping me shop for a big brother for him…


                        It was a long journey for the little hatching dragon. We won’t go into the details of what happens when a daddy dragon and a mommy dragon really, really love each other, because such things are best left private. Plus, I have a few dragons staring me down right now and I fear they’d tear holes in all my socks and hide my car keys if I were to talk about such intimate details here.

                        Suffice it to say, that there was a dragon, newly hatched. He was unique and unusual, his coloration vibrant and his eyes bright and gleaming. His color was like polished bronze, and it was so beautiful that his egg’s shell decided it liked the color so much that it’d steal some for itself.

                        The little hatching dragon traveled to his new home, nervous to meet other hatching dragons. ‘Will they all have bright shells like mine?’ he wondered. ‘Will they have gleaming turquoise eyes like mine?’ he thought. ‘Will they like to hunt crickets like I do?’ he pondered.

                        When he arrived, he found many dragons already present. The Old Warrior Council was meeting in the War Room, and The Lap Council was in the Sitting Room. He was quickly shuffled off to the kids’ table. (Which, in his opinion, was the best place to be anyway!)

                        Once he arrived, the other hatching dragons stared at him. He stared back. None of them had colored eggs! None of them had vibrant teal eyes! The oldest, Zan, stuck his tongue out and called a Hatcher Council.

                        It took a few tries, but eventually the young dragons managed to hop and wiggle and roll themselves into a shape that loosely resembled a circle.

                        “What should we do with this newcommer?” Zan asked.

                        His second in command, a slightly younger green dragon, flicked his tail and narrowed his eyes. “He must prove himself worthy!”

                        “You’re so full of yourself,” Rainbow insisted, a mischievous glint to his eyes. He grinned and gave a small trumpet. “He may look different, but he’s one of us!”

                        Before the discussion could progress any further, the grown up dragons called for a family portrait. Together, the hatchers all trundled to the photographing area, and Zan pulled the newcomer up onto the platform. “Welcome to the family,” he whispered. The newcomer grinned just as the picture was taken, happy to be home.

                        The End

                        (Credit goes to WolfenMachine for the OW Council, and Keplilly for the Lap Council! I hope they don’t mind me linking to their pictures.) 😀


                        LOL that is adorable! I’m glad you got your hatcher family all together now. I can’t see anyone missing; are they all accounted for or are you still hunting for sneaky ones?


                          Hehe, thank you!

                          I’m still missing the production red fire (the one I have has red eyes) and an emerald with orange eyes. 😀

                          The hunt is most of the fun, though. I’m not in any real rush to complete the set. When they’re ready to be found, I’ll find those two. 😀

                          And congrats on your fledgie! He’s adorable!

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