September 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags September 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread

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  • #902441

      Sure thing, I should be able to do it tonight. 🙂


        I couldn’t believe my uni arrived so fast! This is SunFeather, she is a pearl white uni with a light pearl yellow, so sweet looking!

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        Gah I wants that bright pink one!


          Here are some (crappy) pictures of “Arowana.” He is black with silvery white scales, mane, tail, and blaze. He has metallic periwinkle eyes, golden hooves, and a bit of sparkle in the black. The links on his collar are super sharp. Gorgeous!

          From Sep 9, 2013
          From Drop Box
          From Drop Box
          From Drop Box
          From Sep 9, 2013

          Here is Merry – a winterberry uni! Somebody correct me if I’m wrong – have there been any other winterberry young unis, or is she the first? She has a gold leaf design with hints of deep rose pink along the center where it meets her mane, and dashes of purple and greens at the edges. pearl-pink mane, and pearl face, socks, and tail that also have dustings of gold. Red eyes and red gems. A very cheerful uni indeed! Hannah, you’re welcome to use photos in your database.

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          She’ll be up for trade in the classifieds, if anyone is interested!

          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


            Loving these photos! I think Duet is my favourite of the ones who have shown their beautifully painted noses so far!

            Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



              oooh, Gossamer was one of my favorites! Love Denial too, perfect name, LOL


                Sure thing, I should be able to do it tonight. 🙂

                yey! want to see more of those interesting patterns on him!

                4 things I'm looking for:
                1. Mother Meerkat
                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                  Got mine today. Meet Vertigo.

                   photo Windstones002_zps6d4f44f7.jpg

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                  She came! Unfortunately, she arrived after it was too dark to photograph her so I’m posting stock photos for now:

                  Presenting – Lamore!

                  It’s hard to see (I’ll take pictures tomorrow) but she is a leopard appy with spots that are morphing into ravens. Awesome!


                    I LOVE those bird ones! Congrats!!


                    I literally laughed out loud when I turned this boyo over to discover his name.

                    Meet Denial:


                    (More pics tomorrow, when there’s a little more light and time. I like him, and would probably be happy keeping him, but will consider trades.)


                    So excited, they are so pretty so far! Keep them coming, everyone!


                      Got mine today. Meet Vertigo.

                       photo Windstones002_zps6d4f44f7.jpg

                      I LOVE this one. 🙂 Great catch! Let me know if you are up for trades. 🙂


                        That’s interesting how all the first ones have been yellow & orange ones or black & white. I wonder when the first colourful candycorns will show up.

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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