
Sculpting and Painting

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        Hey Melody!

        What is/was the most difficult sculpt you have done and which has been the easiest?

        Also, what is your favorite sculp to paint?


          SilverArrow wrote:

          Hey Melody!

          What is/was the most difficult sculpt you have done and which has been the easiest?

          Also, what is your favorite sculp to paint?
          The easiest was the hatching rock with eyes. It is just a cast rock with cracks and eyes peeking out!
          The hardest, well, if you mean time-wise, the Secret Keeper took us over two years, or something like that, to finish. She was really a problem, too, because we couldn’t figure out how to make her feet fit. If you look in my Elfwood gallery there is a pic of the rough clay model. You can see that she originally had both feet on her tail. They just wouldn’t fit! Finally, out of desperation, I raised her paw, that is why she is Secret Keeper. Her secret is that I made a mistake,and designed her wrong.
          My favorite one to paint is the old warrior, fortunately. He always looks good. Oddly enoough, many of the other dragons don’t look good in colors that the Old Warrioer looks good in. The ones that are hardest to paint. Kirins. They are murder. The griffin family is giving me headaches, also.


            Thanks for asking, SilverArrow.
            Since kirins aren’t being produced, it saves Melody that headache. But I’m getting curiouser and curiouser to see which color she’ll decide on for the griffs. Evidently she didn’t go the democratic way and take whatever color the majority voted for in the old poll. 😆


              Ah, I see why. Nyalah was the winning color, and it’s the hardest to paint.


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Thanks for asking, SilverArrow.
                Since kirins aren’t being produced, it saves Melody that headache. But I’m getting curiouser and curiouser to see which color she’ll decide on for the griffs. Evidently she didn’t go the democratic way and take whatever color the majority voted for in the old poll. 😆

                Could you give me a link to the poll? I can’t find it again!


                      That’s it, SPark.

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