Safari and Fantasy Tadpoad Show Off Thread

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  • #937453

      I look at your lone pastel and all I can think of is when C3PO stands up among all the Ewoks and they all start worshiping him. Yes, I know, Star Wars on the brain. Hard to escape it right now. 😉

      Haha it surely does! 🙂

      lol your loan pastel tad looks a bit intimidated

      I agree, I would be also if I was her! lol

      .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


        Thanks to some great trades (thanks, guys!) I not only have a couple of adorable tadpoads, but ones to form families! Well… brother-from-a-different-mother kinds of families, but that still counts! 😀 They fit right in with my foxes.

         photo IMG_2167 640x480_zpsvturyu2s.jpg

        Thank you Melody for these little cuties. It’s a good thing I have negative shelf space – I’d treat these guys like fun-size candy and get a whole bowlful if I could!

        Wow, Zelda! That’s one awesome little fox!

        Is she a grab bag or eBay?

        Life is beautiful.


          I almost didn’t post this cuz I feel so bad lol.

          Cuz this happened.

          The 3rd came while I was working out a deal to sell my 2nd one and was later traded. The 4th came this morning before I left to take the 2nd/3rd to the post office. I had to repackage stuff cuz I really wanted to take a pic of this lol. I was totally shaking my head.

          And these all came straight from the store! My mind is blown.


            I almost didn’t post this cuz I feel so bad lol.

            Cuz this happened.

            The 3rd came while I was working out a deal to sell my 2nd one and was later traded. The 4th came this morning before I left to take the 2nd/3rd to the post office. I had to repackage stuff cuz I really wanted to take a pic of this lol. I was totally shaking my head.

            And these all came straight from the store! My mind is blown.

            Well I hope you like birds =)


              I almost didn’t post this cuz I feel so bad lol.

              Cuz this happened.

              The 3rd came while I was working out a deal to sell my 2nd one and was later traded. The 4th came this morning before I left to take the 2nd/3rd to the post office. I had to repackage stuff cuz I really wanted to take a pic of this lol. I was totally shaking my head.

              And these all came straight from the store! My mind is blown.

              What are the odds?! Crazy!

              Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                I almost didn’t post this cuz I feel so bad lol.

                Cuz this happened.

                The 3rd came while I was working out a deal to sell my 2nd one and was later traded. The 4th came this morning before I left to take the 2nd/3rd to the post office. I had to repackage stuff cuz I really wanted to take a pic of this lol. I was totally shaking my head.

                And these all came straight from the store! My mind is blown.

                Wow, Xali! That’s unbelievable!!! If I were you, I’d head out to buy a lottery ticket. 😉

                I kept trying for a sparrow, but kept getting AWD’s so I finally gave up in futility.

                Nice grabs!


                  I almost didn’t post this cuz I feel so bad lol.

                  Cuz this happened.

                  The 3rd came while I was working out a deal to sell my 2nd one and was later traded. The 4th came this morning before I left to take the 2nd/3rd to the post office. I had to repackage stuff cuz I really wanted to take a pic of this lol. I was totally shaking my head.

                  And these all came straight from the store! My mind is blown.

                  Hahah. Wow!! Lucky! I have one too 🙂 If I ever get another, s/he will be up for trade!


                    Holy smokes Xali, I wish I had your luck! 🙂 Congrats on the great grabs!


                       photo image_zpscbrq6c4q.jpeg

                      Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                         photo image_zpscbrq6c4q.jpeg

                        Ooooo! Yours has the wing detail too! Awesome grab!

                        Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                          I finally got around to posting pictures of these two. They were part of my final tadpoad purchase, back before Thanksgiving, and I was excited to get two that I really liked (at last!). I would really like to find matching young poads for them with the new GBs when they come out (assuming similar colored ones were even painted)…and I defintely don’t have the money to toss around like I did with the tadpoads. Thus I would greatly appreciate it if people kept their eyes out or send me a PM if they get one they don’t like that matches this pair. Thanks guys. 🙂

                          I suppose I should probably make a wanted ad too. Hrm…

                          The rainbow one has a little metallic lavendar at his crest and phases through blue and green (I only wish his pattern was a little more remarkable as it’s just a few black patches on his back). The other is a beautiful silver and light teal poison dart. Now all I need to do is find a violet purple one!


                            I finally got around to posting pictures of these two. They were part of my final tadpoad purchase, back before Thanksgiving, and I was excited to get two that I really liked (at last!). I would really like to find matching young poads for them with the new GBs when they come out (assuming similar colored ones were even painted)…and I defintely don’t have the money to toss around like I did with the tadpoads. Thus I would greatly appreciate it if people kept their eyes out or send me a PM if they get one they don’t like that matches this pair. Thanks guys. 🙂

                            I suppose I should probably make a wanted ad too. Hrm…

                            The rainbow one has a little metallic lavendar at his crest and phases through blue and green (I only wish his pattern was a little more remarkable as it’s just a few black patches on his back). The other is a beautiful silver and light teal poison dart. Now all I need to do is find a violet purple one!

                            Ooooo! I love the teal/silver one!!!! I’d love to try to get one like that, but I would probably end up with orange or red.

                            Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                              Here is my blind trade taddie. So unique!

                               photo 20151204_122335_zpshhxorrfq.jpg
                               photo 20151204_122351_zpsvyrbchia.jpg
                               photo 20151204_122359_zpsdef9672v.jpg
                               photo 20151204_122406_zps5s3sg2lb.jpg


                                Betrluk1 –

                                Love your blind trade taddie, congrats. Beautiful colors and love the pink tuft.


                                Thanks to some great trades (thanks, guys!) I not only have a couple of adorable tadpoads, but ones to form families! Well… brother-from-a-different-mother kinds of families, but that still counts! 😀 They fit right in with my foxes.

                                 photo IMG_2167 640x480_zpsvturyu2s.jpg

                                Thank you Melody for these little cuties. It’s a good thing I have negative shelf space – I’d treat these guys like fun-size candy and get a whole bowlful if I could!

                                Wow, Zelda! That’s one awesome little fox!

                                Is she a grab bag or eBay?

                                She’s a grab bag, yup! 🙂

                                Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

                              Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 190 total)
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