Safari and Fantasy Tadpoad Show Off Thread

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  • #937105

    Thanks to some great trades (thanks, guys!) I not only have a couple of adorable tadpoads, but ones to form families! Well… brother-from-a-different-mother kinds of families, but that still counts! 😀 They fit right in with my foxes.

     photo IMG_2167 640x480_zpsvturyu2s.jpg

    Great looking families!
    It looks like my Young Uni would fit right in with the first XD
     photo Skell_zpsloyymvuu.jpg


    Great looking families!
    It looks like my Young Uni would fit right in with the first XD
     photo Skell_zpsloyymvuu.jpg

    *jawdrops* I didn’t know there was a thylacine uni out there too, what a handsome fella! Thanks for sharing him. Recently-extinct-carnivorous-marsupial-lookalikes of the world unite! 😉

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


    No worries XD I didn’t realize he was a thylacine until you posted yours.


      Neither are from this batch, but just wanted to share my gorgeous new Tads!
      I think they match nicely 😀 Thanks to those who traded with me!
      Click on the picture to view at full resolution 🙂

       photo Tadpoads_zpsrfhcyeua.png

      ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

      • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
      ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
      ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
      ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

      • ► By Melody ◄ •
      ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
      ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
      ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


        Thanks to some great trades (thanks, guys!) I not only have a couple of adorable tadpoads, but ones to form families! Well… brother-from-a-different-mother kinds of families, but that still counts! 😀 They fit right in with my foxes.

         photo IMG_2167 640x480_zpsvturyu2s.jpg photo IMG_2114 640x480_zpsduf56xlp.jpg

        Thank you Melody for these little cuties. It’s a good thing I have negative shelf space – I’d treat these guys like fun-size candy and get a whole bowlful if I could!



        Still waiting on my second order of GB Taddies (plus a grey sitting fox, ivory Fat Cat, and Poad patch)… just checked tracking and they arrived in Anchorage today after making a “side trip” to Arizona. Guess they wanted to see some sun before heading up to Alaska!


          Cute tiger ones! I wonder how many leopard ones were painted? I would still love to get one of those if anyone wants one of mine for trade or wants to sell one!

          I didn’t keep count! I think I did about ten of each kind, or more, except the taz tigers and a couple other odd ones.

          This first one is a African wild dog, but what are these other ones I got?

          EDIT – I’ve had offers for the bird poad, so to help curb disappointment, sorry, I won’t be trading him!


            Cute tiger ones! I wonder how many leopard ones were painted? I would still love to get one of those if anyone wants one of mine for trade or wants to sell one!

            I didn’t keep count! I think I did about ten of each kind, or more, except the taz tigers and a couple other odd ones.

            This first one is a African wild dog, but what are these other ones I got?

            Maybe a beagle or other dog and a Golden Crowned Sparrow. Nice grabs!
            We certainly have seen a lot of African Wild Dogs. Either Melody painted more than 10 of them or they are breeding behind her back.


              Cute tiger ones! I wonder how many leopard ones were painted? I would still love to get one of those if anyone wants one of mine for trade or wants to sell one!

              I didn’t keep count! I think I did about ten of each kind, or more, except the taz tigers and a couple other odd ones.

              This first one is a African wild dog, but what are these other ones I got?

              EDIT – I’ve had offers for the bird poad, so to help curb disappointment, sorry, I won’t be trading him!

              golden crowned sparrow and a beagle


                Two new tadpoads. 🙂

                A very interesting AWD with light patches that look like wings:

                A charming little bird. 🙂 My first idea was “White Crowned Sparrow” (because of the head stripes) but I think she is a Red-breasted Nuthatch. I love nuthatches!


                  Cute tiger ones! I wonder how many leopard ones were painted? I would still love to get one of those if anyone wants one of mine for trade or wants to sell one!

                  I didn’t keep count! I think I did about ten of each kind, or more, except the taz tigers and a couple other odd ones.

                  This first one is a African wild dog, but what are these other ones I got?

                  EDIT – I’ve had offers for the bird poad, so to help curb disappointment, sorry, I won’t be trading him!

                  golden crowned sparrow and a beagle

                  Awesome, thanks!


                    A couple of new arrivals. The tasmanian tiger was one of my top favorites and he’ll be staying. He’s a blend of gray & taupe, and just stunning. Thanks to another forum member for the trade for the pastel. And, does anyone know if the fellow on the left is an AWD with a white tummy, or a spotted beagls?


                      Here is my clutter of Natural tadpoads surrounding my lone Pastel tadpoad. They are mystified by her strange markings and color!

                      .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


                        lol your loan pastel tad looks a bit intimidated


                          I look at your lone pastel and all I can think of is when C3PO stands up among all the Ewoks and they all start worshiping him. Yes, I know, Star Wars on the brain. Hard to escape it right now. 😉

                          Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.

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