Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first

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      Found this on Etsy… Aren’t Flap Cats (at least the name) copyright to Windstone?

      I am not 100% sure on that one. It’d probably be best to email it to John if you can! He knows and can decide.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        It looks like a fancy copy of that pendant that was copying our good cat candlelamp!


          Found this on Etsy… Aren’t Flap Cats (at least the name) copyright to Windstone?

          Sent to John just in case.


            This place has two that sorta look like really bad copies of windstone pieces.
            Item #’s: AN714 and AN715

            Can’t see picture clear enough to really tell myself. Not forum savvy so sorry if link doesn’t show up properly.


              Oh geez.. yeah, these two are problems:


              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Yeah looks like they tried to alter the appearance but wasnt very skilled at it.


                  We have one of these here, or one that looks very similar. Easily the ugliest knockoffs I have seen!


                    I remember when these got reported a few months ago.. how long does it generally take for websites to take down their copyright infringement items? It makes me a little sick knowing how long it’s taken this particular website to take them down (and they still havent!), and all the while people are unknowingly purchasing cheesy knockoff Windstones.. bleh.

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                    This is interesting, just bringing it up incase it is a problem. At first I thought it was a repaint…but look at the eyes! Maybe it was molded off a real male dragon then painted. Or because the eye socket area is messed up, maybe someone got the original eyes out and put in those creepy black ones.



                      This is interesting, just bringing it up incase it is a problem. At first I thought it was a repaint…but look at the eyes! Maybe it was molded off a real male dragon then painted. Or because the eye socket area is messed up, maybe someone got the original eyes out and put in those creepy black ones.


                      That’s a tough one. I’m inclined to go with very badly done repaint, and then 30 thousand years worth of dust, but it’s really hard to tell. Maybe they painted right over the eyes? People have done that before.

                      Then again it may be a really good ripoff with a really bad painjob and 30 thousand years of dust….

                      I’d have to see it in person or see better photos to know.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                      My art:


                      out of curiosity I asked the buyer a few questions: if he/she knew if it was a repaint, if the windstone logo was on the felted bottom, and about the eye color.

                      “The dragon’s eyes are the same color as the rest of the dragon. There is no Windstone logo on the bottom, it is also the same color as the rest of the dragon. This item was given to me so I do not know if it is a repaint.”

                      So yeah, still a mystery.


                        Yeah, I asked the buyer also. She said there was no felt bottom on it at all.


                          I have no idea if this has been reported before, it’s very old and may have been done with Windstone/Melody’s permission (although neither are credited), but here goes:



                            OK, so maybe it’s just be, but I would like to submit this to the court of public opinion:


                            I don’t know this person, but I’ve watched her on DA for a while, and I’ve noticed a little bit of a…shall we say, trend, with her painting schemes. Down at the bottom of that page, she has hatchling sculpts painted in what looks very similar to Rainbow, Emerald Peacock, Gold, and Silver (the last two of which I know Windstone doesn’t have the market cornered on, but all the same).

                            What do you guys think? Coinkydink?


                              OK, so maybe it’s just be, but I would like to submit this to the court of public opinion:


                              I don’t know this person, but I’ve watched her on DA for a while, and I’ve noticed a little bit of a…shall we say, trend, with her painting schemes. Down at the bottom of that page, she has hatchling sculpts painted in what looks very similar to Rainbow, Emerald Peacock, Gold, and Silver (the last two of which I know Windstone doesn’t have the market cornered on, but all the same).

                              What do you guys think? Coinkydink?

                              Doubtful. If you take a look at the scaling patterns on the stomach and the shape of the head, there are some definite similarities to the hatching empress. There are also jewels placed in the forehead as well. I don’t know if it is similar enough, but you may want to report this to John.

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