Repairs…Pic needed!!!

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    I have a friend from Pakistan. He has fired every gun you can think of. Hell, they are allowed to carry them wherever they want. 😯 But he’s also from one of the “bigger” families…We talk guns all the time. Movies yeah, but most of those are male orientated… 🙄 (Except GI Jane maybe 😛 )


    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

    Guns, rifles, and high explosive weapons are cool and fun?

    DUH! Video games are lame compared the real thing, and in the movies some of the things they do with guns are just plain stupid. An SMG in every hand and firing level – that’s just BS.


      Shooting firearms, when done in a safe and responsible way, can be quite enjoyable! Just like any other weapon, be it a katana, shotgun, or a car, when the user is educated in the proper and safe use of the weapon it can be an enjoyable experience to use! I love shooting skeet and target shooting. I was raised around firearms and was taught that safety and respect as a first priority. 🙂

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      DUH! Video games are lame compared the real thing, and in the movies some of the things they do with guns are just plain stupid. An SMG in every hand and firing level – that’s just BS.

      Agreed! Allthough movies and videogames are fun, it’s dangerous when people think they are something that can be done in real life, or try to mimic them. These days, video games and movies are sometimes the only education someone has about firearms, and they are full of misinformation and (of course) safety is usually an afterthought, if it’s included at all. Fortunately most people are intelligent enough to know that movies and games are full of BS!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      We’re in total agreement, Nambroth.

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